Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

i just really hope, the midnight expansion it is when high elves will be finally playable. Once and for all.


amen ve amen


Too much USA politics and ideology washed over the azeroth. It was the second cataclysm. Obviously blizz is USA company thus it reflects on the game. I guess after the scandals they had to become the other side of the extreme spectrum which rules over USA right now.

I always loved that all kind of ethnicities were portrayed as given race.

People gave crap about the lore but were laughed at for some reason by this community.
WoW is butchered but it is what it is. We cant do anything about it anymore.
The the low key race swapping was just hilarious and it does not work the other way around. Time to boycott blizz and make pandaria more diverse! We need more (black) humans there too!

I want to see albinos Taurens

thats whitemoophobia

True and nothing we can do about it. Its happening in all fantasy games/movies but Still Im hoping Chris metzen will give us some of Warcraft feeling which wow have not been for years.

Well I wonder How blizz going to explain that. That the Humans in Hallowfall are all Half elves. The Arathi Humans in Hallowfall were 100% Human when they left the Eastern Kingdoms shores. There is no record from either Stormwind or Lorderon or Gilenas about these humans leaving the shores eastern kingdoms. Well Stromgarde might have had records as it was the first human kingdom but everything was destroyed in second war with the Horde. None of them knew a group of humans left the shores of Eastern kingdoms. They left several 1000 of years ago in search of whatever was calling to them. Before Horde, before Anduin Lothar before Dalaran was built, before they met the High elves. So were does the pointy ears come from? The first king in lordearon or should have been king if he hadn’t sacrifed himself to save people. His sister was the first to hear the voice, the song and started the Church of Light. and that was long before High elves ever set foot on the eastern kingdoms. So I wonder how Blizzard is going to explain that, Sure they could met a bunch of Highborne or Night elves during their search as there was Highborne/Night elves scattered all over Azeroth as we seen ruins of Highborne everywhere, that helped Arathi but were too few to be its own race and the Artathi let them in to their socaity as thanks and they intermingle over the 1000 years that has past and making all half elves but they 100% Human and Barbarians when they left the shores of eatern kingdoms. No one knew they existed and as half elves there is only record of Allerias son Arathor and Veeresa to have half elven children, sure some of the Kirin tor members “might” have intermingle but nothing has come up with the lore, yes there might be one that was a Guardian but that was after humans and elves had met.

Lol I don’t know how Taliesin thinks the leader of the Arathi humans in Hallowfall is the daughter of Anduin Lothar…I mean how? Just because they share the same family name. No that tree branch is too far of the tree, they might share the same family name as they are both Arathi but they are not related in anyway. My neighbor has the same family name but we are not related in anyway.

I think its more a fan service why the Arathi humans are half elves but whatever, it will make the people who want to play half elves happy. But hey my main rogue might be able to look like a skinny human with human ears.

Yeah the same goes for Black humans and Asian Humans in wow. There is no explanation, they just…exist. (exist for fan service really and feeling
represented game is more likely, they can still have that by giving them their own origin).

However Blizzard could have made the effort and explanation and made Black humans come from another part of Azeroth were they have their own kingdom/empire. Customs and tradition and had different “image” that of the Eastern Kingdom humans as they have always been pale/white as they were based of Western europe humans, that would have made more sense. And done the same for Asian humans. Just like Warhammer or Elderscrolls have done for years. Where does the redguard humans (Black humans) come from? Oh they come from this distant land to the west of the world map etc etc. They need their own Origin, where they come from and then, then they could made customizations (If they can’t have own race slot) for wow humans and that they have their own voice when selecting a black human or selecting a Asian human etc. But Blizzard made the easiest route and just made them as customization with no explanation. They could have…the humans (Which have people of color) in Uldum (which also in BFA got their own voice and sound like black people) well nothing indicate that there ever was a human Kingdom there. So Blizzard could made that these humans were just explorers of a company and actually came from a distant land to the west and there is a Human empire, which would have a different cultures of Black and Arabian human people. A land that has both deserts and a jungles. That came together against a common foe and bulit a Grand Empire with both technology and magic that would make sense for medieval fantasy. Maybe something like the game Lost Odyssey theme but with a Arabian them to it. As the Uhra faction there has combined technology and magic to their society. As we see the humans in Uldum have alot of technology with them with airplanes even if some a desert bandits. Im not saying they should be futuristic but something between Gnome/dwarf technology with a Kirin tor/dalaran society.

When it comes to elves there never been black elves or asian elves as like every other Elves in fantasy, they been pale/white as all come from the source of Tolkiens books. Pointy years, slender body and long hair, pale skin that was Tolkiens vision of an elf. As Norse mythology, elves do not look like that at all. That was all Tolkien vision of an elf as many have copy to their fantasy worlds. However Blizzard could have made effort just like the Black and Asian humans in wow that black elves and asian elves that they came from another part of Azeroth and have been altered to exposre to either magic or the land itself they come from have given them appereance that make them look either as Black elves or Asian elves. As in all fantasy there is only been Pale elves or Dark elves (Dark elves does not mean Black elves) but been have been in diffrent shades of Pale or Dark skinned elves due to various different reasons.

Its in every thing, be it in books, movies or games. Nothing we can do about it, tearing apart the past. Just like Star wars, Star trek, Lord of the rings…Warcraft and now Warhammer is next on the chopping block. But as I said im hoping that Chris Metzen will give some Warcraft feeling back in to the game.

I think the time has come, that we make our own fantasy how we want to play, live out our own fantasy than that has been written or made in the games.

Precisely, but there is no lore about black’dorei.
So what are you saying is irrelevant

Putting something non sense magically =/= lore

They may create a special tribe with lore and story and nice name like “San’dorei” = Dark elves etc etc who wanted to join Silvermoon people

But there is nothing, its again using minorities and exploithing them for ESG score

Drama-comic thing are abolutely no named black dorei, (or 2-5 max and not important ones) only guards, npc and stuff

Fact is when you log on BC/wotlk there is no black dorei anywhere and coding that kind of skin tone is abolutely easy but they didnt, because there is no elves like that in lore

So question is and its simple

BC/Wotlk = no black dorei
Shadowland patch = black dorei

Where those elves come from ?

Hmm sounds like Alleria regrets having her void powers. She wants to be with her family but her void powers prevents her from doing that.


Interesting. Well she is a High elf, who has mastered void powers.

There are already Sand-Gnomes in Terokkar quest, so why not Sand-Dwarves. In fact I wouldn’t mind if we got every single humanoid race from Dryads to Quillboars as playable but of course I know that would be practically impossible. Also I know I wouldn’t play all of them even myself, even today I only have one Nightborne because I just felt like making one but she’s pretty much abandoned because she looks like a strangled nelf.

Just grid down a new stone-dwarf in to find powder and voilá! You have a sand-dwarf
Results may vary

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Its an easter egg for sandsman star wars :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

nobody will be playng those dwarves. They are not popular. game is 50% elves then 50% all other races combined.

Well they are coming in war within. High Dwarves = Earthen Dwarves as they are abit taller than regular dwarves. So…you got your wish. (Careful what you wish for totem :slight_smile: ), Not sure I play an earthen dwarf yet. Maybe later during or after war within. Already got a regular Dwarf and Darkiron Dwarf.

She might abandon her void power after war within or in Midnight. During or after midnight expansion so she can go home to her family. Perhaps give her void powers to Umbric and let him be the leader of void elves. No more co lead. And with her new look she might be joining her sister’s Silver covenant or already have in war within. Gonna miss the hood and quiver and her wooden bow. Wish there was a Silver covenant colored version of the Thas’dorah bow. There is a crossbow with Silver covenant color so maybe blizzard have a Silver covenant version of Thas’dorah in the game file but they choosed to go with diffrent color so the horde would have something.

I wonder if we are going to see Vereesa’s chlidren, the Twins. They should be adult by now as the prince of the dwarves going to team up with us and he was born after wow vanilla. The twins were born after Wc3 so they should be older than him and be adults. And there will be more story about the Silver covenant and Sunreavers like it was in Wrath in War within they should be around somewhere and with Vereesa or did Blizzard forget about them existing as they have with Silver covenant since Void elves were introduced…

They come from that place called politics. And if you haven’t noticed the game is infested with it. They did the same with humans in Stormwind. Some of them just got darker skin over night.

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Ariaylyn is correct. If there is too much damage done to the Lore. Then no matter how much people try to push the “new normal” it is not going to wrork.

The simple answer is that Blizzard are NOT going to explain it.
You see a similar thing was done with Avatar the Legend of Aang. The first one was a great success. But the remakes and the Legend of Korra had FORCED Diversity and such pushed into it. Being a terrible follow up is also what left to the Legend of Aang being beloved and anything else is dead.

Blizzard Entertainment never bothered to explain where Black and Brown Humans Gnomes Elves came from either. Just bam they are here now.

Half Elves are even very poorly done. They are just pointy ear humans. The bland forgettable Elves that Amazon’s Rings of Power gave you.

It is understandable. WoW being “adapted for the modern audience”. You see there are those that enjoy hobbies and others that exist to change it.
The Witcher games is very popular regardless of being ethnically homogeneoues. Something that the the ‘usual suspects’ found to be problematic which is why they “diversified” it since season 2 of the Witcher tv show and came to a crashing hold with Blood Origins.

They have to have more going for them than the color of their skin. Gromash Hellscream of freed his people from the demon blood curse. Alternate Draenor Gromash Hellscream leaped through the air and buried Gorehowl in the face of Mannaroth. Thrall became the strongest Shaman on Azeroth.

To put it more clearly. This is the Death of Escapism. Not Hyperbole.
To explain. Fantasy was always supposed to take people away from the real world, Whatever their day to day life might be. Come home from school - kick back relax play your videogames. Come home from work - kick back relax play your videogames.

But the ‘cult of inclusivity’ considers anything and everything that is EXCLUSIVE to be “problematic”. Under them a niche will never become a franchise as there is literally nothing that appeals to everybody.
So. Elves that have been uniquely non-human throughout fantasy. Such as Elder Scrolls - Wood Elves are short stumpy and have a connection to wild life - High Elves are tall golden skills incredibly magically adept with 1000 year lifespans - Dark Elves are ashen coloured red eyes that are necromantically and…otherwise connected to their ancestors.

With Elder Scrolls Elves there is nothing that “represents” real world humans. So they are not Inclusive.
But the ‘cult of inclusivity’ if in positions of power will change that. Now the Elves of Ring’s of Power and these Half Elves “represent” every day humans. Convinced by their version of the “greater good” the goal to “represent” anybody and everybody is pushed no matter what damage is done.

However those that enjoyed the content does so for what it is. Not for the current day real world politics and problems that those who indulge in fantasy and escapism enjoy the content for.

Too much people are placing their faith and hopes on Chris Metzen. One man alone can not sail a ship. They need a crew. If Blizzard Entertainment as a company have drank the coolaid. Then it will inevitably corrupt the game.

Each person can decide if they research further.
But when the WORLD of Warcraft stops becoming about the fantasy world and the real world current year politics and such. Then WoW is truley dead.
So many people over 20 years has spoke about WoW killers this and WoW killers that. But just like Kratos in god of war 3. Only Kratos can kill Kratos and only WoW can kill WoW.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
We wuz Elves and sh1e33t
It could get a “modern day” retcon. Like what is happening with female custodes. the infamous “since the first 10000 there has always been female custodes”. Over 30 years of lore - stories - content - miniatures says otherwise.

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Maybe not, but he can steer it in the right direction. This woke stuff, seems to be blowing over regardless. Feels like this is the proverbial hour before the dawn.

I know Moltensage but if Chris Metzen can bring back…something of the old Warcraft…well Im willing to give wow another chance. (Which it looks like from what I seen for War within, But still need to experience war within first) Chris is the last chance for wow for me, If he can’t do it…well nothing will. Been a few years now that I wanted play a different MMO or quit MMO games all together. Also I went back to play Singelplayer games (old fantasy/RPG games) which some games we can mod the game as close as one want the game to be as I barely played Dragonflight for a year.

But lets not jump ship until we experience/played War within first.

Well just a fool’s hope :slight_smile:

As has been cited several times by now, Blizzard refers to Alleria as a Void Elf.

It is a bit like as if Disney would hire George Lucas with some fancy tittle to have a Name again tied to their Star Wars
Nothing would change, really, just it would put a collective rose tinted nostalgia glasses on the people
The similar happens/happened here
Poeple treat it like Jesus’s second coming, conveniently forgot Cataclysm and Warlord of Draenor and many other things
And the fact he have to answer to the will of the shareholders and the mighty dollah
Nor the stage, nor the play has changed, just the actors

This personality cult is worse than what Sylvanas had/have :unamused:

He is just one man. Henry Cavil is one man that tried…tried but failed to steer the Witcher tv show down the path it was headed. Once they produced Blood Origins an attempt to retcon the Witcher they knew that it was a failure. Audiences lost interest in any more Witcher tv shows.

Henry Cavil is just one man and dislikes the push for Female Space Marines in the upcoming Warhammer 40k tv show.
But they kicked the Hornets nest with the retcon of female Custodes.

Does those currently in power among Blizzard Entertainment even know who their actual audience and paying customers are?
Not this mythical “modern audience” that never shows up and or can not support it once you lose your customers and fanbase.

I understand the sentiment. For many other franchises I was in the same position.
Used to follow Assassin’s Creed franchise. Until activists took over. Before you (player character) would play the direct descendant of the Assassin ancestor but then they virtue signal by making Assassin’s Creed Odyssey by historical revisionism of what they think ancient Greece is and making the canon character to be a sword weilding Lesbian woman on the front lines of Spartan combat.
The franchise did not really steer course from there.

My point is. Each individual has their own jumping off point.
Ghostbusters 2016
Charlies Angels 2019
Saint’s Row Reboot. 2022
She-Rah the Princess of Power 2018
ThunderCats Roar 2020
Star Wars (after Disney)
Doctor Who
Star Trek
X-Men 97 (modern reboot)
Masters of the Universe 2021
Terminator Dark Fate / Terminator Genisys
The Last of Us 2

Martin Niemöller is the author of a now famous poem.
First they came for the Communists, And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me.

It seems to simply be “your turn” of intellectual properties like Warhammer and the World of Warcraft.
Dragonflight has undeniably been the most “current year” expansion. Although much of the forum threads have been purged.
But things like Centaur Civil Ceremonies and gay profession crafters are now canon. Selective “Diversity” as well. The Forsaken are all united in Undeath so why not have “representation” among the Undead?
The entire thing is a house of cards that falls with the slightest bit of scrutiny.

I do check in this thread every now and then. Surprised that it has been going on for so long. But even IF High Elves become part of the Alliance.
It will no longer be about the WORLD of Warcraft anymore. But tickbox and forced diversity for current year sensibilities.
Fans by definition are invested in the content. So it’s not a fools hope it is a fans hope.