Do people in RP servers do dungeons and raids, or do they just roleplay and don’t care about the content of the game?
we do all of that + more
but roleplay is the main attraction of this server
Of course they do. They’re just as much as a content player as much as the next person in a non-RP server. Could you imagine only playing and MMORPG only for the RP part of it? RP gets old and tiring after repetitive a while and so naturally they would play the actual content of the current expansion.
But like the server implies, RP is the main part of it all.
This sums it up. Roleplay is the focus and major thing about this server, yet RPers also do content, and some of them are quite pro at it too. looks at Klaus and Nethy
It may be possible that some RP less than others and maybe do more content, but as the server’s tag implies, focus is on RP!
Well thanks, I moved and created a new character from Defias Brotherhood as that server is dead in rp, and I saw a lot of RPers in the Argent dawn server, so I was wondering if they also do content or just Roleplay, as I had to prove a friend wrong. I was thinking they also do content, but doing that and Roleplaying is pretty chilling I guess.
Of course RPers care about the game itself! For many, enjoyment of the game aids in their enjoyment and interest in RP and vice versa. Gameplay draughts also affect RP realms too, in fact.
There is an idea that RP realms somehow are the one area in which people somehow, by magic, decided to subscribe to World of Warcraft and never actually play it. We really do.
Is just that we ALSO RP and are really invested in that as a hobby and an extra way to explore the game. I guess we just like WoW that much!
Welcome to AD, the last standing bastion of world of warcraft roleplay
It is strange why people join rp servers but don’t rp in them, like Defias Brotherhood
It’s what kills RP servers sadly, there’s a reason we’re down to just AD now.
Because they like the atmosphere xdddd. Idk but just looking at ppl2 roleplay without doing so themselves is really weird
Oh, the scarlet clowns are creeping about already
Well… me and you do
Voyeurism is gross!
Lets also not forget we need to do content to stay up to date with the current lore and everything surrounding it!
Everything surrounding it - transmog!
Gotta do all the content for transmogs!
Because nothing else matters other than looking good.
Have you seen some of the PvErs transmog sets?
If that’s what they look like then I don’t want them here king
I’m admittedly not a fan of dropping the class-fantasy pve sets for BfA.
I did, however, force myself through pugging 3v3 arenas in Season 2 because I absolutely had to have the Vicious Black Bonesteed as Alyna’s IC mount. This was quite an achievement for me - I am not an arena specialist by any stretch of the imagination.
I’ve done many things in the name of RP that require me to do content. I no doubt will do more in times to come.
Wish I had the willpower to force myself through Arena’s for that two Warsabers.
Elune, they’re awesome and I really want one of them for my (Night) Warrior! But damn do I lack patience, skill and willpower to do Arena’s D:<
I’m confused by what you’re saying. Can you elaborate?