Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

lol as we march on to 4 times that!

on a serious note, is there a HE npc in game that you want to look like? do they actually exist in game currently? (not just lore).

We’ve been over this some many times already Erevien. I do not want to write the reasons why this thread lives on, again :confused:

May I ask, where have you seen anything that would say that HE are the biggest priority for those who post in this forum? There are dozens of really big issues in the game and no one in this thread tries to deny that fact or lessen it.

Reason for this thread is to contain the HE topic, so that it can not bother anyone. It is just really one topic, one thread that you can easily ignore 
 Can you say the same about some irritating topics, like leaving threads, Horde/Alliance bias, where many of the players are extremely vulgar and do not create threads that could help or benefit the discussion about serious issues in the game? (ofc some threads like these give good feedback and insights)


Its an interesting idea, but I can’t see it working that way. I’ll explain why I think that way. For a start it is a massive paradigm shift for both cultures. High Elves do not currently worship Elune, and now that the Sunwell is working again, don’t -need- to find an alternative. It works all over Azeroth, not just in Quel’thalas. We know this from the short story ‘The Shadow of the Sun’. Priestess Aurora, who is a High Elf, knew the instant the Sunwell was reignited, and could even feel the fact it was now Light and Arcane, not just Arcane. Admittedly, she is a Priestess of the Light, so may be more aware of such things, but she was still feeling the Sunwell’s magic.
We see Blood Elves able to fight Wars on the other sides of the globe, without need for any Fel Crystals (not that they drained them anyway), because they simply do not need them. The Sunwell nourishes them wherever on Azeroth they are.

It would also be a strange twist for the Kaldorei. Suddenly a whole bunch of ‘foreigners’ (For lets face it, by now the Quel’dorei are) suddenly start turning up to their holy places, joining their priesthood, I mean where would they fit in? The Kaldorei are a Matriarchy, albeit one which is becoming more relaxed with gender roles, the Quel’dorei, like the Sin’dorei are more egalitarian, with no conception of gender roles. The culture shock value would be great fun to roleplay out, don’t get me wrong. A junior Kaldorei Priestess being instructed by a higher ranking Quel’dorei Priest, for example, but it seems too forced. The assimilation would surely take longer than just “Yeah we like Elune now”.

Help which even if willing, the High Elves could not provide. The High Elves had one dose of the Waters of Eternity, and they were used to make the Sunwell. If there is the power to make more Moonwells, it is already in the hands of the Kaldorei, So whilst the help of the Quel’dorei might be appreciated, it just isn’t necessary apart from “Right, that’s the special water bit in there, can you pass me a bucket of normal water and we’ll start mixing this up” Its nothing the Kaldorei can’t do for themselves basically.
I mean its a nice basic idea, but
especially now they have brought the Highborne back into the fold, as horrible as it sounds, the Kaldorei just don’t -need- the Quel’dorei

Ahem. The Fel Crystals were there during TBC to keep the floaty buildings floating, Something the Sunwell used to do, and now does again, Canon Lore is that the Fel Crystals are all gone now, and Rommath confirms this. By the time of WotLK the Fel Crystals were gone.

Yeah. Everybody says this about High Elves being Ranger types, but they’re just the ones who get the screen time (Although BfA is showing more of their mages which is nice). Most High Elves did live in cities, predominantly Dalaran, Stormwind and Theramore. They’re basically the same as Blood Elves in that regard, you have your ‘city folk’ and you have your ‘outdoorsy folk’. There isn’t a difference in the demographic. The only reason people think of them as largely Rangers is because of Quel’danil Lodge. That’s -one- Ranger Enclave. The Blood Elves have two in their starting zones alone, does that make them 50% more Ranger?

Even the Silver Covenant do not seem to be purely Rangers (Which makes sense, they are a paramilitary organisation, not a Farstrider regiment). People largely assume they are because they are led by Vereesa.

The irony here is that ‘Ranger General’ Vereesa Windrunner just -gave- herself that rank. She didn’t earn it, she never rose above the rank of ‘Farstrider Ranger’ before she was Exiled. Alleria did, She made it to Ranger-Captain on her own merits. Basically what the Silver Covenant are getting, under her leadership, is kind of a watered down version of the Farstrider teachings, because she herself was never an officer.

That’s nice. That allows them to evolve in a different way and become their own thing.

They don’t need to. The Sunwell is fixed. Everyone is happy, no one feels Mana Withdrawal. Its like, You can’t Give up smoking if you
don’t smoke and never have.
Blood and High Elves have no need for any sort of help with their addiction because it just isn’t relevant to them, there is no addiction, the Sunwell provides

To be fair, I’m more interested in this topic, than about ten weekly rants from people frothing about RNG and its evils, there really is very little to engage with there. Here I can have a conversation

I personally don’t care, I’m perfectly chill with people getting Playable High Elves on Alliance, I wouldn’t make one myself, but yes, there are loads of HE npc’s in game. The Silver Covenant, the Elves at Quel’danil, the High Elf mages who transport you to Warfronts on Alliance side, Auric, Vereesa. There’s actually quite a lot of them. They look identical to Blood Elves, Just with Blue Eyes.

As to this thread, I think it is healthier that it -is- all in one place, rather than multiple threads made over time. It lets people have a discussion, which is more coherent and connected than if it were on differing threads. Blizzard should do this with more threads to be honest, starting with RNG complaints, Azerite complaints and “I Quit Because I’m a tiny ball of rage seething with emotion” threads.


Yes, the Silver Covenant high elf npcs.

There are many others too, these are examples.


And they don’t need to breed with the humans or none elves there’s eneogh of them to begin a new with their own race.

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Ugh, don’t we have enough Elves already?

I’d rather see something new entirely.

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There are at least, at the minimum, 2 more elven options that are not playable, could potentially be, and are being requested the most.


Ehhhh, that’s not what Blizzard say. They say the Opposite. I mean it doesn’t -matter- because the current generation of High Elves will live for far longer than we, as their players, or WoW as a game will, but they are on the way out. They are described as ‘A race in name only’ and are dying out.

Its basically called ‘Functional Extinction’. Now -Actual- Extinction is where there simply are no members of a species left alive, absolutely none. Things like the Dodo, basically. There are 0 Dodo’s, they are Actually Extinct.

Functional Extinction, such as the Quel’dorei, is when whilst there -are- living members of the species around, circumstances or (In their case) sheer lack of numbers, mean that there is not a sustainable population for more than a few generations, without inbreeding, or dilution of the core nature of the species by breeding with other species (Such as humans).

Basically without breeding with humans, or inbreeding and all the genetic flaws that brings, High Elves are functionally Extinct.


Given Elven lifespans
That will take at least 21,000 years to actually happen, so frankly, who cares?

So whilst they are Functionally Extinct, who the heck here is still going to be playing in 21,000 years time? Its no reason not to have them as a race.


Well i probelly will and The Heavens does have a wifi.

I don’t think blizz really cares to much about the context of the games universe anymore, we have the over arching narrative with the titans but after they made the RPG books none cannon it wouldn’t surprise me if they turned a race of 1-2 people into something playable. looking at void elves and mag’har orcs.


To me, the more new, strange races that get put into this world, which get lore that says they’ve been here all along, we just haven’t seen them before because this one race never travelled anywhere until just about the time we meet them, or come from strange worlds, the less those races feel like a part of the World of Warcraft, and more like something put in there to fill some gaps and creating something new and different all the time. Let’s face it, the Warcraft universe is FULL of cool races already, many of which really deserve to get more screen time, possibly as allied races.

While I agree, I also want to consider that both kaldorei and quel’dorei cultures stand amidst massive upheavals. Night elves barely had time to adjust to being in the Alliance, having a capitol city, and all the cultural changes that came in the aftermath of Archimonde’s attack and fall at Eternity’s End. And now, Teldrassil is gone, and a lot of their own people fell with it. Tyrande has opened up the path of the Night Warrior. Demon hunters walk among them. Kaldorei culture is in chaos, and I’d argue it’s wide open for paradigm shifts.

Quel’dorei culture has different struggles, but is hardly stable. Yes, the Sunwell is restored, and it might even be that some of the quel’dorei would be allowed to visit (though, the current wars probably see the schisms between sin’- and quel’dorei grow). High elves are outcasts from their own society. Families, friends. neighbours have turned their backs on them and view them as traitors. They’re a minority of their own people, and a minority among their allies (even though other, smaller minorities exist). But they are elves, and there are more elves in the Alliance. We’ve seen relations between high elves and night elves evolve through the years they’ve spent together, from rude remarks when a high elf approached a moonwell, to good and friendly cooperations between Shandris and Vereesa, and their regiments. Along the way, the night elves opened up their culture to reinclude the shen’dralar, allowing mages to be trained among their people for the first time in ten thousand years. Highborne night elves and high elves have much in common.

The Sunwell belongs to the blood elves. While high elves can draw from its energies, there might be reasons why they perhaps don’t want to. These elves are after all the ones that managed without it without drawing the life from living beings. They found other ways than the blood elves when the Sunwell was corrupted, and that was one of the things that set them apart from the blood elves. It’s plausible for them to want to find other ways now as well. Maybe moonwells, and maybe something else entirely.

Blizzard, please! If you won’t give us a real overhaul of Quel’Thalas, at least update the assets to match the current state of the city.

It’s more like giving up smoking when the air is saturated with tobacco smoke.

It’s almost like this is a subject that at least some people care a lot about.

If it’s introduced as a sudden change, it’d feel forced. But buildups could be added as the high elves and night elves both struggle to find themselves amidst all the chaos their cultures have gone through. A few bits of text and dialogue, added over a period of time has been sufficient buildups for a lot of other changes.


I don’t think a Thalassian elf can cut themselves voluntarily from the Sunwell, outside of traumatic experience like the transformation into Void Elf? It seems they are connected to it from birth, no matter where or when they are; I half wonder if it’s part of being born/growing in Quel’thalas, but it seems to hold true for the elves born in Dalaran as well. (Though I would like a confirmation that there was Thalassian elves born in Dalaran, that it wasn’t just a city they visited once adults, if someone have one. I -suppose- it is, but I may be wrong.)

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Well it’s a good thing that lore isn’t the Bible and can be adapted to make our requests possible. Not asking for retcons, like it happened to Suramar (which was allegedly a sunken city prior to Legion), a simple “HEs are no longer welcome to drain energy from the Sunwell” is enough. How? Let’s have the devs imagine a way for this to happen, considering HEs are able to access the Sunwell from any part of the world afaik. This is just an example, anything is possible, really. So no, no problem. :slight_smile:

You being one of the prominent trolls doing exactly this. Thank you for acknowledging it!

And once again, you are one of these same players. We won’t stop only because you ask us to stop, this ain’t a dictatorship. Ever heard of “let it be”?

Oh we would accept a No from head developers, the thing is they never said it. They said “Not in a near future”. Please come back to me whenever they say “No, not now, not never”, and with logical irrefutable reasons. Otherwise we’ll still continue with our requests, as I am a paying customer with this right. :kissing_heart:

Also, regarding your comments on the differences between Night Elves and High Elves making it difficult to unite. I never interpreted from that suggestion that both cultures must melt into one or that High Elves should start worshipping Elune as a superior entity - it’d be a simple alliance where all three races closely collaborate and help each other (more than a military alliance like the Alliance).

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I imagine they’d have to apply some kind of filter, to keep the energies out, similar to wearing a gas mask in a smoke filled room. Some sort of magical adaptation - perhaps a new skill entirely, not unlike how it was when the blood elves learned mana tap and arcane torrent. Perhaps some sort of “Lunar Surge” where high elves learn to meditate and draw strength from the moon (and it’d give them a slight boost to mana, focus, chi or similar resources). Then again, that path feels like it’s going too moony, even for this idea.


No, just no. Alliance got Void Elves. High Elves should either be assimilated by these or go extinct or reconsider their stance and join their people who are Blood Elves. High Elves should never become player characters.

If you want to play the true Thallasian Elf race, the Horde is there for you.

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The only situtation where I would accept High Elves in the Alliance as playable characters would be when the Horde gets the Draenei model in red, as playable Eredar who turned their backs on the Legion.

If we would get this trade off, OK. In any other case, High Elves should not be playable. They simply are too few to become player characters.

Or make unlocking them such a pain in the a
 that we would only see the most dedicated High Elf fans playing them.

I have 2 Void Elf characters, and I also have plenty of Blood Elf characters. I am pretty much satisfied by that.

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So basicly the horde would get a new race for their faction and the Alliance gets void/blood elves without their void/fel addiction

That doesn’t sound like a fair trade. We just need to forget about playable high elves entirely as they offer nothing new at all.

Both factions have thallasions already

Firstly regarding the population “issue” for the millionth time, Have you heard of Void Elves (debunks population “issue”), I believe there are more High Elves then void elves lore-wise. (regarding people becoming Void Elves, from what we know the process can’t be replicated, however, the devs have yet to confirm or give an official statement on it. there is no need to make them a pain to unlock, just because you do not want them. In that logic, because I do not like X race, it should be hard to get, which is utter nonsense.

I would be happy with the horde getting Eredar! if that’s what horde players want that would be quite cool


No abselutly not we should get The High elves as they’re already a part of The Alliance. And the void elves was a mistake we should had gotton High elves and we will in time and it won’t be long before ion he gets either fired or demoted to just be working with the raids.


The perfect compromise would have been High Elfs but when in combat you would get a void aura around you. Just like Allerlia when she activates her void powers.