Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

Both would have blue eyes for the exact same reason, btw -> Sunwell.

There’s a huge difference between being unique and powerful. We’re all very powerful, we don’t need to be a borderline extinct race to be that.

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When will the appropriation of chad sin’dorei culture end?


Forgive me Savotar, but this is hugely downplaying the rift caused between both groups that was caused by the Purge of Dalaran.

Or muscular :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes and no, Savotar. The blood elves will need some effort to cleanse / overpower the fel taint as Golden eye color has shown, but alliance-loyal high elves will have always had it and always kept it. This makes for a small but significant and quite interesting difference between them.

Excuse me, Fatugly, but a hero capable of saving the world multiple times has got to be unique imho. But for the sake of argument, -the last of your kind- type of hero story can make for some great tales.

Lastly, I apologize if I offended anyone. Imho we are merely discussing the topic to have some fun and thoughtful conversations with fellow players who all enjoy the same game, there is no winner or loser here, only someone enjoying the discussion or not, so let’s keep it like that please.

So EVERY player should be able to play one? Girl, no.

You make a fair point but because of them being the same race nothing like this has been done before. If they were to do it they would also have to give the same options to the blood elf player base who have been wanting since TBC. That is the only way around This matter you do not give two kids a toy cut in half you either give them the same toy each or two different toys but then you risk upsetting one if one of the toys is better than the other

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You are not forgiven, and there is not much of a rift. It may be right that they are not friends, but they certainly are not ‘sworn enemies’ either.

And again, this is exclusive to the Silver Covenant. If not exclusive to only High Elves. The Blood Elves seem to either just not care about or even pities their non-Horde kinsmen. Hell, you describe this rift as if Rommath and Liadrin would aggressively retaliate against Vereesa’s several attempts at killing Rommath. It is nothing that severe, atleast not for the Blood Elves or even High Elves at large… it seems to just be Vereesa is is the typical, spoiled little sister.

Why would they be more muscular? If there is anything you should not do, then it is giving a more flattering look to copy-paste race for absolutely no reason.

Well, as the devs state it no Blood Elves or High Elves should have blue or green eyes by now, but golden eyes. Luckily the devs are not exactly sure when it comes to their own lore, so we are safe. But it is still the same reason. Even if the Blood Elves gets a ‘cleansing’ they still get blue eyes for the same reason the High Elves have it -> Sunwell.

Afaik high elves are still allowed to visit the Sunwell on pilgrimages. Even Alleria was - despite Lor’themar knowing that she was sucking the Void lemonade at that point.

So yeah, my impression is that the Silver Covenant are more or less the last holdout of elven grudges from TBC/Wrath. Aethas Sunreaver has patched things up with Dalaran as well, so clearly the old wounds from MoP are being mended as well.

Look at the pandaren they are visually the same. But one can choose which faction/banner they support this could be the only option you can’t give shiny new benefits and looks to one and not the other. Also you dont want to lose sight of what is a high elf and that is a slender slim athletic appearance definitely not a more kul Tiran muscular look.

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Well, every paladin player was able to use the Ashbringer. But I respect your opinion so I guess we agree to disagree here, Fatugly.

I agree, Gromhal. Even if they have different models they can still have similar or even the same customization options though, each tailored to their respective models.

Perhaps you are right about this much, Savotar. But the alliance-loyal high elves clearly seem to care, at least with the Silver covenant in mind. They describe themselves as a militant core of high elves, that banded to reject the blood elves, even before all the events of MOP occurred, so there’s no way I can imagine them being friends again when they essentially rejected them on principle.

Well, it was merely a suggestion for a way to make them different through a different body build, how that may get implemented though is up to Blizzard of course.

I agree, but imho it needs to go this way to more respect the blood elves past suffering, all things considered.

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Yes if this would happen and The racials were the same we got the same new features. I would not mind if alliance got a high elf option only
If blizzard made the faction neutral as a whole so not one had better looks racials and appearances as the other. Do you wish dear level one player to join the Quel’dorei or the Sindorei the choice is yours.

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So much butthurt horde players here jesus…
High elves could make much sense in the alliance lorewise pretty much, whoever’s idea was void elves should be ashamed. Makes absolute bs with lightforged draenei in the same faction.


Just to correct you it’s not the horde who are butt hurt
With void elves it is the alliance we are speaking of a race that is currently on the horde the high elves you talk of.

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The bunch seem to be highly impulsive and have contradicting nature, I only say this because they seem to be following their leader, Vereesa’s, opinions and judgements.

The way authors and game devs write Vereesa, one would think she have one of many mental issues. At one point she is vehemently against Blood Elves, the other she is hoping for their redemption and that they’d rejoin the Alliance.

In other comics she is shown to respect the Blood Elves to a certain degree, when mentioning them to her cousin who called himself a Blood Elf; Vereesa saying that the Blood Elves would never accept him as one of them due to him being quite fond of the extinction of the High Elves, when we all know that the name Blood Elf was given in reverence to the High Elves who fell.

I believe this in general comes due to a lack of overall identity… of which the High Elves have none. They are High Elves in nothing but name. Other than a name they have no culture, no tradition, they have no identity whatsoever that defines them and it quite frankly shows.

The only identity they could have… is a Blood Elf copy-pasta.


http s://external-preview.redd.it/NrvabYfAcwy8dSkrRXOrauYPLE_GSZQFd73ek4Q9EwA.jpg?auto=webp&s=973a5fe5e93e51a99062a2a52c3941aa98b10185

Come again?

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Excuse me Lonarion, but no need for harsh words. Let’s keep this civil please :pray:

You do make a good point, Savotar. At least concerning the Silver covenant, it sometimes seems their identity is kind of built upon opposing the blood elves at every turn. But there’s no saying their story cannot be expanded upon, and I admit I find their rivalry a decent narrative that I find myself wanting more of, but that much is very subjective indeed.

Lorewise, no. The players, in a scenario where High Elves would be an Allied Race, are High Elves lorewise. In the defeat of some major threat, a whole bunch of High Elves would have had a hand in the defeat of this threat lorewise. That suggests there are more High Elves than it says in the lore. So again, big difference.

I suspect this very much was the reason they were introduced in the first place, to be a clutch for the Blood Elves, and the authors just don’t know what to do with individual High Elf characters. Vereesa herself was probably created for the sole purpose of being arm candy to Rhonin. Which again leads to a character with no… character and thus the convoluted mess we have.

I don’t think their rivalry is that interesting to pursue, because it is way too one-sided. As another poster noted, the Blood Elves goes as far as allowing High Elves access to the Sunwell. The rivalry is way too one-sided to be interesting, and with the reasoning for the namesake of ‘Blood Elf’ I would find it very strange if the Blood Elves would suddenly turn around and be lethally hostile to the High Elves, The Blood Elves do generally show a remaining love for their High Elven kinsmen… and I really don’t want to ruin that aspect.

It shows that despite the sacrifices the Blood Elves made in order to survive, to serve and protect their people (Sacrificing their moral values and the like), that they are still good peeps, that their sacrifices were for the security of their people as a whole, Blood Elves and High Elves alike.

To turn that into total animosity would be a waste just for the sake of giving a copy-paste race some kind of identity.

Basically ruining the identity of the Blood Elves in order to give the High Elves some kind of identity.

Personally I do dislike the overall existence of the ‘High Elves’ as it diminishes the story that we have been told with the current Blood Elves. The existence of High Elves invalidates the struggles of the overall race, it invalidates their road back to a more stable future.

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No need to come again as you clearly lack knowledge on the matter. I will spend my time talking to people who are civil and intelligent enough to make a fair arguement.