Quitting WoW

Hey all. Just want you all to know that I’m quitting WoW. The amount of harassment I’ve endured has now told me that enough is enough. Maybe I will come back in a couple of years, who knows, but most players on Argent Dawn are acting like edited by moderator and I want none of that no more. Goodbye.

Sorry to hear you leave.
But have to add you haven’t spoken to most players on argent dawn.

Have fun in you next gaming adventures, where ever that is.

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Can I have your gold?

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Who dares to do such thing…

Sweeping generalisations are aways a great reason to flip a table a quit a game :smirk:

If you’re broke boy just say so, we can give you some

That works?

In that case I’d love some gold :grinning:


Hello, you can all see why we may have been critical if you wish;

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Ah, this is about a topic with 5 different people negative responding that is coming back as “most of argent dawn”?

I dont know if i have to laugh real hard or to cry.

Great, I can finally afford some vitamin D cookies. :slight_smile:

Share some

I am late from the Gold giveaway?

It has worked once for me and i actually got 700k out of it

Yaiks. He literally wants to roleplay marxist with actual references to Karl Marx while in character?

Yeah, I can understand why people don’t want to have anything to do with that and start laughing at OP. That is completely inappropriate, even if we ignore the political aspects of it.


I like how this has turned into a “I quit!!” strop into a cookie thread.

Great idea for a RP name for you and RP theme!!

Worgen + leaving for a few years to travel wandering roads…