Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I’m just really excited seeing some of what’s being datamined in TWW Alpha, particularly for Hallowfall.

There are high elves there (with velf/belf customizations) that literally come from the other side of Azeroth!! I certainly find this as groundbreaking and I think it gives even more flavour to Metzen’s words about “uniting the scattered elven tribes” for Midnight :star_struck:

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Yeah I know about those.

Wait…now Im confused, what do you mean “if” High elves become “part” of the Alliance. They always been there. In wow vanilla they were everywhere in Alliance areas and Blood elves were just hostile NPC towards both factions and then Blizzard decided to retcon everything to please the Horde player base even if it went against the old lore, but Blizzard did it anyway. We are just asking what’s always been in the Alliance to be playable. Become part of the Alliance?? There wouldn’t be any High elves in the Alliance in wow Vanilla if that was true. But they were in the Alliance. Those who calls themshelves now Blood elves were the ones that left the Alliance. Those who still calls themshelves High elves never left the Alliance. So what does it have to do with “tickbox and forced diversity” for High elves to be playable in the Alliance for a race that has always been there?

An Alliance High elf npc in Stormwind

If a Horde player went near these High elves back in Vanilla the NPC High elves would attack them. Horde had quest in Dustwallow Marsh and still do to kill Alliance High elf scouts.

There is the random High elves in Alliance, there is the Highvale elves that is part of the Alliance, The Silver covenant high elves, the High elves in seventh Legion who many are Silver covenant High elves recruited by Halford Wyrmbane back in Wrath, then there is the High elves in outland in Allerian Stronghold also hostile towards the Horde. There also be High elves in Dalaran if they were not made “forced” to be neutral, they still be part of the Alliance as Dalaran have always been Alliance. So Horde players have for years fighting Alliance High elf NPC. How is that going to be different if Blizzard made the Alliance High elves playable. They also have their own mounts, their own Tabard etc etc. Blizzard themshelves creating this chaos when they lied back in Wow Vanilla and said “There is too few High elves to make them playable” and then They gave Blood elves to the Horde that has no affiliation with the Horde but they retconned the lore to make any kind of sense for them joining the Horde even if it still does not make sense. Its in the clip that came before TBC launched were they talked about the Blood elves and said “We had to make alot of changes to make it work” Aka change the entire lore to make any kind of sense. The horde players say “the humans treated them poorly” etc etc…well news flash the humans that horde players are talking about is the Lordaeron humans aka The Forsaken who is you know part of the Horde… Garithos was a Stormwind citizen but left because he was disgusted by Stormwind citizens and its king for being goody too shoes with other races as Garithos wanted Humans to rule over other races. So he left to join Lordaeron army as they were thinking the same thing as him so he felt very home there. But sure, there was some Lordaeron Humans that was not like that. Like Turalyon who married a High elf woman, Alleria Windrunner.

Lets hope so.

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High Elves as a playable race. It seems that the Windrunner sisters have become the defacto leaders of the High Elf / Blood Elf people. Alleria leading the Void Elves. Then Vareesa Windrunner is going to be the defacto leader of the High Elves.

High Elves have always had a relationship with humans and the Alliance. So yes there have been present even among Alliance cities and territories.

You are misunderstood. Giving High Elves as a playable race, and then drawing/creating the distinction between High - Blood - Void Elves. Might come too late. Since the WORLD of Warcraft itself is something that is being lost. Due to activists in positions of power making it “represent” the WORLD of real world current year politics etc…

Will the High Elves be the fantasy race? or will they be made to “represent” real world races and people?
I did laugh at the Black’dorei statement. But there are already Black Blood Elves - Void Elves - Gnomes.

Garithos was part of the Alliance of Lodaereon a different organisation to the Grand Alliance. The Latter being what the Alliance is today. The former became independent neutral forces after the fall of Lordaeron and those that did not become Horde became independent.

Blizzard either forgotten or just outright ignores Lordaereon Human survivors. There was the book “Before the Storm” that had Anduin and Sylvannas have a reunion of living Lordaereons and their Forsaken Undead.
Talia Fordring is still a Lordaereon. So mapping where the Lordaereons flee to after the fall of Lordaeron can be tricky.

If there is any forum moderation at all: can You pleas label this thread as SPOILER THREAD? There’s a ton of TWW spoilers here that lack any spoiler warning at all :⁠-⁠\

High hopes in The Midnight expansion, for playable the high elves Silver Covenant and paladin race for all, even the night elves!

Arathi Elven Paladin & Yellow/Gold Eyes for Alliance Quel’dorei - In Development / The War Within Alpha Test -


Another woke’dorei…

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Yes…you called? :nail_care:

Didnt get it i mean about the “dark” elve paladin on the link

Velves are not woke

Since when?

Thought it was obvious.
If Lorthemar Theron dies in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid then Sylvannas raises him as Undead.
Purple Blood Elves (Void) come under Alleria’s rule.
Vareesa is a leading figure of the Silver Covenant. A High Elf force closer associated to the Alliance.

What other leaders does the High and Blood Elves have if not the Windrunner sisters? Class leaders is not the same as race leaders. Lorthemar seemed to be more of a stand-in than anything else.

Belfs have several characters that can take up Lor’themar’s mantle. I’m not sure what you were snorting when you said Vareesa, the maniac belf killer gets to be leader.

But you called it with the Black’dorei stuff.
Soon there would be non binaries - pronouns and stuff.
Would be tricky to pull of the incoming Black High Elves without being considered “culturally insensitive” :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:
Anyway there are Black people Void Elves now.

One of the many pit falls of “inclusivity”. But if it was kept fantasy and removed then those that enjoy it can do so for what it is.

The Windrunners are practically a ruling bloodline of the High Elf / Blood Elf people. Now that the Sunstrider bloodline is gone.
The humans have that as well. Lothar - Wrynn - Fordring. Bolvar ruled Stormwind for a time if I remember correctly.

Nowhere, anywhere does it say, show or even hint that. Belfs have Liadrin, Halduron, Rommath. Even if those were out of the picture, they’d elect new leaders before they even allowed Vareesa to step into their territory. What are you on about?

you can dream about that.

The woke culture is going to fall, its already started.

Money > reason > esg score

how racism it is, in fact, to put black’dorei and other lgbt stuff just like that without any explaination nothing and no lore, just for esg score to be a poser compagny and in the same time laughing with cigars, whiskey, and bill cosby picture

its like using minorities for make profit with esg score without paying them.

sounds like… like…

one black’dorei DF-npc with a Name (reference to a dev) and only guards in silvermoon.

So there is no lore about “dark high/blood elve” and they are just using to be guards in Silvermoon.

well well well and “racists” are people like me who claim and want explaination and lore to understand why when I run BC/WOTLK there is no black’dorei and why when I run retail there are plentfy of them.

"you want lore/content to justify a new “tribe” to add in the game " = racist

" you using minority for esg score and put no sens thing in the game without lore and nothing " = that’s fine

what an irony

Where is my Silvermoon’s Holy Church with a David star on the top to feel more included

I m just precisely talking about quel’dorei, not human and other race.

Even if its for humans its non sense too because all WoW humans came from Vrykuls.
Sounds like IRL claim : africans come from Vikings roots, then its racist.

Claiming quel dorei genetics working like human is proof that people know nothing about the lore

As a jewish person and quel dorei fan, both slaughtered by a young " ambitious visionary" I want my Synagogue in Silvermoon, “chosen people” pronouns, special holydays in Silvermoon, david star as necklace character custom creation.

In the purpose to feel more included, of course.

Esg pleaaaase

Halduron - Rommath - Liadrin are CLASS leaders.
I never implied Vareesa will lead the Blood Elves. But will lead the High Elves.
Elves themselves are a magical species. Have long since changed from the Dark Trolls. It was Magic that turned Dark Trolls into Night Elves - Magic that turned Highborne Night Elves into High Elves. Once there was the schism the Blood Elves indulged in Magic many of them to the point becoming Fel Elves. Magic that turned Night Elves into Nightborne.

So the idea that the High Elves and Blood Elves are genetically identical is not accurate anymore.
Sylvannas will always be a part of WoW. Her fandom is too big. Should the Forsaken reject Sylvannas and embrace Calia. Then it would not be a surprise should the former Ranger General in life. Lead the Blood Elves in Undeath as she once led them in life. Her Dark Rangers will most likely follow Sylvannas wherever she goes.

It is already a part of WoW with abolishing Males and Females in character creation. Currently paying customers and fanbase are in the “Boiling the frog” scenario. A frog will jump out of an already boiling pot of water. But if you place it in a cold pot then steadily increase the temperature it will just constantly try to adjust…until it is boiled alive.

As for the changes you mentioned.
Sweet Baby Inc Detected group permitted gamers / paying customers to make an informed decision on IF to purchase/consume products that are crammed full of DEI & ESG content.
Kabrutos then created a website called DEI detected.
Gamers…despite long being attacked by “games journalists” are important to the industry.
There is this idea. That no matter what is done. Gamers / Paying customers / fandoms are going to purchase & consume content anyway. As they continue to boil the frog. Except the frog is the intellectual properties.
But with Gamers recently defeating Sony over the Helldivers 2 mandatory network thing - The fall of the stocks of GamesWorkshop since the retcon of Female Custodes then gaslighting the fandom, Then activists retconning more content with more non binary characters etc…

To address the elephant in the room. It is simply hijacking people’s orientation - race & ethnicity for political purposes. The more popular races like the Elves Gnomes MechaGnomes and Humans are easy targets. But the Trolls and Orcs are conveniently untouched.
People from all demographics do not like to be pandered to.

Just. Prepare for Black High Elves.
Prepare to be branded “bad people” for defending the intellectual property that as fans you have invested into in some way. Not just financially.

Fans tried to do damage control to mistreating the Lore.
I tried myself. To explain all these Black and Brown humans.
Kul Tirans - They sail all over Azeroth so some that sailed further before discovered land mass. Sub-saharan humans. After news reached them that Kul Tiras rejoined the Alliance they returned with these strangers from foreign lands. But feeling more at home with deserts and parched lands they go to Silithus to explore. But had a skirmish with the Sand Trolls (Farraki). Who they defend themselves - more succesful than the Sand Trolls thought them to be so they reached out to the Zandalari.

However the Zandalari are still rebuilding and do not want the small skirmish to escalate. So warned the Sand Trolls that they would stand alone if they continue to face these new humans.
Things being “settled” the Sub-Saharan humans call more of their people over and explore and participate in this “Alliance” that the Kul Tirans spoke of.
Tadah. You have a somewhat organic explanaition of Black and Brown humans. That does not feel FORCED and or some kind of tickbox to appease the likes of Blackrock.

Yes. The activists in positions of power are problematic. Yarl Harkoon is a Viking Ruler. Norwegian. Tall Blonde Pale White skin. However in Vikings Valhalla they turned him into a Black Woman. An increasingly common practice.

The cult of inclusivity kills fantasy and escapism. Since nothing appeals to everybody, nothing will “represent” everybody, being “represented” is also not necessary to consume content. Exclusivity exists. Like Metal Music fandom are nothing like Korean Pop Music fandom.
Appealing to those whose only interest is changing the hobby does not help the content because it comes at the cost of paying customers, content consumers and fanbase.

Every humans, even Kul tirans cames from Vik… Vrykuls so its racist to use black tone skin on WoW humans, as i said : “Africans came from Viking” with our IRL analogy

I never said i dont want black’dorei.

I want a lore, an explaination to justify them not just “they were always there didnt you see them before ?” No and i m not daltonian and black skin tone wasnt hard to code in 2007.

I m a big fan of lore and quel dorei and other few WoW races and i m absolutely not racist, problem is and “oh i m sorry” i m using my brain and when i see black’dorei guard i think “what are they ? is that a recent mutation or something? Sun skin attack? Cancer? what the…?” “Did i miss something in the WoW Story in an extension ?”

No, i didnt. Just another Woke-patch to ruin the game

Like everything woke touched, Tv shows, Movies, big IPs game/movies/ etc

Never add, create or explain, just using something big and destroy it.

apparently it’s was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD to create a short questline to justify a “lost tribe” who survived in a place of azeroth using a new or knowed energy making them more dark and black than they cousins who did recent contact with silvermoon and unlock black skin tone after achiev the questline

Like black eyes for Night Elves

And now they are adding

Spoiler tww alert

black’high’elves npcs in TWW magis and stuff for using the concept of "small lies " + “small other lies” “will lead to make people think thats OK normal and always been = the truth”

its like trying add black vikings Jarls in Vikings tvshows trying to make people think “Wait what ? oh you re racist ! they were always black vikings didnt you see them before?”

Oh wait they did

You are in the similar situation as Warhammer fandom then.
Collectors exist. So if “Since the first 10000 there was always female Custodes” is true. Then there would have been Female Custodes miniatures at some point between 1983 and 2024. But rumours of wanting to see women in power armour for the Warhammer tv show. Finger pointing that it’s Amazon / Games Workshops fault. Female Custodes was a cop out to Female Astartes.

I will explain it this way. Shogun 2024. Set in 1600s Japan. It is a good show. However the “usual suspects” are objecting to the show and asking: “Where are the Black people in Shogun?”. Some calling to change it. It’s for the usual buzzwords reasons. “representation / diversity / inclusion”. Should they capitulate then it could ruin the show.

Vrykul are a FANTASY race removed from the real world. Without the constant reminders of the real world. Azeroth humans have long since surpassed their Vrykul ancestors.
Even with these rumors of Half Elves like the Windrunner children. It is a separate race to the humans.

I think the better question or discussion will be: Does the Lore even matter anymore?
Not only are retcons possibly harmful to the cannon and continuity of the characters - settings - forces - universe. But ethnically homogenous races are not a bad thing. A White or Asian Redguard from the Elder Scrolls franchise is just as weird as say for example a Chinese Nord or High Elf.

Should the High Elves become a playable race. Then they will most likely be no different to the Blood Elves on the Horde.

I think the better question or discussion will be: Does the Lore even matter anymore?

tipycal woke mindset

“did the history/lore matters?”

Vikings Vahlala
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
LotR : rings of power
The Witcher

etc etc… today it need a big book to notice every thing woke destroyed

I think the better question or discussion will be: Does the Lore even matter anymore?
Not only are retcons possibly harmful to the cannon and continuity of the characters - settings - forces - universe. But ethnically homogenous races are not a bad thing. A White or Asian Redguard from the Elder Scrolls franchise is just as weird as say for example a Chinese Nord or High Elf.

Should the High Elves become a playable race. Then they will most likely be no different to the Blood Elves on the Horde.

But this is not Elder scroll this is WoW

This is not a corean mmorpg with asian elves

Elves in WoW are inspired by nordic/celtitc lore

And ethnically homogenous races re BAD in a BAD context

Exemple : putting 1 black peasant, again for esg score, as a figurant, in a the witcher slavic VILLAGE

WoW is not a cosmopolitan and modern context like new york, cyberpunk or something else.

in WoW, Race have identities, cultures, lore, religions, racism between races and other races.


  • Why do we ally with filthy stinking trolls? The only good troll is a dead troll.
  • I do not think enough attention is being paid to those trolls. They could swarm in here anytime.
  • Does anyone need any supplies to down the trolls? Any troll will do.

To [trolls]

Be gone filthy creature. Why anyone would tolerate your filth is beyond me.

I’m sorry but between TBC <=> DF there are no centuries even not millenniums to justify a black skin mutation due to a potenial sun expositions.

And i dont think that “extrem fel utilisation” (like sunwell tbc raid npcs) to justify black’dorei is a good idea mmh’kay? because you know fel is… bad … very bad…from demons

Hmm well seems the cinematics for darkheart patch apparently means nothing. Detecting Shadowlands writing I quess. As this small story is coming.

Alleria is trying to reconnect with Silvermoon again and brings her son along with her.

Yeah lets hope, seems things more and more that points towards High/blood elves will become a Neutral race. I quess its the only way for Paladins become playable class for elves. Most likley Void elf paladin didn’t work so if they going to make all classes playable for all races they had to make a Non void elf playable, same for Shaman and Druid class the only way they could do it was to make High elves playable for the Alliance which is make High/Blood elves neutral.

You are half right. To explain.
The Light is one of the fundemental forces of creation in the Universal setting of the World of Warcraft. As is the Void. Creation itself is a combination of both. More specifically the reaction between the Light and Void.

The Light is something that breaks and lifts curses. So for Calia Menethil a Light Bound Undead. This means that there is a retcon. Instead of breaking or lifting the Curse the Light now coexists with it? produces its own curses?

To those who are invested. Then there will be a jumping off point. Time - effort everything else invested into the lore - cannon - setting wasted. Since the Lore does not matter anymore, as Anything and everything can and will be retconned. Thus becoming unrecogniseable to the content that you ONCE got invested in.

The other side of that are the people whose only goal is to change the hobby - content - universe - setting for their own purposes. Not caring what damage is done.
Thus the Lore - Cannon - Universe - Setting as it exists is inconvenient and thus has to be changed and altered.

Like how the Witcher having ethnically homogenous races in season 1 of the tv show but was inevitable “diversified” from season 2. To the point where the good will with the audience that comes from primarily the Witcher video game was lost. Mandatory race and gender swaps - turning characters LGBT - character changes to the point of becoming unrecognisable or character assassination.

For example: The Halo tv show. The Master Chief will never attempt to Superman Punch Catherin Halsey the person who made the Spartan 2 super soldiers.

Paelarin is a good example. Racial tensions flesh out the fantasy world. The Amani Trolls were a very real threat. Elven lifespans do stretch a long time. So animosity from old wars will linger.
The Dark Iron Dwarves are not going to play nice with Bronzebeards and Wildhammers as we have had our own bloody wars.
That Dark Irons are being led by the Bronzebeard daughter is a problem itself.

You are not wanting to face the music huh?
Those in positions of power are simply creating and will try to enforce THEIR “new normal”. Bam there are Black’Dorei now or always was Black’Dorei.
Bam! the Draenai embraced the Fel. Despite rejecting Sargeras deal which led to the schism in the first place - then subsequently being hunted down across the galaxy by their bloodthirsty kin.
Bam! despite never being Hunters. From Legion Gnomes can be hunters now.