Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Never said you didn’t have a right to your opinion… No need to lay the foundation for strawmen here.

But that’s exactly it. Drop in, say your piece, then you’re done.

If you’re one of those fanatical Anti-Helfers, you’re only helping them keep the topic visible if you drop in here to “say your piece” 12 times a day.

As for the “requested since vanilla” part, that at least is true. I played back then and I remember people wanting to play High Elves. But they didn’t exist in the game beyond a few re-colored “Night Elf” NPCs. But they existed in-lore and were a unit type in the “Human faction” from WC3, just like the Dwarves were.

Personally, I don’t care much either way… Add them, or don’t. Doesn’t make much difference to me.

You did say that.
High Elves are a copy-paste race, like Blood Elves.
It’s clear the High Elf fanatics don’t get told “no” enough times.

If you just learned the term “no” which has been said 10,000 times - then we wouldn’t need to keep doing Blizzard’s job for them.

They’ve said and stuck to “no”, but some people have a hard time being told “no.”

Link where i said that. Stop rephrasing my sentences.

I just did.

Then why do you feel the need to do Blizz’s job for them? They’ve already said no, and there’s literally no harm in letting the fanatical Pro-Helfers have their own thread to discuss the topic to death if they want.

I know people hate Leolamin or whatever his name was who started this kind of thread originally because they are vehemently opposed to playable High Elves for one reason or another.
But I for one prefer having it all located in one thread, instead of the 20 threads that were running simultaneously when they first started this.
In addition to the topic bleeding over to other threads.

But if you want to spend hours upon hours of your time in here, that’s up to you. I just can’t fathom why you’d bother. But you do you I guess.

No you didnt, you know english?;D

Your blocked dear, because I just have and you can’t read.

People need to move on from this debate. Both sides, I agree.

Stop lying to yourself. Try google translate.

There. Now, you idiot, you can go away. I hope you never get anything you want in this game, because you don’t deserve it.

Relax, read again what i have written, try google translate, and you will see that “no more” does not mean “instead”

You make no sense.
No wonder Blizzard will never release high elves.

Highelves are already here in the alliance, just not YET playable

They are.
They are called Void Elves.

Get used to it.

Silvercovenant highelves, and some others, npc.

Void elves are different.

Blood Elf clones…literally a copy-paste race.

What aren’t you understanding :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I understand everything,we ask playable
alliance highelves,

Which are Void Elves. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Void Elves are former Blood Elves.


And are now on the Alliance.

You’ve got High Elves/Alliance Blood Elves as playable.

This isn’t world of elfcraft. We’ve got the 4 playable elven races - it’s time to let it go.

But that is just wrong. High Elves are very different from Void Elves.