Question concerning non-rp players

I was looking for a pve guild on this forum and I’ve seen an absurd amount of toxicity towards non-rp players. Is this like this on the server as well ?

I joined this realm at the beginning of legion and I skipped BFA but I don’t remember seeing this, is this new ? I was interested on rp back then but now I don’t have as much time as before, and I’ll probably only do pve. But it seems this is not welcome here, and I’ll struggle to find a guild to raid because the guild recruiting here are attacked if they do not rp.

I’m considering transferring to Silvermoon but I don’t really have 25 bucks+ to spare for this and Silvermoon looks more like a machine without the community side of the game. Could anyone highlights me on what’s happening, and if it’s just the usual wow forum or if it’s like this in-game too ?

Have a nice day/night


It’s mostly a forum thing. On the actual realm, non-roleplayers outnumber roleplayers by a lot. Which is part of the problem really.


Levelling from 1 to 50 takes 7-8 hours on Alliance. It really isn´t that hard to get there and start doing Shadowlands content (which allows you to catch up a bit during levelling using Threads of Fate) and there´s no need to give Blizzard money for transfers.

Also, what community side of Argent Dawn? The Trade chat? Laggy Stormwind? If you aren´t a roleplayer, you really aren´t being part of the community that so many people (often those who don´t ever participate) on Reddit and YouTube praise for being so awesome and bringing the game to life (a.k.a., roleplayers).

Anyone who thinks that they are part of some amazing, unique WoW community experience by being on AD while all they do is do world quests, Torghast, PvP, M+ and raid with their guild are deluding themselves.


As long as you actually respect RPers and don’t do wacky stuff you’ll be fine really, the ‘absurd toxicity’ is mainly towards non RPers that come here and start aping around


I wish it was.

We do report OOC names as much as we can, and I report RP disruptions with video snapshots. The more OOOcers booted the better for the server.

Yes. Go to a non-RP server if you are a non-RPer. Simple as. AD is not a zoo or an exhibition; you merely contribute to the expulsion of RP from trade district and valley of honour.

The community of AD is a roleplayer community. If you stay here to watch it only, you will never be part of it. Why stay for a community you don’t plan on contributing to or be an actual part of?

Takes 10ish hours to level up a character without heirlooms or anything. Don’t need to throw € at Blizzard.

I don’t believe it’s worthwhile to honeycoat this sentiment. Even if you respect RP and linger around you’ll just be an “outsider” detached from the community. Little point to it.


Personally? I would suggest installing Total Roleplay 3 and having a character even if you only really ever plan on doing PvE. Sometimes I find it nice to just sit down in a tavern and do half an hour of casual RP, it’s something I’d recommend giving a try after doing a raid!


I know of a few Alliance pve/raid guilds that might Just be what you are looking for.
If the toxicty you see was from watching the most recent pve guild threads, I have to say said toxicty began from them tbh. Wouldnt recommend being in a guild with such GMs.

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The forums are, thankfully, not wholly representative of the server’s player base, so no.


Non-RPers have vastly outnumbered RPers in every iteration of AD’s existence, throughout every expansion. Whilst Non-RPers transfer/reroll here daily, there is no great influx of new RPers, and as such the RP population has been in a steady but noticeable decline for over a few years now.

Because of this, and the fact the forums is mostly frequented by RPers, the forums is the place where most players vet their frustrations on the state of things. Whilst the vast majority of non- RPers do not actively grief RP, it only take a few to ruin a person’s event and evening.

The forums are a vocal minority; you can roll on AD and will generally find more PvE oriented guilds than RP ones, and have no issue finding a non-RP community. No one can stop you doing that, and at the end of the day whilst I love my server and wish it were solely for RP, there is no way to enforce that when Blizzard has no intentions of doing that.

Just make sure you have a fantasy-esque name; and, if any of your guildmates start giving RPers grief, then be the bigger man and call them out on it. And I deffo think you should at least install TRP to see what other players are up to! You might wanna join in someday.

EDIT: Also it’s really disingenuous for people to be claiming this server has 0 PvE community, or any community outside of RP. Argent Dawn is one of the most populated servers on EU, and when the majority of players are not RPers, of course there are PvE and PvP communities. It’s not a nice reality, but lying about the fact won’t help anybody. People don’t roll here solely to watch or grief RPers; to a lot of them, we really aren’t that important, and they role here for the high population/because their friends were already here.


Welcome to the server, sorry that you’re feeling this way as well. I’m sure those which do make snappy and non-friendly comments don’t mean it in a personal way, from what I have gathered some RPers just feel like there is a lack of respect from OOC players, which ofc isn’t always the case.

AD forums has never been great for finding PvE guilds or anything non-RP really, I see the most are advertised in Trade. Maybe if more PvE guilds posted, then the attitude would change? Although I don’t think everyone is like this, obviously those who speak louder get heard more often.

If you ever do find the time to RP, I hope that your experiences don’t put you off as a RP server is always looking for new RPers to join their community, whatever part you play in where. Everyone is just as important as one another, regardless of their skill too. Everyone starts RP at different stages in their life, it just happens that a lot of people have already started.

I would recommend sticking around, maybe not taking the forums to heart, your more important experience is what is IG really and I don’t think everyone uses the forums, so if you feel like this way towards the forums, there are a lot of people who don’t on the game, if that helps.


No. I hope this never becomes the case where NoN-RP guilds start to out-number the RP guilds advertising on the forums. Go away you OOC apologist.


Uhh, I’m not trying to say that is something I want, I am just saying when a majority start posting then it’s kind of hard for the rest of the people to keep the same attitude. You’re allowed to disagree, I don’t really mind, it’s just a thought process. And no, I will not go away from the forums, thank you very much ^^ Rude.


Yeah, quite. Please read what you posted. You are asking for Non-RP guilds to advertise more. RP guilds being the minority compared to your hundreds of garbage ‘Social’ guilds, the forums would 180 where RP guilds are unlikely to stay on the first page.


The idea that more PvE guilds will help is contradictary though and not a good one in my opinion.

Role-Play should be the main priority of the server. We got raid guilds that do both and respect the server roleplay. There is no need for pure 100% ooc guilds whatsoever.


I play my uno reverse card.


Good for you.

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If I was asking for non-RP guilds to advertise more it would have been more direct, I think you’ve just simply took it the wrong way. It’s not like what I have said isn’t true, and just because I have mentioned it once, doesn’t mean I want it to happen. Either way, there is no need to be so rude to other people on the forums. It’s also not against the rules for people to do that, so it seems kind of pointless to get angry about something like that, and even more so being rude to a fellow RPer who doesn’t want that.

All I am trying to do is to show the OP that they don’t need to focus on the forums to begin with as not many post, then also trying to make sure they aren’t put off by RP because of the attitude they have witnessed. You might be a RPer now and people who are reading this are a RPer now, but once a ago we used to be OOC before we knew what RP was. I don’t dislike people for how they choose to play a game that we all like.

Oh, I don’t think it would help, I am just saying that naturally attitudes change when there are more posts of x, y or z.

You say it like its a good thing however. It isnt.

It’s also not against the rules for OOCers to roll on a Roleplay realm but hey, doesn’t mean we can’t speak up about it where possible.

Direct or not, you still made the statement.

I doubt it. The people who express the attitudes would like just stop posting rather than change how they think.

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