Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

Priests aswell infact… WC3?

Well they’d start in exiles reach now? no? I suppose human starting area would be fine if someone didnt want to do exiles reach but exiles reach is fun.

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Another example of how adding subsets of customization options would also be an awesome mean to further implement playable High Elves on both sides:

Edit: I reposted them on Twitter if anybody cares to share the love (or hatred, lol) over there as well.


omg what it is?! awesome

Yes please


If you mean the concept art I posted, you can refer to the Subraces thread I picked them from:


We got already high elves lol.

The original post is about how Blizzard could display different sub-sets of customization options as quick-creation templates in the UI; not about new features. :wink:

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People still kicking a deadhorse? Jesus… you aint getting more thalassian elfs

it’s not dead it’s clearly become undead at this point and still getting kicked

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why exactly not?

They are already in-game and with such huge request, they would make perfect allied race.

there are npcs allied with alliance since wc3 and since wow 2004. so no. it’s not a dead horse. it’s live and well with new helf npcs added every expansion


you already got discount blood elves surely its enough


which are still not highelves?

Aww heeeeeeeeeeell nawh, you’re not making more of these, seriously? YOU ARE GETTING BLUE EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! in Shadowlands, jesus, people…Void Elfs, getting blue eyes, U CAN PRETEND! to be a Quel’dorei, there is legit NO difference now, you can even be a blue one as Horde, I swear to god stop it, you’re not getting another elf, at least now that in Shadowlands you’re getting your fancy blue eyes, that’s is QUELDOREI!


You can also use toys to look like elf and?
They aren’t silver covenant elves

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Yes they are… belfs=helfs and velfs are belfs who are helfs simple

No we need loyal high elfs who never changed thier name. We already have them we just want to play as one.


I am ok with the current arrangement, but i would like to see customisation inspired by the faction leader.
Face tatoo options, light blond hair color and it would be nice to have a second heritage set based on high elves. The horde could get one based on fel blood elves to balance.


No we don’t.

You think bilzz just adds another thalassian elf race to alliance? That would be stupid copy same race but only chance name. God damn these helfers are :clown_face: :clown_face: