Quiting the game because of warrior

I played last 2 days solo shuffle every single game literally every game there is a warrior, 100% uptime, always doing dmg immune to all CC as a lock. he has answer for EVERYTHING u cant kite him… Even if you run behind pillar they charge other target then u. i was 1900 in solo shuffle but after the last 2 days where something happened and every one is playing warrior now im stuck at 1700… Literally every single game there is a warrior and some times there are 2… Now imagine having to deal with TWO dps who are immune to cc slow and kiting while doing god like dmg on you and i need to hard cast to do dmg… And if you say “you should kite more bro0o0o” thats even bad if i do that most healers for some reason at this rating dont understand to position them selfs near ports even tho i tell them every single game… warriors can get to me faster than any of my teamate can, so i feel punished for even using spells that im suppose to… like ports i use it every single game on cd when i need to, and ports seems to be more punishing than rewarding…

This is too sad because i really enjoyed this expansion, but balancing is pretty TERRIBLE in this expansion. I understand that demo is strong vs casters and hard to die but vs mele especially warriors and ret who know what to do. ret can perma cc your tyrant he dont even have to kick you… Perhaps make them abit weaker vs caster but stronger vs mele. The last 2 days it just felt im free mmr to other groups… And there is nothing i can do vs warrior lobbys every game… It was fun while it lasted… Last time i played was in legion, now i played for 2 months and enjoyed but because of balance issues im leaving this game again i will Look forward to play something else that actually has nice balance design and not get hard stuck because of terrible design by blizz.



It unironically is a skill issue, but the skill required to beat me spamming my PvE DPS Rotation is not easy for you. For me it also starts becoming hard vs casters as my opponents get better. I used to have a very easy time against casters a week ago. Don’t feel bad for it. Just take your time to learn and don’t play for a certain rating. I will tell you from warrior to warlock that the game is easier for me to play than it is for you, and it’s less of a balancing issue and more of a skill issue, but it’s just the nature of the game currently, so you really shouldn’t feel bad for it, and just accept that your class has a harder skill floor to breach through.


Solo shuffle is an rng fiesta. It’s not warrior alone. Being the only caster in a full melee zugzug lobby is just as aids as being the only melee in a pure caster lobby. Try playing a warrior in a lobby with a frost mage, demo lock and an ele and tell me how much you enjoyed it.

Then again, if you end up in a pure caster lobby everything below 6-0 as a demo lock is trolling.

Try watching some warlock streams and ask questions, read guides etc to get better. It’s what i did back in wotlk (the actual) and even to this day i ask better people for advice on how to improve.


Lol I feel you, that’s exactly how I felt in S1 on my Hunter when I got hardstuck at 2.2k and just left the game and came back recently. Got banned within few weeks on my Hunter for being passionate about the game and saying fu*ck often, now I’m playing on my melee DH in a caster meta… and btw, just had a weird 0-6 game, next one I got 4-2 but got only +3 rating for it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

So this game will make you hate yourself but the less you care about rating and more about just playing for fun it gets better man :smiley: Understanding that in some lobbies you simply aren’t supposed to win will make you feel better and not carry your tilt over to the next lobby where you should win :slight_smile:

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In very low rating I actually had a very easy time in such lobbies by just staying in defensive stance, and using my burst when I feel like they wasted their panic buttons. The thing is though that doing that is way easier as a warrior than it is for a lock in a melee lobby to play the game. Casters have naturally a more challenging skill floor, but this is also the same in pretty much any other game I know. Darius in LoL will always be easier than Ryze at low elo, but when Darius gets higher elo, he will have to become very wise, unless he wants to get kited all game. Not different from wow.

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And someone else resubbed because of warrior becoming good so who cares.
Soon as a different class sees plays, the old exploiters jump into crying and comitting sudoku.
It was a caster meta for far too long and I would rather fight warriors than shadow priests and boomkins who spam cyclones.

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Are you my spirit animal, sir? Got banned for embracing healer life in its fullest, so i swapped to dh for easy life and less arguying with americans and their disfunctional “support” system:))

Brooo, I made so many tickets but neither of them received any real attention, always just copy pasta, and on the last ban, not even correct copy pasta, because they said “You’ve been banned permanently” except I’ve been banned for 20 days

I feel like their support system is too woke to understand that emotions and cursing sometimes simply is a part of COMPETITIVE game where I’m trying to annihilate the enemy and completely destroy their soul… it’s just so hypocritical to me… how can playing the game with the intent to be the most malicious to the enemy as possible be OKAY and ALLOWED, but using curse words is too much :smiley: :smiley: doesn’t make any sense to me…

And yea but the irony is I have this DH since S1 when it was OP, now it’s honestly probably a bigger glass cannon than my Hunter so that’s weird :smiley: :smiley: I just want CS2 to come out so I can stop playing this game where I have to behave like a politician

Heh, my experience with blizzard support is similar. Americans have very low understanding of multiculturalism and differencies in human mentality. Imo thats also the root of their modern problems with things like racism and such. Us in europe are more used to different cultures and personalities. They dont understand that its absolutelly normal to say swear words or something and not meaning to murder anybody family by it. They just cant handle europeans cultures, especially the eastern ones, who dont like that fake sunshine and rainbow and are more straight about things.

This game has nonexistent support basically. Ignoring the fact that its hard to even contact them through all the labyrint of links and discouragements from doing it, I always just get a random copy pasta not even handling my issue. When I asked a question, I got zero informative response after two weeks. Previously when I said I had performance issues and I cant find a solution, after a week they literally told me to google it :X
My last hilarious contact was that I got muted on forums for few days, but no email, no forum message with any explanation, what did I do wrong or anything, which was weird, because it always notifies me, if NA doesnt like any of my opinions and censors it, so I asked the support, what was going on. They couldnt answer it, so they sent me some copy pasta about an unspecified content being unappropriete and cant share what content (???). I wanted to ask why, but the reopen ticket doesnt exist anymore, so I was forced to make a new ticket to carry on the discussion. Since my ban was over due to the waiting time to get a response, in the end I decided not to do it. I would only get more lies anyway. I was wondering, where did the reopen ticket button disappear, because every blizz message has the signature that if you need more info, you can reopen a ticket and the button was missing for me. So I created a new ticket, asking how do I reopen a ticket, because the original button is missing for me. I asked if this is a bug or intended and if there is another way to contact them in general without creating new tickets. They told me I cant appeal to the ban. Then I was forced to create a new ticket and repeated that Im not worried about the ban, I just want to know, if the button is bugged or how do I respond to a ticket marked as resolved, because they keep telling me, I can do it. I got the same answer, I cant appeal to the ban. I literally repeated that Im not trying to appeal, Im trying to figure out, why my reopen ticket button has gone missing, because its important part of support communication, right? Again, they told me I cant appeal the ban, literally not even mentioning the button, again. This happened 2 more times. Then they threatened me with closing my account permanently for harassing a GM. Still zero answers to my question about the missing button, lol. At this point I think we are actually dealing with some low budget AI that doesnt work properly, because a human being should be able to understand a question about missing reopen ticket button and stopped talking about some ban appeal, which I mentioned 5 times that Im not concerned about. And then they wonder, why nobody likes them anymore, their active or old customers. How hard would it be to have a bit of understanding, a bit of effort and be nice to the paying customers since they are bleeding player base like there is no tomorrow due to even more severe reasons?

Lol damn bro that’s really frustrating but I know exactly how you feel. I also got banned on forums just few days ago because some cupcake reported me for trolling… There was some discussion going on and they were throwing insults left and right calling each other brainless monkeys and saying “fool go sit in the corner and let grownups talk” so I was like “Reported. Calling someone brainless monkey is insulting”… because that’s what they do to me ALL THE TIME right? So I was like let me report them too and see what happens. But they actually reported ME for trolling and I got instant banned for 4 days and nothing ever happened to them. That’s really crazy man tell me how that is reality :smiley: They call each other brainless monkeys and I end up getting banned for reporting them :smiley: F*ck me. And I created like 5 tickets as well, always copypasta and all I wanted to know what rule did I break exactly? I wasn’t even appealing trying to get unbanned, I just wanted to know what exactly did I do wrong and what was I banned for. They just replied pls read ToS… and all I said is “reported for insulting” because they actually were insulting each other yet I was the one who ended up being banned. Bro its fckn crazy this woke world honestly.

The thing is that the people that report me they NEVER EVER actually feel offended or insulted. They just want to do this power play where they get you banned so they can feel powerful for once in their pathetic life

Again can’t wait for CS2 I don’t think I’ll be back to this game for a long time once that’s out because Solo Shuffle is super competitive and toxic and having to hold my tongue back is killing me even more :smiley:

U from from czech or slovakia btw? Because me too :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Another person failed to line the big chop :axe:

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Heh, Blizzards ToS are so vague that there is literally nothing written in it, except that they can punish you for whatever they want, whenever they want and they refuse to give you any specific answers, because they usually isnt a reasonable explanation, why. They just can. And yes, this community has issues with reporting. As you mentioned already, ppl dont get offended, they just want you to suffer, because you called them out and they can abuse the flawed system. You literally cant argue with anybody about anything, because they always report you in pure spite and the american way to deal with such things is to cancel the person to keep their alibi just in case the report-er would get loud on twitter. I keep having issues with this company over and over again, but I have literally zero issues with any other game, company or real life ppl. Exactly the opposite! My issue is that I cant resist a fight offer from somebody, who is obviously wrong, arogant, uninformed and loud, because he/she can do it on the internet without getting punched in the face.

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Warriors have drifted so ridiculously far from their original design it is crazy. Remember when they could run out of charges and had to actually manage their rage through stance-dancing? Shii…

They could lose half their mobility and more than half their self-healing tomorrow and they’d still be strong.

Love u bro. 100% my thoughts and that’s what I told them in the surveys I received about my reports, but I doubt anyone will ever read them.

What you just said should be printed on a wallpaper, framed and put into every Blizzard office room as well as their personal houses, above their bed and have this made into audio as their fkn morning alarm.

They are enabling pathetic individuals to ban players who actually care just out of spite

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I got 2 solo shuffle lobbies 0-6 today because of warriors.
I’m pretty sure things are unfixable unfortunately in rated pvp in this expansion.

I hate it when i use my entire kit to run away from a warrior but they just charge me 2x anyways.

Tried using chains of skill or nah? He has a freedom on a 25 sec cd, and if he uses it u can instantly reapply chains so i dont see the issue.

thats if hes fury. also a tip could be to manage the distance from him, u can waddle much like in wotlk classic where ure outside of his charge range, basically close enough so he cant charge but far enough so he cant hit u, its very anoying

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This only works at 1600.

I expect mobility nerfs for both warrior and dh once casters are brought in line, it’s toxic.

Warriors are why they made casters so ungodly broken in dragonflight not to mention precog.


Blizz support is not even joke, back in time i was silienceed for telling mage to use his ice block and other similar things in ss, when i ask so called support to clarify thier rules they send “read our t&c” wich tells you nothing, after likec4 ticket benn suspended for week because i was harassing GM, so why this support even exists?

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