Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

And we’ve already got 4 playable elf races.
How many more do we need before people will shut up about them?

Horde and Alliance Night Elves
Horde and Alliance Blood Elves

Why do people still want more…? And folks sit here, with surprised Pikachu faces, wondering why elf-fans get such a poor reputation.

Nobody ever wanted Void Elves, so it is Blizzard’s own fault. People can and will demand things as much as they want,. nothing you, me or anybody else can do about.

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And Blood Elf direct copy-pastes are the answer?

People are idiots.

You represent very well one with your words.

As do you. Biggest idiot around, at the moment.
I’ve also reported the thread as spam and I hope others do the same.

I see you need some love and attention!

I Love You!

If people want them, yes? Why does it annoy you so much?


So Blood Elf fans and their lore is to be made a mockery because of alliance big mouths?

And Blizzard have already said “no.” Why can’t you just accept that answer. Seriously, have you never been told “no” in your life? I have and the world doesn’t collapse. I simply accept the answer and move on.

Everyone loves me.

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Why? How does it make a mockery of BE fans? Please explain.

Just as they said no to Vanilla servers?

The world also does not collapse by a single thread that requests playable High Elves. Well, it does seem for you.

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Except Vanilla servers aren’t a copy-paste of an existing race in the game.
Bad comparison.

Alexima already explained above. Read what she said.

A copy-paste thread from a previous post, that can be reported as spam and I already have done so.

and now, your being blocked for 4 months.

I did not compare it, just showed how repeated demands for something did result in that demand to be given.


Very mature of you.

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If you can’t be bothered to see the reasons behind why they shouldn’t be added, coupled with Blizzard being on our side - that’s your problem.


And I thought a forum is for discussions.

When its reasonable. You saw everyone agreeing when we said both void elves and blood elves should get high elf customization. Win-win.

Its reasonable because we don’t yet another copy-paste race to the game, we make already established races more interesting and we satisfy both sides. And before you say it, void elves are the best compromise Blizzard has ever given to a request in entire lifetime of WoW. Stop slapping a helping hand.



Teal eyes for Blood elves has my vote (although I do prefer purple eyes. I’ve already been told “sorry, love - it isn’t likely” and yes I’m upset, but I’ve moved on.)
Void Elves getting a skin colour which more pale and belf/helfy is fine.

But enough of this “add as a new race” when their is no difference in look, between high elves and blood elves, accept eye colour, which isn’t enough.

That would be “adding High Elves to the game” for me. So yeah that works.

I’d be in favor of Void Elves getting 1 extra skin colour (along with Nightborne), plus all the blue eyes that have been datamined for Blood Elves.

Blood Elves then get Purple, Teal, Red and Black eyes, along with the dark skin tones.
High Elf fans get what they want
Blood Elves get more additions that aren’t relative to the Alliance or High Elves.

It’s a win-win, as Nez said, all round.

Blue eyes are for alliance highelves and npcs.

Blood elves cant and wont get them. :slight_smile:

Your whole argument around adding High elves is based on lore, yet you ignore the lore that makes blue eyes for belfs possible

You can’t have your cake and eat it too … :man_shrugging:

Nice going. I am sure you will garner a lot of support like this.