Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Didnt know they were about as npcs.
But i was thinking more about them being a bit homeless now haha

The high elves of Dalaran are homeless… Perhaps they will join the void elves.

Didn’t expect that Dalaran would be destroyed. But nice to see Silver Covenant High elves again getting some screen time after Blizzard have ignored/forgotten their existence for years after Void elves was made playable.

Seems there will customization for Humans, Kultiran, Blood elves and Void elves to look as Half elves. With round ears for the Elves and sharp ears for Humans.

Was going to log in to the patch to see if there was anything new but seems the servers are down.

Vereesa is missing, I hope she is safe.:thinking:

If the Silver Covenant is there, Then Vereesa is not far away. Im sure she is somewhere on that beach/shore.

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High elves ! :eyes:

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why would elf re join allience way allience treat them like garbege undere grandmarsel garatos command treat them like crap honest big reason for them rejoin hate not ez forgoten

Why there is black high elf magi…

There isnt black high elves, no offense but thats the truth

They’re just new high elf NPCs with SL customizations.

There is no reason why high elves shouldn’t be tan/black or with golden eyes.

Like there is no reason that Pikachu can’t be the Night elves God

Most high elves (especially those of the Alliance) do not wear red or black for fear of being mistaken as blood elves. They have shorter ears and much smaller, lighter bodies than night elves. As well, their ears usually point upwards whereas those of the night elves do not.

There is no black night elve then if HE are lighter than NE , HE cant be black

Thats just a woke, anti lore, thing.

Tbh the original lore has been widely twisted and retconned already in many ways. More customization options are always a plus and you can still play your light-skinned elf if you want.

Besides, I guess since those HEs would have been living in Hallowfall with the Arathi for millenia, Blizz could always justify it by saying some might have gotten darker skin tones from the exposition to that giant crystal’s light.

But they didnt

There is zero explaination about Black’dorei.

And crystal light doesnt turn skins into dark

Adding another elf race would be pointless, already now you can rp your void or blood elf is a high elf if that’s what makes your boat float.
I’d rather see gnolls and kobolds as playable races. That would be awesome.

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you cant, blood elves are abolutely not high elves and because of enthropic embrace making your character like a smurf everytimes you cant rp as well

Because high elves come in a number of skin colours. Same as blood elves.

Weird thing to ask.

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Before the woke patch (SL?) they doesnt exist.

So they appear magically?

Weird thing to ask.

Thing is weird is deny.

So where were black’dorei before? Vacancy? Other planet ? Is that a skin disease or something else? Mutation?

agree we need 4th dwarf race to balance out the elves. Maybe high dwarves?


Blizzard makes the lore, so they decide what fits the lore and what doesn’t.


Yes. Like several races, locations and classes over the years.


This thing is identical with current WH 40K controversy about the Female Custodies. Games Workshop introduced them not as a retcon with entire buildup and explanation regarded to it, but as a piece of information that has always been a fact.

They were always there hence it is not a Retcon. People got riled up because it is an obvious insult to the basic Human Intelligence.

Such changes in WoW’s case didn’t spark such sudden backlash because unlike with WH 40K, where the lore used to be kept in tight grip and remained very consistent, WoW’s lore became a joke during BfA and remains as such to this day.

Many people checked out of it and simply do not care if suddenly some NPCs in Stormind got replaced with the new ones bearing some African touch.

But the process is the same. Blizzard simply shoehorned them without any logical explanation at all.

It started as a simple option for the players to be able to represent themselves within the game. A player that is of Black descent can make a character that looks similar to them. Which is a valid point because eveyone does it. Everyone tries to make their own personal hero as close to them as possible.

But then they appeared as an integral part of the Stormwind and by extention Human society as if they ever were there. But that only, ONLY is in the case of the Black NPCs because Blizzard knew how idiotic it would be to put Asian characters as we had an entire Pandaria expansion with the Pandaren pretty much representing entire Oriental culture.

Even though we do have Asian based customization options in character creation.

So yes I smell BS here. And the case of Elves, Blood Elves to be more specific is even more confusing. At least with Humans, Blizzard bothered to give them the characteristic facial structure to represent them properly. Elves? They just were given darker options with their faces still having clear Caucassian features.

And again no explanation was given. Like none at all. Where there could be some logicall and good fantasy lore about it. I even read on American Forum a theory that Sunwell’s new Light nature caused in Blood Elf society such phenomenon called “Sun Tan”.

When Sunwell became a mix of Arcane and Light powers, it caused a nation wide range phenomenon within Thalassian community in Quel’thalas.

Elves that remain within close proximity to it, Like few steps away, gradually have their skin become darker and darker. Until it is pretty much black. But if they move away, their skin pales back again over time.

This would be an interesting concept and one that could separate Elves from the Humans. They would not be white nor black. They would just be Elves and leave it at that.

Now about the representation of the Black People in WoW, American Forum pointed out that pretty much Jamaican Trolls are the best example for it. And since Americans live much closer to that Island I assume they have much more valid standing to make such assumption.

Not for me to be the judge of that but upon the research of the Real World Jamaica I am more proned to agree.

As for Humans in WoW. Stormwind, Lordaeron and Strom people are 100% based on Medieval Europe, Gilneas and Kul Tiras are closer to Victorian times. The point that I am drawing is that Humans of Azeroth are based on White Man’s history and folklore. One that is exclusively tied to them and sees no other ethnicities within it. At least not in the higher echelons like nobility and or officer ranks within a military.

In other words things like English Crusader, French Musketeer, Scandinavian Viking, Scotish Clan Member are all examples of White Man’s history that made into the Pop-Culture.

And thus if a Company wants to create characters in a fantasy setting based on those examples, it should do it properly and with respect.

To be blunt, creating a Black Human NPC, wearing armor, clothes and all other things exclusively tied to Caucassian history folklore and legacy, especially from Medieval times is not a Representation.

It is not an Inclusion. It is a Misrepresentation and it is a Direspect toward an entire ethnicity who’s legacy it is.

If WoW was a story about American Fire Fighters then sure. We can go all in. As it is a formation that consists of people from all ethnicities and backgrounds. But when we deal with cultures and societies based on historical templates, ones that are product of a singular type of people connected to a very specific time and place on Earth then some form of consistency and respect is of paramount importance.

That is why WH 40K is in such turmoil and why in WoW’s case it has slipped by like a silent fart with almost no one giving crap about it.