Let me qualify by saying this isn’t salty, hell it annoys me endlessly but that’s not the point of this post.
Recently, in my travels through Azeroth, levelling my alts, in 60-80+ zones, I have more frequently than not run into alliance players far above my level (1-2 shotting me essentially.) ganking me and less frequently, corpse camping and repeating the process a few times.
These players are targeting me at half health, while i am engaging several world mobs.
Scaling is non existent with these brackets so that’s not at all relevant.
By and large, Alliance players similar to my level questing in the same area are quite courteous, if by chance they do engage in PvP that’s a fair fight in my eyes.
What i would like to know is;
What do those players gain from carrying out such actions? Is there some kind of reward for doing this?
Also, is this considered grief, or is this just a byproduct of a badly thought out system?
The lines seem very blurred since War Mode has become a thing, I elect myself to have it on simply for the EXP bonus, surely that doesn’t mean i should be subjected to jars in my levelling experience at the hands of higher level Alliance players.
It’s a game. They paid their sub. If it’s fun for them, why would they not do it? Why is it fun for them? Doesn’t matter. If it’s not fun for you… you know what to do
Higher levels killing lower levels is not griefing, not against any rules. In fact, WPvP has been deliberately designed to allow camping and ganking. If Blizz wanted too, they could simply make it not possible to do it. They haven’t done that.
It makes WM an anything goes, no rules, kill em all mode. If you want to play by made up rules, that is your own choice. No one else has to though. WPvP has always been this way from the beginning.
I know you’ve not phrased your post as a complaint, but plenty complaints from so many on this subject going back over a decade… the saaaaaaaaaaame complaints lol after all this time. Expecting WPvP to be fair, something other than what it has always been. Turn off WM, or play a different game. Simple.
Tbh if you’re looking for XP bonus then use heirlooms and drink potions.
With WM on you have to expect everything that comes with it, it’s there for WPVP and for the BfA theme, the bonus is supposed to either be an incentive to try it, or a recompense for time spent WPVPing (sort of)
Awesome thanks for the clarification guys.
Think I’d underestimated the concept of it.
So there’s no real gain from it, its just seen as fun from a player perspective?
Also am using the Draughts and heirlooms, just using the 10% from WPvP when i run out of service medals.
Is that purely because they are always the lesser represented faction?
Because I’ve never seen the Call To Arms buff on my horde chars.
Yeah i have it on for the unpredictability, though i guess, personally I’d like a fighting chance lol.
I do like the idea of it, was just confused by what was seemingly a very odd flex
high levels killing low levels is essentially people needing to fix their ego after getting destroyed by people on equal footing
It’s a bit sad,but nothing you can really do about it
Warn the others in /1 channel,and avoid them.If you’re lucky someone their level will be roaming around the area
I’m only talking about people far above the area level of course
a lv 78 destroying a lv 61 in a 60-80 zone is normal and not really anything wrong,since you’re both there for the same reason.Not balanced,but not inherently mean
Just an FYI, Your post before the edit was a lot less hostile and answered my inquiry more substantially.
I’m not going to play another game, i was just enquiring as i’ve not really done alot of alt levelling with WM enabled.
I was more citing an explanation of the general rule set around WM from people who might have more info or experience in the matter.
I also think “play a different game” or “dont play it” is the biggest problem with gamers these days. Jeez.
Warmode hasn’t even been out for a decade so yaknow. thanks anyway.
WM is new, but it’s basically just an option to turn PvP on/off. WPvP has been around from the start.
If something isn’t fun though, why do it. Just sayin. The players that enjoy ganking, etc. are not going to stop. So people either have to go with the flow or… ye turn off WM or play another game. That’s not hostile, it’s just reality. Not fun = turn off.
Not sure if you mean their fun… If your fun… well, you did say “annoys me endlessly”… so I made an assumption… my bad. if their fun… ok, you said their gain rather than fun, my bad.
I meant gain as in achievement, honour etc an actual meta gain thought i was clear on that in my bullet questions, using words like “gain” and “reward”
Also followed up with “Not the point of this post”
Opinion VS Empathy.
“Play a different game” “You want to play by made up rules yet no-one else has” “turn it off” is unnecessary. I turned it on, i know where the off button is.
This was a quest for information not a enquiry as to what i should do with my time, I am fully aware there are complaints like this, hence why i qualified my post beforehand.
Thankfully i have a good guild who are more than up for some payback when they are around.
Just wondered if there was an actual meta gain to the process.
Have seen people camping FP’s in raid groups in 120 zones which actually brought me to the forums for info. People i have run into in 60-80+ zones are definitely far above the level requirement.
the gain to the process is pretty small,as you get only 1 honor per kill that way,which is an extremely slow way to gain honor.But it also requires no effort whatsoever,which is why it’s the prefered method for people who aren’t good at the game,since it allows them to actually get kills
You are literally describing the old pvp realms… be happy you have the power to turn them off now. It’s not a system implemented to help you level faster, its aimed at pvp