I’d just prefere it if the blood elves would listen to Turalyon and realise the horde’s not for them and after an event of apologising the blood elves and High elves could be a part of The Alliance or of a new neutal order there can communicate with the both factions maybe name that faction The Argent Crusade and it’d be playable.
Upgrading Quel’Thalas was actually the solely reason why I wanted Silvermoon warfront X)
Both Blood elves and Draenei deserve upgrading their zones and finally placing them on the same map as EK/Kalimdor.
The last thing I heard about it was a couple of text lines about it somewhere in the game files and it sounded like it would happen sometime in the future. Are there any updates on the matter?
They mentioned it in some interview, that they have a lot of possible content, but some is scrapped from beginning and there are just traces that are left behind but does not mean anything. Another thing might be getting dataminers off the track. (this is not precisely how they said it btw)
To be honest, if a Youtuber told me it was dark at Midnight I would ask for a second opinion. They make -money- by selling their opinion to people who already think that way.
How would they do that?, that’s kind of like saying “removing the need to breathe”. The High Elves were still draining mana, just not from creatures. That’s kind of like saying “I’m just gonna think happy thoughts and not eat food anymore, that will work” at which point they’re not High Elves, they’re -something- else.
I don’t think they can…The Sunwell isn’t like a tap they can turn off, it just -is-, and it nourishes everyone, world wide. Plus remember, the High Elves aren’t actually Exiled anymore, Lor’themar overturned that. The only group currently exiled (with good reason) are the Void Elves.
Oh yes, they are definitely functionally Extinct, and a dying race, however it will take a few generations for them to actually -become- extinct, and that’s like, 21,000 years or so? Anyone here still going to be playing then?
There are more High Elves than Void Elves, and…well…
Why would they listen to Turalyon? What possible reason would they have to listen to a human whose wife almost destroyed the Sunwell? A wife who came with honeyed words from a Human King, then almost destroyed the font of magic that sustains them… I think they’ve had quite enough of the promises of Humans, and betrayals by humans following immediately on their heels…
Fool me once? Shame on you.
Fool me Twice? Shame on Me.
I can’t see there being a third time…
So thanks to Jaina and Alleria, That ain’t happenin’
Well i woulen’t be surprised if it happend judging by lady liadrin and High exarch Turalyon where he told her she’s a misguided Paladin of the horde so i’m thinking it would be interesting to have him at the warfront for Silvermoon aswell.
Maybe there is a way how to sever their connection, Nightborne might help them with that, but it seems unlikely, that it would be even possible to do and that there could be reason dire enough to choose such drastic method.
Are they though? I think that from genetic perspective, 1000 High elves should be enough to maintain healthy population (frankly even 100 could be enough, if they are not related). They can always accept any BE or elven hybrids (NE/HE etc.) or even Highborne (Shen’dralar) which are genetically close to them. Plus Half elves, mostly those that are more elven-like, since those that are more human-like live mostly with humans.
Unless Sylvanas start to raise dead BE or straight up killing them to raise them, I cannot see a reason that would make Blood elves side with the Alliance permanently.
Well she’s already raised a few orcs and some taruan into undeath what’s stopping her from doing so towards fallen Sin’dorei? The Answer’ simple northing and if lor’thamar says anything sylvanas disagrees with she calls him for a traitor.
Nahhh I don’t see why they would listen to Turalyon. If anything I see more reasons why they would not listen to him. But let’s not just associate Alerias actions (accidental or not) with Turalyon. I mean he didn’t nearly blow up the sunwell, that was Aleria. He wasn’t even there. The fact that they are married should not be a reason to dislike him.
They probably dislike Turalyon for more basic facts, human, former Alliance General, fought the Horde etc. I can also easily see Turalyon having a strong dislike for Blood Elf Paladins, which he has already displayed ingame. He says that they are misguided for one.
Sooo if BE are to be swayed by anyone to leave the Horde, I doubt it will be Turalyon.
It is quite strange that there wasn’t some sort of big reaction from the affected races (mainly from their leaders). But I can guarantee you that if Sylvanas raised a single BE, there would not be a place on Azeroth, where she could hide from their wrath. Lor’Themar made that clear, when she was “joking” about that.
We’ll see she’s stated that she’ll cross any path to achive victory.
She might find out soon that it is her and few of her loyalists versus the whole world. I do not know how can she achieve immortality in this situation, that she is bringing on her by herself alone.
Even nathanos seems to be not following her anymore if you’ve read the Before the storm book.
Oh, this was not aimed on Nathanos, I meant any loyalist (like those, who are still following her, when they arrest Baine, but imo they do it only because of her Warchief position and some of them would even if she ended up like Garrosh).
Now that was a spoiler. It’s not even live yet, only on the PTR.
I like Sylvanas. I do not agree with all of her actions. But she has a terribly sad backstory and she is a great character.
Her main problem is that she is perhaps to obsessed with self preservation. Which leads us to BfA. If the Horde loses then she might see her life come to an end. After all she is responsible for I very much doubt Anduin or anyone else would settle for just locking Sylvanas up in jail for the rest of her life. Which could be why she really is all “death or victory.”
However, Sylvanas is not stupid. She knows she can only push her allies so far before they rise up against her, which would be a Garrosh 2.0. (Which Blizz has confirmed isn’t gonna happen.) I’m pretty sure we are getting close to that point where Sylvanas might push the limits of her allies. Partly for what you stated about what she just did to Baine. Will the other leaders of the Horde stand for that? (I’m trying to avoid spoilers so I don’t know the circumstances of Baines arrest and would rather see that ingame. :3 )
If she does go to far, that is when (if it happens) the BE might split from the Horde. If that happens, what would happen to the remaining High Elves?
Sorry for the spoilers I completely forgot about it because I have talked about it too much.
We will see what will be the reactions for Sylvanas’s actions, but it is not looking good and I mean from the beginning, when she became Warchief or even way back when was Forsaken accepted by the Horde. She might have some other master plan, though it does not seem that way.
Anyway Blood elves would still create an opposition to Sylvanas inside the Horde rather than joining the Alliance in my mind. Bear in mind that there is still war and every race is participating in some way and have casualties.
1 year old with 11k replies spread over 3 different threads.
What actually resparked the Helf flame? I remember it firing up in Wrath and dropping in Cata, only to reignite in MoP, then dying again in Wod and Legion, but what caused it to reignite once again in BFA?
That is easy … allied races.
As for the other times it is most likely because High elves had quite some time in the expansion.
I gave up on alliance getting high elves, we will probably get a horse race that has druid, warrior class with racial ‘‘increase mount speed by 10% - does not stack with other effects’’ and their 4 race mounts are different hooves …
while horde get undead elves, lightforged undead, taunka, ogres etc
Not going to lie, that actually sounds quite a cool race.