Quest: "Locked Away" bugged (WPL)

Objective: To grab the outhouse key from Wandering Skeleton to open Outhouse (to find the ghoul for the key to the cabinet in the main house).

Outhouse cannot be interacted with despite my acquisition of the key.

Anyone else found this?

a bug that used to be in the old version is also there now :slight_smile: won’t be fixed

Move key from key ring to bags!

It’s in my bags :smiley:

Fak, I remember fixing the q that way. Sorry, buddy!

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Yeah, someone said the same on wowhead but seems bugged :frowning:

bump, having same bug

We don’t have keyrings in Classic yet. Shame it’s bugged :frowning:

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I had the same bug, switching layers worked.

It was raining in my layer and not in the other, maybe that’s why, who knows!

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Switching layer worked for me as well

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Ho can I switch layers to make this quest working?

I did the quest yesterday. The key is a quest item. You dont use it directly.

Worked for me when I did it earlier. Are you guys definitely at the right outhouse, the one behind the house? Cause there’s one to the side as well.

For me its bugged atm. Ill try with /reload and logging out. Nothing work.

Ill try when the server resets.

I don’t condone layering, and i haven’t tested this myself for the record- But
A guildie of mine asked if anyone had troubles with that exact quest and i mentioned how i sat at the outhouse for 40 minutes without luck so i ended up disbanding it.
He then went on to say he simply swapped layers and he could interact with said outhouse. Not sure if true, but i don’t see why a guildie would lie.
(I can’t decide what my guildies do, other than tell them i don’t condone of layering, although in this situation i don’t see the problem in it, if it works.)

Yeah, quest still bugged and what to do now when there is no layering any longer? :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess skipping the quest is the only option.

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