Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I hope you were equally offended by Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, or countless other White Actors playing People of Color in Hollywood history…

This is part of the problem. To explain.
For those that believe “everything is political” they inevitably turn the intellectual property into yet another political battleground.
Creating division where there was once unity. The outcomes are rarely if ever positive.

Which is why most people are united in their: Keep politics out of the fandom stuff.
Look at Helldivers 2 for example. With it’s undeniable popularity the usual suspects attempted the same tactics. Infiltrate - Co opt - Subvert. But they failed step 1 as Helldivers 2 maintained it’s neutrality to the praise of the paying customers - content consumers - fanbase.

I like others loved the Vikings tv show. But Vikings Valhalla lost a substantial amount of viewers with the race swaps and other things.

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Notably, she does not seem desperate to rid herself of her Void nature, despite the rift growing between herself and Turalyon.

Of course I am. But i dont have any exemple like that.

But i dont want to see a biopic about Martin Luther played by a white actor.

Well in that cinematics it looked and sounded like she was missing them and the void was preventing her to be with them. The entire scene seems pointless. The short story seems she doesn’t care anymore about that. Or was she able to make her void power be less dangerous towards them? Then again Locus-walker did say for her to become more powerful, she must be willing to let go of the past, let go of her family and become something…more. Which she could not.

Yet another ‘author’ with references to ‘fighting the patriarchy’ on her personal website, I see. I had a hunch that the story was going to be a mess based on the art style alone. I don’t particularly care for Alleria as a character, or any of the Windrunner sisters for that matter…but that hairstyle is particularly unflattering and doesn’t suit a race that up until recently has been portrayed as being very elegant, graceful, reserved and conventionally attractive.

It really is disappointing. I’ll say this, as a gay guy I am getting pretty tired of performative pandering and the removal of any depth, nuance or grit from the setting. The conflict between the Horde and the Alliance has been a cornerstone of the story for quite some time now and it has never had a proper resolution.

I know quite a few people who, like myself, are elf enthusiasts but they have since left the game and struggle to get back into it as the various elven races have been thrown so deeply off-course from what they used to be that it is genuinely off-putting.

Just give it some time. They might go back to the good ol days, since they did brig Metzen back and they did boot Golden (bwahahah).

It’s gonna take some time for the writing to catch up with that since this stuff has been ready for months if not more. So who knows, we might see a shift back to normality eventually.

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I’m tentative about it but I do think this nonsense will fade away in due time but until then the best to hope for is moments of brilliance (potentially accidental ones) along the way.

There’s more and more mainstream push-back against blatant pandering since those responsible have overplayed their hand. Even accounting for the fact that this stuff is artificially present and funded, a lot of people have caught on to the trickery.

Woke Hairstyles are being pushed more and more. For black characters it seems EVERYONE and their mother has t’challa from Black Panther. Then there is the

Tough luck. LGBT orientation has LONG since been hijacked for political purposes. So in the West you just won’t get decent characters that happen to be LGBT instead it is virtue signalling and pandering. A tick box to show: We have X demographic.
One Piece has good characters that happen to be LGBT. Such as Mr Scissors - Mr Swan - Imperio Ivankov. But with Western content creators. The orientation is the main focus like a superpower or something.

Lets face it. WoW has stopped being about the WORLD of Warcraft some time ago.
Constant reminders of the real world and the current year issues. Can kill escapism.

Dragonflight has been the most Woke expansion yet.
They always double down on that stuff.

It is becoming normalised yes to reject this stuff openly even if attacked for it. But there is a long way to go to return to normal. South Park Joining the Panderverse done a lot to bring it to the Normies. Now they are paying attention.


Hmm seems more and more the Blood elves and High elves will become neutral race for both factions. And reading the short story, (Have not read all yet) seems Alliance High elves have already moved in to Silvermoon. (Never thought Grand Magister Rommath would ever agree to that, He is 100% Horde and does not like the Alliance. Lor’themar Theron however is neutral and been indecisive in staying with the Horde or rejoin the Alliance. Lor’themar have been in many talks with the Alliance to rejoin the Alliance) Perhaps they will share starting level area when Alliance High elves become playable. Perhaps the quests in Quel’thalas get updated a bit in Midnight. Like Pandas, once the last quest is finished the player can choose to go to Orgrimmar (Join the Horde) or Stormwind (Join the Alliance). I still would like Lor’themar to lead the Blood/High elves, He does have abit of that Elrond “character” with him. And one day become King.

Maybe it will only be fair (For the Horde players) to make Void elves neutral as well (They do come from both Horde Blood elves and Alliance High Elves). If so I would make all my Void elves to High elves (Alliance) and all my Blood elves to Void elves (Horde). In my opinion Void elves fit better with the Horde as “Dark elves” and the Void elves (Umbric and his followers) is more like how the Blood elves were back in begining of TBC when magic and power meant everything to them. The more dangerous magic the better. I mean Void elves would have been better choice for the Horde from the start as the Void would have been just what the Blood elves back in TBC would have strived for. The fel would only be the begining. The more powerful magic and more dangerous the better.

If the Void elf armor just had a robed version would been nice.

The armor and weapons do look inspired by the Warhammer old fantasy Dark elves. With its edgy armor and weapons.

Although Alleria would never fight for the Horde. But she would fight “for Azeroth”.

why are there Black High Elves, thats genetically and lorely impossible

Is that a mutation or a troll zoonosis? Or skin cancer due to the Sun?

thats a RP-Lore question, i dont care about IRL analogy

I believe it is becoming quite clear that Silvermoon will be a neutral city in Midnight. First Bel’Ameth, then Gilneas and now even Telogrus, where the Horde player doesn’t even get the ‘debuff’ icon of being monitored.

Umbric’s words on the hope of returning to Quel’Thalas also seem to hint in that direction, which would be in line with the “unification of the elven tribes”.

And also, the constant teasing in Hallowfall with the clearly labelled “high elves”, I think it shows that there were many helves that didn’t necessarily live in Quel’Thalas, but we just didn’t know about!! :star_struck:

What really intrigues me is: why would Blizzard bother bringing back the Silver Covenant and the Sunreaver elves to Dalaran, only to crush the city and be done with it? There has to be more going on that we still do not know… :thinking:


Why are you bumping this thread -.-

Make a new one.

Retroactive additions to the lore of Warcraft is the rule, not the exception. They’ve been doing it since TBC. It literally doesn’t require an explanation as, in the lore, “this was always how things were”.

It demands a modicum of suspension of disbelief, but that shouldn’t be an issue to players of a high-fantasy MMORPG.

by the power invested in me i pronounce this thread locked!



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