Yeah sure that seemed like the victory but that was made to be like that so that the zandalari could officially join the horde, that’s why the Rasthakan ended up killed there and the original plan was to just capture him.
It doesn’t have to be a redemption though.
Nor a let’s just squash her.
There can be multiple endings for Sylvannas, one where she gives the middle finger to both the mortal ( Horde and Alliance ) races of Azeroth and death, like if she gets rid of the shadow lands / returns the shadow lands to normal and then just dies to get eternal peace or something, that’s totally a sylvannas like thing.
Another ending is if she just returns to life and then vanishes entirely from the story line to retire in an unknown place with nathanos, the loyalists get to visit her retirement place and hangout while the nonloyalists/alliance think that she died / mia.
She could get the MU gul’dan treatment where she tries to do something and gets ganked behind the scenes, probably by death/jailor/arbiter.
We could get a this sylvannas is an imposter, we actually find the real Sylvannas in shadowlands type of ending.
While these endings are just random endings I thought off on a whim, it’s up to blizzard to show us the " plot twist ", and if it’s one of the speculated already known and already hated endings I think many people will be disappointed including me.
The biggest theory I’ve seen go around is that she will take the jailor/arbiter role but I think that’s ridiculous.
Yes, but it still was a defeat for the Horde. It may not be a big victory, but form Horde POV it was yet another attacked horde town. So we have been in Orgrmmar, we have shaken their tower. And they are leaderless, humiliated few times over and no Alliance character has ever written as horribly as Horde leaders have - like Thrall in past and Sylvanas now. And then we have absolute joke character that Nathanos is…
So yes, there are no ‘we got this victory’, but nor did Horde.
Tbh, I kinda like the idea of Sylvanus becoming an Illidan type figure…morally grey and not around during some expansions.
All these things wrong with BFA and your leaving because you think horde have been treated better…
I thought this post was going that have legitimate reasons to leave and now I’m just disappointed.
Blizzard might even bring her back to the horde in the end who knows, she still has loyal supporters there which might just wait for their chance to make the rebellion and take down the current government and than take the leadership back, everything is possible. Also the war between the alliance and the horde doesn’t need to necessarily stop now.
You pose some viable ideas that could work, but I prenatally do not trust miss Golden for it. She has proven to be very biased writer, who mixes her fan fantasies with canon, and given position to write canon, she mixes her personal favouritism in. So if she gets to write Sylvanas’ story, it will be two dimensional - either we kill her, or we redeem her.
if someone else would write that part, I might remain hopeful. For example I used to dislike Jaina a lot for her bad characteristics in writing - bland, boring goodie-good, and now she has become interesting multi-layered troubled lady. So on this light, yes Sylvie can be brought back from the deep hole (let me call that this way) and make her have solution that works for her fans and those, who are not keen on her.
I do like your ideas and I could totally go by those. I’d love something unexpected, but not cheesy, but that’s very hard to put well on paper (or in our case - on screen).
imo the most exciting option is a third faction, or heck a four faction.
The current factions is problematic, the alliance are all centered on humans/dwarves and gnomes.
The horde is centered on whoever the big boss with the warchief mantle and is further split by people who like blood and thunder versus people who value honor and peace.
Four factions can let other races shine while keeping things interesting and letting players be actually proud of their factions, while also solving the alliance player count problems by allowing cross faction grouping for dungeons/whatso ever.
Both the night elves and the Anduin as the leader of the alliance are portrayed currently in a very bad way to. I think how horde characters were portrayed in a more interesting fashion than the alliance were and much less predictable, the horde storytelling was more exciting in the BFA, the alliance story was just dull.
have the jailer just betray and kill her off problem solved
Think this ‘extra factions’ idea, may be behind the Covenants plan for Shadowlands…allows players to still be either Horde or Alliance, but with a little more nuance… hope Blizz get it right.
The problem with our elven leaders is that, they are not portrayed at all. They are not visible, they are hidden and they are … we got one angry outburst momentum, which was not even remotely enough to revenge the tree.
The boy king is a fan service to get heart of people who also like to watch anime, and all that. He has clear design features of such and it is a fan-service-character.
Hmmm… while Anduin may appeal to anime fans… you need to mix the characters attributes up a bit, so they are not too generic ‘leader’…and Anduin is perfect for developing the storyline into factionalisation happening, on the Alliance side
Yes that would be good, it would be nice to have factions withing the factions, and the more choices in the game for the players about who they want to support in their faction. Just like the horde players had the choice between the Saurfang and the Sylvanas in the current expansion.
There is also the way that Blizzard could just split the races into their own factions with their own unique stories.
And I’m all for cross faction grouping for the PvE. This game is old now and will never probably have the same numbers of the players as it did back in the Wotlk times, and for the Blizzard would be much easier to implement something like that than to balance the two factions for the endgame content. If the lore characters can work together on various things and to overcome the bigger threats in the stories and have been in a different expansion I don’t see why we shouldn’t be able as players.
Hahaha. You insane.
the ultimate anime character is Trade Prince Gallywix and his dumb as bread to boot
How very dare you, madam!
Our glorious leader is properly motivated…by profit, large explosives and shiny things!
his to dumb to realize that his azerite guzzling mecha fuel supply is limited he never invented anything his life and is a failure as a goblin
This must be the ultimate insult to a goblin - be actually dumber than gnome.
yupp i loved how he keeped thinking he was outsmarting the high thinker only to get his rear handed to him twice