New Horde meta is to defend at galv and slowly push up. It’s been fun but the alliance hasn’t put up much of a fight each game. Nothing to do with any glitches, just pure refusal to adapt.
We’re trying to pvp but you keep rushing Drek.
It’s not our fault you want 5 min games and become disoriented when it fails.
Does these bugs cause alliance to just rush the boss without capping towers and the correct GY?
So much bullcrap in one post. Is it weekend already?
I kind of find this whole topic absurd, getting from neutral to exalted is a 3 day grind, maybe 4 with the longer ques we have now.
for me it was 2.5 days without turning in anything (as horde).
Meanwhile the honor grind can last for several months, how is rep even a factor in this?
There are hundreds of cheaters per realm in every aspect of the game. Dont expect Blizz to implement any positive changes, they dont even honor their own rules.
I straight up last like 10 AV as a horde in a row last night to alliance premades. so idk what the heck youre talking about. just QQ
Yup, am on my 4th AV loss in a row to Alliance premades rushing the boss. Pretty painful when you have 30+ minute queues.
But… But… The backdoor glitch…?
That’s 100% my plan and many others I’m sure. Currently 6k rep from exalted, couple more days and I’m done with this mess.
Honestly this AV is the worste form of PvP I’ve ever experienced in the entire game with the massive bugs, exploits, premades etc…and Blizzard not even acknowledging any of it.
I know, I know. The problem however is that Horde players aren’t all prepubescent kids who only know how to zerg the end boss, whilst us Horde players actually try to play the game. The Alliance players seems to think the backdoor glitch/exploit/bug/bullcrap is a major issue when it hardly ever gets used.
It get used every game but alliance guards it so its not a 100% success rate.
You do know that it’s easier to attack Horde base than ally base right?
It isnt,
When it comes to a premade vs premade, AV in its current state is horde favored.
I take it back, yes, ally base is easier to defend but nobody turtles because nobody gains anything out of it.
Go back to retail.
Alliance just trash in general.
Each time i ask to defend people start raging, but its quite obvious meta has changed so its not possible to win rush game outside of premades.
Yet alliance pve backpeddlers not able to comprehend.
#no changes!
You should get servers down /longer queues and start from patch 1!
This is correct.
All the other horde chokepoints are being glitched aswell. Nobody talks about that though…
It’s because the alliance won’t defend.
They’d rather the game end faster as we have instant queues and maximise their honor gain.
“Stop def, just kill commanders/lieutenants”
I’m glad that I’m exalted already, the alliance still had the same mentality as they did on day one… which still makes us lose 90% of the games.
Throw in the 5-10 alliance afkers EACH AV… and nobody ever vote kicked them, despite people asking in BG chat.
Not sure what you expect, when our faction has this stupid mentality?
Horde win AV because Horde can coordinate, can def Galv, use Recall and def base.
Alliance can win only if they are as premade or Horde will not make def squad…