Quitting wow

malfurion book version would wreck the horde pretty much alone his anger creates tornados and lighting storms :stuck_out_tongue: his called stormrage for a reason i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

jaina was in the old lore always described as a magical prodigy metzen at one point said she was second only to the naga queen her self if anything jaina has been under powered most of wow


Look how OP was Sylvanas portrayed already here in the Battle of undercity, those were some insane powers at work here :

was she that op though her powers are not her own their borrowed its like saying that we was op in legion when it was our artifacts and not us

Punyelf Š
release v. 1.14
A highly intelligent neurochain. More secure, more reliable and much faster than any previous MVP systems. This new augmented blockchain is based on intelligent decision making mechanisms.

The primary programming involved: playing as many paladin characters as possible, social network management, denying horde bias, but most importantly expressing the compassion to meatbags on forums.


Yeah but compare that with the way how Tyrande was portrayed with Elune empowerment in the Darkshore . There you see the clear difference with the ways how the Blizzard is showing the alliance and the horde currently.

who knows maybe blightcaller was being empowered by sylvanas too he is after all her boytoy / champion if so tyrande was lucky she was not one shot

She had sent him quality memes before the fight :smirk:

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Sylvannas’s power was always " gauged " she was strong, but not " OP " we got a glimpse of her powers in the greymane vs sylvannas cinematic, as in she’s stronger than him but not by a huge margin.

Only recently, we discovered her OP powers and it was directly explained as empowered by the jailor and she immediately left the horde, as in she wasn’t an asset of the horde to use.

In the battle for lordaeron she took 1 tower down and a couple of soldiers, not decimate armies and nullify the enemies strongest trump card with a snap of her fingers.

When you compare the horde you should think of thrall pre cata, cairne, baine ( even though he’s alliance ) , vol’jin, etc.

They are strong, but not anime level tornado and wisp wall creating with thanos snaps.

An overpowered character is only cool when portrayed in a unique way, with a defined weakness, the alliance characters have none.

Think Gaunter’o’dim in the witcher, or the elder vampire, or Madara in Naruto etc, they are overpowered characters, but each have a defined weakness and story.

Hell even the lich king which wasn’t THAT powerful was portrayed to have defined weaknesses, ( not strong on holy grounds, has a human side holding him back, got a mental battle with ner’zhul, his dad and souls trying to escape the sword, his human heart that tirion destroyed )

While the alliance characters are just overpowered for the sake of being overpowered, no unique weakness no nothing, and not even a reasonable explanation to their powerups.

Compare malfurion to Illidan, one had to sacrifice things, use the fel and finally consumed gul’dan’s skull then worked under the demons themselves to become this powerful, while malfurion was " lel talented shando " if he’s angry he created tornados and stuff.

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Can we update Sylvanas page on wowhead with this description?

Those are Malfurion and Jaina powers, Sylvannas’s powers are that everything has always been according to plan :smiley: reminds me of that blackhand comic.


My bad, but on topoc her multistep mastermind planning is getting hilarious :flushed:
I wish we could see a little bit more behind the curtain on how did she get there.

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True that, blizzard thinks that keeping us in the dark is going to be a cool thing when we finally see the plottwist.

But I think they have crossed the line on that, keeping the players in the dark and every patch they get hyped that they will finally find out that one twist to be disappointed by an actual no twist has lost it’s magic.

Especially since the plot twist is probably known, unless they pull some Sherlock holmes / deathnote / code geas / metal gear level of plot twist, I think many fans will be disappointed.

Especially since one of fanbases liked characters has been seemingly dragged through the mud and one of the games iconic characters got to bite the dust because of it.

At this point fans won’t take a Kerigan 2.0, a Garrosh 2.0 or a simple let’s kill her she’s evil for a conclusion.

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Yep, none of these options are welcome.
Hopefully they can still come up with something believable and thoroughly explained :smiling_face:


You are right, and that comes from the problematic writing.

I mean I don’t like even how Sylvanas empowerment was shown in the game because a lot of things were just left out and we didn’t see them like we should.
In the time of just one expansion she did become insanely strong in the combat if you consider that the Genn did beat her in a fair fight in the Stormheim in Legion, and the way how she gained all that power to beat even the Bolvar as a LK so easily was not shown in the game. She is also portrayed currently as a character without any weakness in the combat.

The alliance characters might seem strong but besides Jaina in the Undercity I haven’t seen them much in the action in this expansion, taking anything effectively down like Sylvanas did.

If you compare the current characters with the way how Blizzard made Arthas than you realize how he was made with a lot more effort, he seemed more realistic, we could see everything about him in the games how he did grow as a character from a paladin into the LK and he never felt forced like some current characters do.


Yea, I used to live in Teldrassil with them…

but her redemption would feel equally off. Least the way she is portrayed now, and then we get super imba plot-twist that she was saving the world?

This would probably be even more bland and horrible. It is best just to remove her from Horde side, make her generic villain of the universe and let saving of world and mid-level evil deeds to someone else.

This is the reason I didnt touch my horde toons until I got flying.

Zuldacrap is such a dumb city layout, in boralus everything is literally in on one street.

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Besides where are the alliance victories in the game, where we could see that the alliance regained anything back from its lost territories, the victories on the war table don’t interest me at all, I want to see them in the game, just like the horde could see theirs like when they conquered Teldrassil, or in the past Gilneas.

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Sylvanus, anti-hero bad…Illidan, anti-hero good…because (cognitive dissonance) reasons?

Anduin can’t be King, because too young?.. ORLY?.. Henry V fought in the front line at the Battle of Shrewsbury, and took an arrow in the face…aged 16.

His son the ‘Black Prince’ fought in the front line at the Battle of Crecy…aged 16.

Too much QQ, from teh OP.

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I’d say killing Rasthakan still was a solid move. Not a full blown victory, but solid move. Alliance deceived Horde so elegantly. Anyone can see my comments of what I think of BfA story and Alliance representation, but we should keep feet on the ground and not completely become consumed on hatred, or one sided view.

Also horde kind of failed hard in their Kul Tiras campaign, and in general there’s nothing ‘cool’ modern Horde can brag about. Sylvanas is that one overpowered character that bad writing brought to us, but lets face it - rest of the Horde is portrayed equally bad as rest of the Alliance.