Itw not me who wants more, as said I’m an alliance player mostly, and MGs are my gig. I’m happy to hear we may be getting a new metal Colour or a hand option or two, I’m pretty easily satisfied comparatively.
I’m just trying to think, if I were a passionate horde player and didn’t embrace the lore as much as I do, how would I see this? It would seem like some serious favouritism to me. Which is why I suggested the compromise is actually listening to what horde players have been asking for, like green troll skills, or giving nightborne a makeover (I don’t recall anyone asking for new earrings), which have yet to be revealed.
Like, as an alliance player, you have to accept blizzard are doing alliance a solid here, because they’re focusing very closely on an alliance ask, and they’re running with it. Whilst this doesn’t meant horde will get nothing, I think it would pay to be a bit more mindful of looking at how they may see it.
Their perspective is blizzard focusing very hard on alliance Velf options, way harder than any other AR, and they see players go “it’s not good enough so it doesn’t count, but we’ll take it anyway. What else you got?.” Just be aware of how that might look to someone not invested in the Helf fight on the opposite faction.
People are entitled to their wants, I’m not arguing they’re not, I just think it shouldn’t be that difficult to understand why some horde players are a bit spikey about this, and it can’t just be handwaved away as “yo jelly Bois” or whatever.
In any other team activity, if the opposite team was being offered way more options than you from the judges, including some you were told were specific to your team, and not only that - this team is being very picky about the judges copious offers (whilst you’re getting very few from them yourself) you would rightfully be a bit peeved. You would understand why someone in this situation would be peeved.
This is sort of how the situation looks for players who don’t know or care for the lore. You can’t dismiss their views because embracing the lore isn’t a requirement to playing the game.
So even if you disagree, at least try to understand I guess.