Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

We are just asking for the High elves of the alliance and I am asked for customs like Blood elf mixed with human hairstyles or another alliance hair style for them and not a High elf allied race how much I want that to happen.

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We haven’t complained because Horde got the Night Elf model, in the Nightborne (despite the player character models not being like those that we wanted, when Nightborne were going Horde.)

If Nightborne Female deserve any new features, they should get narrow eyes, just like the NPC’s like Thalyssra and Valtrois.

And I agree with you there Their models are really meh. But I want to lay tho whole high elf blood elf thing to rest where both sides are happy thats why I made this High elves and blood elf Customization's thread

So we also would like to play as NPC Alliance have that ill now we can’t play like them and they have blue eyes and blonde hair.


Blizzard stated they are working primarily on the core races first, and then working on the allied races further into Shadowlands. That some allied races gained a few additional customisations does not mean this is the end for them.

High Elves are not a core race (unless you don’t mind playing Horde, ofc). They aren’t even an allied race. The Void Elves are being used as a compromise. For the sake of fans of Void Elves, I hope that their future customisation focuses far more on the void aspects than the high elf ones, but that’s my opinion. We don’t know what customisation Blizzard has planned for them yet, but I doubt they’re going to forget the very vocal high elf fans.

For now, the core races deserve some love instead of everything devolving into a “but why don’t we have …?” Thing. Most people are taking what they are given because we’re grateful for just about any attention thrown our favourite race(s)’ way. IMO, both sides have two elf races to choose from, it would be cool to have more Warcraft original races that bring something new to the table added to the factions, as the uniqueness and diversity of Warcraft races is what makes them so appealing.

Hang on, did everybody else miss this bit?


Just wow…


blizzard beeing lazy instead adding High elfs as a neutral allied race what can pick their faction just like pandaria but they just make a reskin to Void elfs and Blood elf.

We want a High Elf start zone area with awsome lore and quest story on how High Elfs came to this world not some dum reskin and no lore behinde it all.


Screeches in Thalassian The High Elves already -HAVE- a starting zone and lore background, as to how they came to this world its exactly the same way the Blood Elves did! Because they’re the -same- damned people!

The High Elf starting story is “We went Mana Vegan and got Exiled from Silvermoon” Thats it! Thats all there is!

Yes and no you can make them neutral and make it so they are being attacked by the scourge and later on you can pick a side. But let us focus on High elves and blood elf Customization's

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Playing Warcraft 3 as High Elves the came WC3 reforge and ruend it all.
RIP Fun :frowning:

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Can we just go back to the bit where someone denied the theory of evolution?

How can you even -ASK- for High Elves if you don’t believe in the theory of evolution, given that they are a product of evolution? I mean thats what both High and Blood Elves, and for that matter Nightborne and Night Elves -ARE-! And thats in Wow’s setting!

You play Blood Elves in Warcraft III. They change the name before you even get to play them.


Well they started out as Dark trolls then Highborn Then High elves some stayed high elves and the majority changed their race name to Blood elve?

I am telling the truth. But you know…Jesus was telling same and He is A God…most did not believed Him.

Night elves were created by Elune’s image by herself.

Evolution does not work like this, that you evolve from something into something.

Brigante i suggest reading holy scriptures…may i suggest Bhagavad Gita as it is. You will understand :sunglasses:

Well, the Dark trolls evolved into Night elves Highborne Then High elves some stayed high elves and the majority changed their race name to Blood delve? so it’s kind of evolution? even if Elune was the reason why

I think and believe God/'s creates everything.

As for highelves, some chosen different path to follow, from arcane to fel, and renamed to blood elves, those who did not followed remain same as they were.

I doubt that elven ancestors were trolls. No, elves were elves before they were created.

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oh my dear Christ on a bike - its real and in Europe

evolution is widely accepted as fact because of fossil records and adaptations witnessed in species

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this is trollage right?

serious unrefined trolling


Jesus wasn’t a God. I mean assuming Joshua ben Joseph existed (which he probably did) then at no point did he claim to -Be- God, Thats like kind of the opposite of his message as far as Christianity goes. Any good Christian knows that Jesus was not God. Son of God maybe, but as many religions show us, that doesn’t make you a -God-.

So no, Jesus never said that.

No they weren’t. That is not how they came to be.

No, that is -exactly- how evolution works. I mean that is the crucial -essence- of how evolution works. A species starts, over successive generations to develop traits that are more advantageous to their environment or survival of the species…

Ironically I have. Whilst my own religious beliefs don’t come into this I have read the holy books of each of the three Abrahamic religions, as well as other religions, including Buddhist texts, Hindu and Sikh ones. Bizarre story, I was one of the first year of children who took the (then new) GCSE style of education in the UK as opposed to ‘O Levels’. We had to choose things from certain lists, and were limited to the options on that list. Yes, that sounds rubbish, and yes, it was, it meant you could not study all the subjects you wanted to, but had to pick from a drop box of what was available. (I imagine this was due to staffing numbers and classroom capacity, I know that the system had changed a few years after when my brother chose his GCSE’s, as well as new exam options being added, like Drama, man, I’d have aced that, I love acting).

As it happens one of the only things that was vaguely appealing on the last selection list on my studies was R.E, or Religious Education. Our teacher was a devout Christian with the massively appropriate name of Mister Bishop. (I am honestly not making that up) Despite being devout in his faith he was rigorously fair in not trying to turn us into good Christian Boys and Girls, but going “Right, we’re doing Christianity this time, then onto Judaism, then Islam, then Shinto, then Heathen Religion, then Celtic Paganism, then Sikhism”

He was one of the best teachers I ever had, -because- he did not enforce his religious beliefs, but just taught us everything he could about the subject of Religion in general, which clearly enthused him. We went on school trips to Cathedrals, Mosques and Synagogues, and places believed to be of power to the Celts, to Gurdwaras and Sikh Temples. What was a random tick box on my list turned into a very informative study under a very gifted man with a passion for fair education.

So I know about religion quite a bit, to be honest…

Well which is it? God or Gods? I mean if you believe God created everything that means you are of a different faith than those who believe that Gods plural created everything…

Screeches in Thalassian What are you on about? Blood Elves drained arcane mana from living creatures, not Fel!

How can you say you want High Elves when you don’t even know what they are?

You are seriously taking the mickey now, right? No, thats not how it works. Blizzard have confirmed how it worked in Azeroth’s game world, they also believe in evolution, and Elves evolved from Dark Trolls who lived too close to the Well of Eternity. Thats how it happened.

I know, I’m having so much trouble not cutting loose with absolute scathing sarcasm right now, I have never genuinely encountered someone who does not believe in Evolution…

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I thought it was an american backwater militant Christian thing or delusions

but it could be a product of negligent nurturing - so I will rein myself in