Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 2)

[Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)] lasted for 4 years. Perhaps there will be 10 years for this forum.

Humans saved you Elves from the Amani Trolls. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes:

So. What are the High Elves going to do if they join the Alliance?
They don’t really have a navy. Perhaps magic research? Druidism and nature?
Perhaps there can be more effort into restoring High Elf populations. The friendship High Elves have with the Dwarves could see that Dwarves protect and safeguard High Elves. Until they are more robust to play a bigger role in the Alliance and Azeroth.

High Elves will need a leader. More of a unifying figure to rally others behind. New people can step forward.

The SC high elves have been helping the Alliance for years, we just want them playable.

It’s time for Vereesa to shine! :heart_eyes:

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What a great leaders you have

2 spoiled sisters who married human paladin/mage and made bastards half elf babies.

The future is assured

Sarcasm ofc

A leader is supposed to show good exemple for lead his people.

Its why i often say : alliance quel dorei patern leads to extinction

Abandon those humans and void elves traitors and go back home

restoring High Elf populations

Litteraly impossible, they are lorely 1500, they make no babies and when they do it with humans.

Alliance high elves will go like Dodos :dodo:


15 000+ horde high elves here, culture, big city, enough elves to have couple and high elves babies

Perhaps there can be Elvish rule without another Windrunner.
Sylvannas had the Forsaken (look how that turned out), Alleeria has the Void Elves.
The Windrunners are practically Elvish royalty akin to the Sunstrider bloodline.
But Windrunners produced Half Elves.

Yeah this does not really work.
Half breeds just will not do it. Dark Iron Dwarves should not accept Bronzebeard rule. There have been a lot of Dwarven wars where Dark Irons 1 v 2 both the Bronzebeards and Wildhammers.

Now former Emperor Dagran Thaurissan his blood has been watered down. This half blood Bronzebeard might not be qualified to rule. Without the blood of Dagran Thaurissan then neither is Moira qualified. Otherwise how are the Dark Irons not a vassal / servant race to the Bronzebeards?

High Elves still have a viable population though. Few if any follow the path of the Windrunner sisters.

Traitor Elves will be more accurate term for Blood Elves.
Blood Elves turned their backs on the Humans that protected Quel’Thelas from the Amani Trolls.
Blood Elves turned their backs on the Alliance (of Lordaeron) when they fought the Horde in the early wars, to join the same Horde they fought against.
Blood Elves were going to turn their backs on the Horde when Lorthemar was in negotiations with High King Varian Wrynn to join the Grand Alliance., ONLY the Purge of Dalaran forced the Blood Elves to stay in the Horde. Confirmed by both Lorthemar Theron and High King Varian Wrynn.
Now Blood Elves turn their backs on the Void Elves who without Alleria Windrunner will not have survived.
Who will the Blood Elves turn their backs on next?

lol only the Windrunners. Besides. The Void Elves were supposed to be too few in number to be viable for anything. But yet they put a decent performance in Battle for Azeroth. Void Elf - Blood Elf seems to still be hostile.

As for High Elves being playable…well they are about to score another major hit with the fate that shall befall on Dalaran.

While Blood Elves have moved on and developed further.

Take note guys that splintering of Thalassian Elves took place in the year 22 after Third War concluded. TWW is taking place in the year 42. Full 20 years have passed in game since that time as will in real world as WoW will celebrate it’s 20th anniversary.

A normal person would come into terms that no Quel’dorei will be added as time is not in your favour.

As a last argument I will bring the most recent revelation.

TBC took place in the year 26. That means 14 years before TWW. Midnight will take place at least one if not two years. That makes it about 16 years after Sunwell’s restoration.

Every Blood Elf born at that time will be in full adolescent mode. At the very precipice of becoming adults.

To be blunt. While Dalaran falls and many High Elves score the state of total deadness, Blood Elves lead into adulthood a full post restoration Elven generation.

Blood Elves that remember nothing of the Scourge, Downfall, Destroyed Sunwell, Sunstriders or the fact why some salty from the Alliance cousins abhorre their very existence for no apparent reason, as they have done nothing to them

A full generation of people who only saw how their kingdom grows and rebuilds.

Blood Elves won. They are the future of Quel’thalas.

Guys let it go High Elves are thing of the past.

Where were humans and Dalaran magis when quel thalas was destroyed by Arthas?

Dalaran has been destroyed After Quel thalas

Kelthuzaad was once a human mage of Dalaran before tempted into Necromancy.
The Scourge was everywhere. So High Elves had to fend for themselves.

No no i mean

Why dalaran’s magis didnt came to help quel thalas? Dalaran was attacked and destroyed after Quel thalas.

And about humans, not all of humans kingdoms was under scourge attacks

What about dwarves?, gnomes?

No one from the alliance came to help high elves

During 2nd war, some elves dispbei to thr king to go help humans.

Where was the stormwind army for helping Quel thalas during 3rd war?


Human kingdoms are their own independent nations. Many were not fond of the idea of an Alliance. Even then it was due to the Horde.

The Scourge was once a threat. Before Arthas came to Quel’Thelas he ruined Lordaeron. So most likely each nation turned to their own defences.
If I remember correctly the Gnomes committed Seppuku when one of their experiments went wrong. That and their war with the Troggs. 90% fatality rate so the Gnomes have been recovering since then.

High Elves was not a part of the Alliance. So the backing and obligation they have is not there.
The Scourge invasion of Quel’Thelas was a long time ago. The 3rd war. Was with the Horde so Stormwind had it’s hands full.

What is your point?
High Elves and the Alliance relationships can be described as friendly and cooperative relationship but are still independent powers.
It’s like Ogres and the Horde.

Should the High Elves join the Alliance in earnest. Then things can change. First will have to gather them then secure settlements and territories. But the more numerous Horde Blood Elves will not want to share Quel’Thelas. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Point is : there is no solid argument to promote friendship relationship between alliance and high elve actually

Human help for Amani but burn the forest
HE disobei elf king to help human for 2nd war

End of story

No help from stormwind during arthas’s massacre.

This is not Lotr, here humans dont care about elves

Well actually there is an explanation to it.

Arthas came back as a hero to Lordaeron seemingly vanquishing foe that was ravaging it.
But instead rejoicing he killed his father out of the blue and took entire capital city by surprise.
Take note that Capital City was in festive mood, people cheering and dropping rose petals down. It is easy to assume that all important nobles were present in the city as well.
When Arthas killed an entire city he raised an army, gathered the Cult of the Damned, finished off most of the Paladins and went toward Quel’thalas.

Dalaran didn’t come for help because High Elves didn’t raise an alarm at all. It was a full Blitzkrieg campaign.
By the time everyone knew what was going on it was too late.
Besides Kirin Tor didn’t know where Arthas will strike next. They could have been the target and so they were preparing for it. And did a better job than Quel’thalas, because they evacuated civilians, which is why rebuilding of the city was faster than rebuilding of the Elven Kingdom.

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Lordaeron is Lordaeron

Stormwind is another kingdom

That is incorrect. High Elves have been living with and coexisting in Human and Alliance territories.
The shared love of nature forged a bond with the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer Dwarves.
High Elves have also assisted in Alliance military operations. Continuing that legacy since the Amani Trolls.
That is befoer the Blood Elves began their culture of turning their backs on others. With the schism.

Trade - Covexistence. There is plenty of reasons for existing Friendship between High Elves and the Alliance. So High Elves officially becoming part of the Alliance would be a smooth transition. Now Alliance could move in garrisons - troops and supplies to better defend Alliance members.
As High Elves forge a new future. With the Alliance. For the Alliance.

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Yeah , Garithos and his troops, High officer of the lordaeron survivor will probably agree with you

Threated HE , and dwarves, like dogsh. And wanted to kill all elves

Garithos of the Alliance of Lordaeron (seperate organisation to the Grand Alliance) was a human supremacist as the Humans were in a bad state at the time and had to regain strength and numbers.

Garrosh Hellscream was an Orcish supremacist that dreamed of an Orcish Horde. Like what his Father and Thrall once had before more races joined the Horde.

High Exarch Yrell also had to deal with her own problems once the Iron Horde was defeated. She did not have any trouble dealing with the Orc problem. Considering all the damage they inflicted on the Draenai people. With no: demon blood made us do it, excuse this time.

You create a false narrative of the humans - Dalaran and others abandoning the High Elves. It was already explained that Arthas pretty much caught Lordaeron and Quel’Thelas unawares.
High Elves prepared their defences but lost to the Scourge. Scourge had their own share of victories until stopped. Morgrainne was not around to save them.

Even During BFA the Night Elves in Darkshore. Had to muster a force to face the Forsaken. Can only stretch the forces you have so far.
Castles were a place to keep permanent garrisons that could respond to threats as marching armies across vast distances took time effort resources and coordination.
Mage portals able to move such through is also something that had to be done ahead of time.

So far there is no unifying figure for the High Elves. Everything else can be figured out.

Lordaeron army was in shambles. The remenants Lordaeron Alliance was shattered and in hiding from the scourge. Gilneas had closed it self up. Stromgarde was destroyed begining of second war. Stormwind didn’t have any army as it was disolved to smaller group to keep the peace as there was no more war and some had retired to become farmers. Also it takes time to “Build” an army. If the High elves magical shield had held then the Alliance of Stormwind would have saved the High elves but you keep forgetting the High elves “were” betrayed by one of their own which led to Silvermoon to be destroyed. Dar’Khan Drathir who shut down the shield. The very shield that kept the Horde out from destroying Silvermoon back in the Second war. Its the very main quest in Quel’thalas of the Blood elves is to kill the betrayer and bring his head to Lor’themar.

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Sylvanas prepared for the possible scourge attack as best she could; what really let the High Elves down was Dark’han betrayal. Nobody could have foreseen that as he was a good friend towards Liadrin and Lor’themar.

I do think Quel’Thalas would have fallen eventually; but I reckon the Quel’dorei populace would have had more survivors, if Dark’han hadn’t betrayed them.

It does not change the fact. Quel’Thelas is not a strong country.
Dar’Khan Drathir just saw a chance and took it. Instead of becoming a mindless slave in death can work out some deal.

The “threat” of the Horde is what is keeping Silvermoon in tact. But another invading army facing Quel’Thelas might succeed in sacking the city.

Feel like I am a little obigated to tell you all this. But Moontear just like twili…

made his own part 2 thread that the system didn’t make.

Let the dude stay the OP of his own thread at least. No?

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