Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

Yea! Let those elves come to the alliance!
Or, as said above, give them an extra ability like the worgens to toggle between the looks!
(Altho it is prefered the pure high elves)
18/05/2018 10:27Posted by Shahraz
18/05/2018 10:07Posted by Moritz
Keep your dirty hands off my void elves.

Why? And they are my void elves too!

An optional toggle button like worgen have will not have any negative effect on you. You'll be able to keep the looks you love and some of us would be able, while out of combat, to look closer to the high elves we want to be. It's a win:win situation.

Lorewise Blizzard themselves have stated Umbrics motivations, maybe they don't fit the narrative you wanted for your character, but i'm sure you can keep it as you want without finding any lore walls along the way.

Well to add the option to not be a Void Elf to the void elves is just a bad one.
If you want to play a Void Elf without the void you're playing the wrong race.

I changed faction for the void elves.
You don't see me saying "Well maybe some stayed in the horde. Let's add that to lore and give blood elves a Void toggle".
18/05/2018 07:34Posted by Athiara
You should start a new thread with your big post of reasoning. Got my vote!
Thanks but we don't need 2 threads about this so I will keep to this one. The title is a bit ingenuous in that it appears to be a thread promoting HE for allies but we have a lot of good points going either way. It's a shame pro-HE for horde people have to get sucked into this thread but I guess we suffer well.
18/05/2018 10:27Posted by Shahraz
while out of combat, to look closer to the high elves we want to be
You can go afk and look at models anywhere.
18/05/2018 02:10Posted by Meleron

Actually... it was just the siphoning of magic from living creatures.

That much is made obivious in the canon story "In the shadow of the sun"

Appearantly it was not really common knowledge that the crystals used to power the city (Not for sustenance to sate the magic addiction) were fel to begin with. According to some Rommath were extremely mad when he learned that the crystals were fel.

That's bad wording on my part, because it's what I meant too by "eventually using fel", using fel crystals, not draining their essence like they were doing for living creatures. The only example of Blood Elves siphoning fel from demons was at (Outland) Throne of Kil'jaeden, but they have nothing to do with Blood Elves who live in Silvermoon of course.

She could control herself though. It was the fact that her void energy that clashed with the sunwell that made it go south. She didn't lose her mind or anything.
I don't think we have seen any void elves not manage to control themselves yet.

Read what you wrote again, you've already answered yourself there. Controlling herself =/= controlling void. If she was able to control the void like she claimed, none of the events during Nightborne recruitment scenario would've happened. Alleria didn't willingly open that void portal on the Sunwell, she'd have no reason to do that to her ancestral home, regardless of their allegiances. That happened simply because she cannot control or suppres the void completely (I also think that Alleria has been tricked and Locus-Walker has ulterior motives, but that's not our topic).

I doubt they would be playable if that was the case. When clashing with the biggest font of light energy in the world, yeah, their void biology will react with it. It's not a loss of power though.

/facepalm Of course we'll never see that happen due to gameplay reasons
the same reason why we don't see a player controlled forsaken completely rot away or a player controlled shadow priest lose their sanity beyond any return.

It would not only make their whole story pointless, and it would be too cliche. Plus, the fact that they're playable kind of spoils that it's not the case with them.

Void corruption doesn't happen overnight, it starts as faint whispers and gets more and more dire and maddening slowly over time. We've seen enough examples of this since the start of WoW. As for cliches, since when Blizzard cares about having cliches in their story?

No, I don't think we know of any high elves returning to Silvermoon after TBC when they could. They all stayed alliance because Quel'thalas was in Horde hands.

Again, that was the first horde that came through the dark portal, not todays horde that was founded by Thrall. They stayed in alliance because Kirin Tor had already started feeding her anti-Blood Elf propaganda to Vereesa back then.

Theramore is a pretty big one. The fact that Sylvanas is still around desecrating everything. The burning of Teldrassil is probably also a big no no for the high elves. Also-... nevermind I don't want to spoil the book. it¨s a good read, very well written.

Theramore this, Theramore that. Theramore bombing has been ordered by the bloodcrazed warmonger called Garrosh. No single nation under the horde banners had the luxury refuse Garrosh's orders. Had Lor'themar defied the warchief, Garrosh would've rallied the rest of the horde to Silvermoon and wouldn't even take any prisoners.

No, I say they're an organization opposite to that of the blood elves. Blood Elves bombed high elves out of the blue so I don't think you can really call the High Elves bloodthirsty maniacs. Anyone would and should be angry about it. It was not only an attack on the high elves and their human friends, it was an attack on the leader of the organization they're a big part of, which is also the ruler of their biggest home, Dalaran. it's pretty personal I'd say. Shows the cultural difference aswell.

Stop picking quotes as you see fit, I never called High Elves bloodthirsty maniacs. I've said it for Silver Covenant, which is a very small portion of he High Elven population, and I'm still behind my words.

I don't get what point you're trying to make here. Maybe I can't read because it's late or maybe it just doesn't make sense, idk. Explain further if you want.

Those High Elves then would see that Blood Elves are no longer the followers of Kael'thas (who has already been corrupted by Burning Legion back then), but people that share the ideals of draenei that High Elves are calling neighbours. They'd have reason again to trust to their old kin.

18/05/2018 03:22Posted by Tìtus

I think anyone would regeret something that makes them hear constant whispers, turns them blue, and makes them grow tentacles. That doesn't mean they regret joining the Alliance though. Many blood elves even wanted to do so in MoP.

Lor'themar was considering the idea because what Garrosh had done was the last straw. Ironically, Jaina is the only one you have to blame for not having playable High Elves on the alliance.
incredible. 4000 posts after... the same redundant posts.

blue eyes\green eyes\ golden eyes
same models\different models

and we have still 3 months to BFA.....
18/05/2018 10:34Posted by Moritz
Well to add the option to not be a Void Elf to the void elves is just a bad one.
If you want to play a Void Elf without the void you're playing the wrong race.

Except they will still be void elves. Just as a worgen is a worgen even if they are walking around in human form.

Optional toggle while out combat means:
1. You are not forced to use it.
2. Only works out of combat.

As soon as you hit a critter you'll go all voidy, hell given how our racial works you'll go full blueberry mode almost instantly. As soon as you get out of combat you are able to hit the toggle if you want to, but the default mode will always be current void elf looks, just as the default mode for a worgen is... a worgen.

Just to elaborate a bit more, i'm not even thinking about having a blood elf model with blue eyes that suddenly transforms into a void elf model, that would look silly. I'm thinking about the same void elf model with a regular skin tone and a different hair color. Everything else remains unchanged, maybe with hidden tentacles.

You won't create two different elves, you'll create a void elf with each skin tone and hair color having a corresponding skin tone and hair color for the non-void form, just as worgens do.
18/05/2018 11:02Posted by Shahraz
As soon as you get out of combat you are able to hit the toggle if you want to
So it's like a fair-weather void elf. There when you want it and gone when you don't.
18/05/2018 11:02Posted by Shahraz
18/05/2018 10:34Posted by Moritz
Well to add the option to not be a Void Elf to the void elves is just a bad one.
If you want to play a Void Elf without the void you're playing the wrong race.

Except they will still be void elves. Just as a worgen is a worgen even if they are walking around in human form.

Optional toggle while out combat means:
1. You are not forced to use it.
2. Only works out of combat.

As soon as you hit a critter you'll go all voidy, hell given how our racial works you'll go full blueberry mode almost instantly. As soon as you get out of combat you are able to hit the toggle if you want to, but the default mode will always be current void elf looks, just as the default mode for a worgen is... a worgen.

Just to elaborate a bit more, i'm not even thinking about having a blood elf model with blue eyes that suddenly transforms into a void elf model, that would look silly. I'm thinking about the same void elf model with a regular skin tone and a different hair color. Everything else remains unchanged, maybe with hidden tentacles.

You won't create two different elves, you'll create a void elf with each skin tone and hair color having a corresponding skin tone and hair color for the non-void form, just as worgens do.

But that's just not what a Void Elf is and it shouldn't be changed just so some people can RP better.
18/05/2018 11:18Posted by Moritz
But that's just not what a Void Elf is and it shouldn't be changed just so some people can RP better.

It's not just a change, it's an evolution of what void elves are, just taking them forward the same way as BE started being one thing and have ended up having golden eyes because their lore evolved during TBC.

I could even say that you need to unlock this by completing certain quests that will explain why you can toggle in and out in the first place or why more BE & HE are joining the VE ranks.

You'll keep your looks, you can totally ignore the toggle ability, and the original lore remains unchanged, so the narrative for your character can still be the same. No negative effects for you.

And yes, at the same time you'll satisfy some of the HE demand, it would work towards a compromise that some of us are willing to accept.
18/05/2018 12:00Posted by Shahraz
it would work towards a compromise that some of us are willing to accept.
What would happen if a compromise wasn't reached?
My support here for High Elves. Keep it up guys and ignore the nay sayers. Remember what happened with the call for Vanilla. It is happening now!!!
18/05/2018 12:00Posted by Shahraz
18/05/2018 11:18Posted by Moritz
But that's just not what a Void Elf is and it shouldn't be changed just so some people can RP better.

It's not just a change, it's an evolution of what void elves are, just taking them forward the same way as BE started being one thing and have ended up having golden eyes because their lore evolved during TBC.

I could even say that you need to unlock this by completing certain quests that will explain why you can toggle in and out in the first place or why more BE & HE are joining the VE ranks.

You'll keep your looks, you can totally ignore the toggle ability, and the original lore remains unchanged, so the narrative for your character can still be the same. No negative effects for you.

And yes, at the same time you'll satisfy some of the HE demand, it would work towards a compromise that some of us are willing to accept.

That might make me not delete my Void elf in honestly because I hate it.
18/05/2018 12:24Posted by Infuria
18/05/2018 12:00Posted by Shahraz
it would work towards a compromise that some of us are willing to accept.
What would happen if a compromise wasn't reached?

You've been participating on what would happen for a few days now. All this HE threds started on a void elf feedback thread.

Taking some of that feedback into consideration so that it feels like the compromise people keep repeating they are, is the best way to finish this.

Not that you care about it anyway.
18/05/2018 01:17Posted by Tìtus
Do you really think that is it though? After Theramore?

Thing is though, bar a few Blood Elves who -made- the Mana bomb, there was no Blood Elf involvement in that. I mean Blood Elves were among the Horde troops Garrosh used as bait to draw as many Alliance in as possible to bomb them. Both Horde and Alliance seem to have no problem using mana bombs on a smaller scale. We even see that in game. If you do the PvP quests on Isle of Thunder, the Sunreavers have brought Tactical mana bombs with them, and fair enough, despite the fact that only Blood Elves can -make- them, the Alliance, including Jaina, Vereesa and the Silver Covenant, have -zero- problem in actually -using- them. One of the quests is for the player character to steal some from the Sunreavers, the following quest is www.wowhead.com/quest=32628/tactical-mana-bombs

High Elves are long lived creatures, and as such would likely be able to get their head around the fact that Theramore was a legitimate military target. Sure, they would be angry if they had lost loved ones there, but it is not something 'special', Dead is Dead, whether by a sword or a mana bomb. As such, it is hard to see how Theramore would be an especial sticking point for them unless, like Vereesa, they had lost a loved one.

18/05/2018 01:17Posted by Tìtus
And the fact that even Umbric the void elf is spouting his support for the Alliance and it's purpose, not because Alleria let them in, but because Umbric truly belives the Horde is a blight apon the world after recent events.

I wouldn't necessarily regard the personal thoughts of someone who studied from the notes of the Scourge Magician who led to the death of 90% of their race as a good barometer of judgment. By rights, High Elves should hate Void Elves with a passion that makes the Blood Elves dislike for Void Elves look like a mild irritation. For us to take Umbric's views as anything other than an attitude of "You kicked me out? Well screw you, I'm joining the other guys!" is a bit disingenuous.

18/05/2018 01:17Posted by Tìtus
Do you really think the high elves would have a different mindset? The same High Elves that had issues with the Horde in the first place so much so that they gave up their homeland to fight it, you think they would ever consider going back to it just because fel isn't an issue anymore?

Except that is -not- what happened. For a start, lets say it again... The Quel'dorei Exile had -zero- to do with Fel. Nothing whatsoever. Secondly, What you state is simply not correct. The High Elves did not 'give up their homeland to fight the Horde'. Quel'thalas at the time of their Exile was a neutral state. Neither Horde nor Alliance. The Exile was because they refused to take sustenance from living creatures after the Sunwell was defiled. (I could go on and say by definition if all Quel'dorei are not vegans that makes them colossal hypocrites, but that is neither here nor there.)

18/05/2018 01:17Posted by Tìtus
Do you think they would be beating up blood elves in the Sewers of Dalaran just because Vereesa said so even though they didn't want to?I don't think Vereesa has that kind of power at all, I think the Silver Covenent is all with her.

Ahem, think you will find it was 'beating up, torturing and murdering', but your basic point is correct, there -is- dislike there! It is plain to see. It also shows the Silver Covenant are a violent and vicious paramilitary organisation with no real morals, who are happy to kill civilians, but as we know, -all- Elves are not particularly the most compassionate of creatures in this setting.

18/05/2018 01:17Posted by Tìtus
And I doubt the High Elves of Quel'danil would wanna go join the Horde after living with the Wildhammer dwarves and draenei and so on for so long.

If anything they'd be the most likely to return. They're Farstriders, or rather, they -were- Farstriders before the Exile, and right now, there is zero difference between them and the Blood Elf Farstriders. They both have the same lifestyle, culture, reverence for nature. Only difference is the eye colour, which is now fading, and political allegiance. Its not inconceivable they would return, given that Farstriders in general, were the least affected by the upheavals following the Sunwell's fall. (I don't think they -will-, but we don't see them committing war crimes like the Silver Covenant, so they don't seem as rabid in supporting the Alliance)

18/05/2018 01:17Posted by Tìtus
Umbric says he wishes Quel'thalas was under Alliance rule. I think alot of the high elves and void elves don't even want to go back because they don't want it as it is right now, they want it under new rule.

Welp, he knows who he can blame for it not having rejoined the Alliance. That would be Jaina and Vereesa, and guess what, he just joined their side.

Seriously, that guy is not a good person to base an argument on, his writing is all over the place, and he doesn't even seem to remember that he was Exiled, instead of going to the Alliance 'because it is good'. I mean that just happened to him. If he can't remember that, then, I'd have some serious doubts as to whether he -has- mastered the Void, or whether it is just chomping on his cerebral cortex.
18/05/2018 12:32Posted by Cirec
My support here for High Elves. Keep it up guys and ignore the nay sayers. Remember what happened with the call for Vanilla. It is happening now!!!

Sadly, your example is all too similar, as a quick perusal of the 'Classic' forums will show you.

"We want X! but we want it with some Y and some Z, and we want it exclusive to us!"

"So you want X?"

"That's what we've been saying for years, we want X"

"OK, you can have X"

"Yaaay! Oh whilst you're at it, remember to give us Y and some Z"

"We thought you wanted X?"

"We do, but with some Quality of Life improvements"


"Because....umm, because Americans thought it was a good idea, and some guy on YouTube said so"

Seriously, I would not use the Classic argument, as right now, those guys are proving that Blizzard were 100% correct when they said "You think you do, but you don't".

I support Alliance getting High Elves, I just do not support the wilder excesses that are sprouting up for the concept across the Atlantic and starting to be championed here. That is what is damaging the case for High Elves, that is certainly what is turning many away from the idea of them ever being playable. If you want X, be happy with X.
18/05/2018 13:22Posted by Brigante
18/05/2018 12:32Posted by Cirec
My support here for High Elves. Keep it up guys and ignore the nay sayers. Remember what happened with the call for Vanilla. It is happening now!!!

Sadly, your example is all too similar, as a quick perusal of the 'Classic' forums will show you.

"We want X! but we want it with some Y and some Z, and we want it exclusive to us!"

"So you want X?"

"That's what we've been saying for years, we want X"

"OK, you can have X"

"Yaaay! Oh whilst you're at it, remember to give us Y and some Z"

"We thought you wanted X?"

"We do, but with some Quality of Life improvements"


"Because....umm, because Americans thought it was a good idea, and some guy on YouTube said so"

Seriously, I would not use the Classic argument, as right now, those guys are proving that Blizzard were 100% correct when they said "You think you do, but you don't".

I support Alliance getting High Elves, I just do not support the wilder excesses that are sprouting up for the concept across the Atlantic and starting to be championed here. That is what is damaging the case for High Elves, that is certainly what is turning many away from the idea of them ever being playable. If you want X, be happy with X.

So true. High Elves are simply Blood Elves with Blue Eyes. But oh no, they want HE models with tattoos and war paint and additional 15 features that other races don't have, but should have.
17/05/2018 23:44Posted by Mornatar
Firstly, you clearly need to read up and immerse yourself in the lore rather than reading selective excerpts from some article and making a point to get a stylish new model to play on the Alliance side.
The High Elves were threatened with murder by the Night Elves after the Sundering as they had continued to use arcane magic despite their orders not to. Due to such knee-jerk reactions of the Night Elves, the High Elves exiled themselves they thrived elsewhere, away from their conservative brothers.

From what I can tell the Night Elves exiled the Highborne, after they continued the practice of Arcane magic.. As they couldn't bring themselves to put so many of their brethren to death.

17/05/2018 23:44Posted by Mornatar
So to sum it up, this imaginary and non-existent High Elven 'faction' (if you can even call a handful of such elves a faction) with blue eyes you want absorbed into the Alliance is basically a playable race on the Horde, only with green eyes, and thus it stands to reason that it is something that will never happen. Ever. Get over it.

18/05/2018 00:09Posted by Mornatar
He hasn't even done his homework about the matter. The High Elves are not numerous enough to form their own faction. They are a handful of vagabonds like Vereesa who left the Horde or the small number of Elves like the ones in Dalaran who are working for the Kirin Tor.

There are more High Elves than Void Elves.. Ion himself even described them as a "squad".. They were a tiny bunch of Void obsessed Blood Elves.
Yet they are playable..
The Lightforged aren't many either..

18/05/2018 00:09Posted by Mornatar
And with Void Elves now a part of the Alliance I'd prefer if Blizzard just put a stop to this whole matter and focused on other cool races like trolls and orcs.

They are cool in your opinion.. There are far more people who don't like trolls or orcs than there are people who think those races are cooler..
Just look at how few play trolls compared to all the elven races.
So just as they have to respect your opinion that orcs and trolls are cool, you should respect their opinion that they don't find them as cool..

This discussion has been done 50.000 times already in all 3 threads..
Every single one of your points has been made over and over again..
If people want to discuss High Elves and have fun with that, who are you to tell them otherwise?
So please, if you're not going to participate in the discussion which they are allowed to have, just ignore the thread.
I've seen countless people say that high elves shouldn't be implemented so that they wouldn't take a place from a 'cool' race such as Jinyu.

But realistically - how many people do you imagine switching to and playing Jinyu compared to High Elves?

Many of these critics say that Jinyu would be better but have no intention whatsoever of playing that race - and even if they did, its popularity would only be a fraction of high elves'.

High elves' popularity is the best reason for its inclusion. The most sought-after unplayable race.
18/05/2018 14:08Posted by Foreseer
But realistically - how many people do you imagine switching to and playing Jinyu compared to High Elves?Many of these critics say that Jinyu would be better but have no intention whatsoever of playing that race - and even if they did, its popularity would only be a fraction of high elves'.

I actually would. I'm not against Alliance getting High Elves, but yeah, I wouldn't roll one. I chose Blood Elf because the dichotomy of your classic High Elf working -with- the monsters was more appealing than LotR style Elves. Jinyu, I'd totally roll one.

I mean that is just my opinion as a single person, but yeah, Jinyu would be pretty nice. I could see a character who laments the debased nature of his ancient ancestors from another land, the murlocs, and decides to throw himself into studies as to how he can better their situation (Whilst being chased by bipedal pirhana-men going "Mrrrrghlgggh")