- Quel’thalas
- 22
- Parents killed by scourge, raised by one of the farstriders, tried to kill as less animals as possible when she was hungry for mana
- Being raised by a farstrider
- Not yet
- Its hard for her to even relax but maybe swim alone somwhere
- her story i guess
- Black hawkstrider
- Alleria’s bow
- Her foster father, he found her as a baby in a destroyed village , and raised her
Nothing special.
When the scourge destroyed Loarderon she was raised into undeath, and after she regained her free will , she still felt like her life has a meaning.
Yes, before Loarderon was destroyed she got engaged with a human called Major Lillywhite (because this is an IZombie reference) but she doesn’t know yet if he’s alive or not
She doesn’t do that.
She doesn’t have many secrets…
The deathcharger mount
Right now she uses an axe but she will gladly use something else if it’s more powerful
Her best friend was a human called Peyton but she doesn’t know if she survived the scourge attack or not
Forgot already, I mean she is undead so why bothering with counting years?
Quite normal until the moment, when the city was destroyed during the Sundering, by the black dragonflight, namely Razormaw.
She was part of expedition forces assigned to Cenarion circle, she fell protecting her squad in Plaguelands during 2nd scourge war.
She was loooong time ago.
Suprisingly she reads books. Even made a farming attempt at Halfhill, buuuut didn’t end with positive results.
She actually doesn’t consider Lich King as her enemy despite being an Ebon Blade knight. And she is also not fond of her former kin.
Her two deathchargers.
Elven greatsword.
Wouldn’t call anyone best friend, but let’s say there is someone fitting the criteria to an extent. Vaxir
Shadowforge City
About 210, although he can’t be sure of exactly how old - It’s easy to lose track of even whole months underground.
Golgrim grew up in a time when the veterans of the War of the Three Hammers yet lived, and would spend long hours listening to their stories. He grew to hate the Wildhammer and Bronzebeard Dwarves with a passion, blaming them, more than Sorceror-Thane Thaurissan, for the Dark Iron’s enslavement by Ragnaros.
He was initially taken on as an apprentice by one of the Blacksmith’s that worked the Black Anvil. Working and shaping dark iron for all those years didn’t allow much time for more scholarly pursuits, but it built up his muscles and his stamina. Deciding to take up arms following the Alliance invasion of Shadowforge City and the murder of his Emperor, there was really only one logical choice.
Golgrim always came across as a solitary and gruff character during his years as a blacksmith, preferring the company of metal to that of others. As a young apprentice, he secretly harbored feelings for a pretty novice artificer but ultimately nothing came of it.
Several pints of Dark Iron Ale in the Grim Guzzler are always his first port of call when he needs to relax, however he finds working away on his armour and weapons to be the most calming; It reminds him of happier times.
After the death of Emperor Thaurissan, filled with rage and refusing to be ruled by any Bronzebeard, he abandoned Shadowforge.
Hoping they would rid the world of the other dwarf clans, and return the Dark Iron to their rightful place in the world, he joined up with the Twilight’s Hammer, where he forged Elementium into terrible weapons of darkness for N’Zoth’s army.
When Deathwing released Ragnaros, he was horrified, and fled in the dead of night. With nowhere else to go, he returned to Shadowforge, where he wished only for a swift death in the Ring of Law.
Instead, the Queen Regent had him spared on two conditions: That he turn over everything he knew of Elementium, and that, even if he could not accept her regency, that he swear on his life to obey, accept and defend her son, Dagran II, as his Emperor.
On still nights, he still hears whispers in the back of his mind.
During the Draenor campaign, he managed to capture one of the Iron Horde’s Elekks. Its strength and resilience reminded him of the Dark Iron, and so he kept it as a mount. It’s also incredibly useful for hauling large amounts of metal around.
His two flaming Greataxes. Unlike many Smiths, he would never demean his hammers by bashing them haphazardly against enemy armour; They are instruments of great artistry and should be treated as such.
Though he tends to be solitary, there are those he respects and even likes; Several members of the Thorium Brotherhood helped him evade capture when fleeing from the Twilight’s Hammer and on their long journey back to Blackrock he came to view them as friends.
Since his return to Shadowforge, he’s also developed a fondness for some of the apprentices, who remind him of himself in younger days. Though he still maintains a gruff outward demeanor, those apprentices closest to him know it to be more and more of an act these days, and never take his comments too seriously.
Zol’khan was born into a small branch village of the Frostmane tribe of ice trolls somewhere in the frigid wilderness of Dun Morogh.
Zol’khan is somewhere in his early twenties. Twenty one, or two. This means very little as the living conditions of ice trolls care more about ones ability to hunt or slay dwarves and gnomes, rather than age alone.
Harsh, but out of necessity. Young Zol’khan spent his early years learning to hunt, track and trap. In addition he learnt crafting skills necessary for the above. Bowyery, fletching, leatherworking, butchery. Useful skills.
Necessity, mostly. Zol’khan was raised from birth to bring food for the tribe and since he didn’t particularly show any aptitude for voodoo or other spiritual teachings, he was happy to serve how he could. He was always reverent of those who were chosen by the Loa. Maybe even a little envious, but Zol’khans sense of loyalty and duty trumped such feelings.
Zol’khan did have a mate and three children, but as is life for many Frostmanes, he lost them, along with the rest of his birth village to a dwarven raid.
Though Zol’khan loathes the idea of leisure, he does find enjoyment in sitting by a communal bonfire while he replenishes his supply of arrows or maintains his other equipment. He doesn’t particularly care for drugs or alcohol as he feels it his responsibility to remain sober, just in case.
Zol’khan USED to be envious of those who could commune with the Loa and had a sense of a greater destiny about them. This was never really an issue, but Zol’khan felt great shame for this envy for many years. He has since found peace with these petty feelings after coming face to face with a Loa during a trial to prove his worth to his new tribe.
Zol’khan is well adapted to moving by foot through the wilderness of Dun Morogh. He is an expert climber and has great stamina even by troll standards. He doesn’t have a beast to call a mount.
His trusty hunting bow in combination with his wolf companion, Wagaji. Zol’khan co-ordinates his attacks with the wolf. Either using the wolf as a distraction to land a lethal sneak attack or serving as a distraction himself to allow the wolf to pounce on their enemies. Zol’khan is also equipped with a hunting knife, but much prefers his bow.
Wagaji, the winter wolf. The wolf is the only living memory from his birth village and the wolf has been the trolls sole companion for years. Zol’khan is considering finding the wolf a mate so that the wolfs lineage would be preserved and with it the memory of that long lost family. Not to mention, having a replacement for when the wolf starts getting on in years.
Quiz over!
That was fun!
Where was your character born?
Quel’thalas, somewhere around in a place known as Ghostlands now.
How old is your character?
Something between 300 and 310. She lost the count of a couple of years after Scourge happened. (Also I can’t get my head over Blizzard timeline)
What was their childhood like?
Strict and sheltered. Etiquette, dance, language, history and bunch of other lessons from an early age, forced by her power-hungry mother that dedicated to shaping her as a future tool to climb even more ladders for higher political presence. Her plan didn’t work out.
What made them choose to be the class they are?
I’ve always gone with the idea of she had a gift for magic. As a former Quel’dorei why wouldn’t she? After failing to show skills with bow and arrow, or any other type of weapon, to be honest, she was educated as a mage-priest, as a kind soul she was once, she focused on the priest side even more to become a mender.
Have they ever been in a relationship?
Yes, she has been married. No, it wasn’t a good marriage. She isn’t opposed to the idea of relationships even after her bad marriage, although the numbers are very thin, it will always be a secondary aspect in her life. (Hence why some ended badly.)
- Do you love your work more than me?
- Yes.
What do they like to do to relax?
It depends on her mood. While working on her projects and research, she would spend days in her laboratory and lost the count of time, which she would find relaxing and calming. Then one week later you wouldn’t even be able to drag her indoors, eager to have some fun, meet new people, spend time with friends. Wine is important while doing both though. Eversong Red.
What is one secret about the character that very few people or no one knows about?
That’s a hard one. I’ve been maining her for a while now, she slipped her secrets to people she is close with once or twice by now. I can still think of a one or two though, the most obvious one is about her economic status, that no one knows the details yet.
Now, most people would assume when they first met her, she is at least a bit rich, a bunch of enchanted items, expensive lifestyle, and purchases, pretty dresses all the time, etc. But people close to her would know and notice she is hunting for works all the time, following every employer for payment, even turning small opportunities to a business that she can make some coin, like offering Quel’thalas tour for Shal’dorei or other new visitors in exchange of few silvers. She insists she works hard for what she has, and both assumptions and claims are true. She has a large sum of gold on her name, left from her late husband and her own family, under her married name, but she didn’t touch a single coin after her son’s death. She burnt all the bridges from her former life and started from the ground to build herself up. She still struggles to maintain her lifestyle sometimes, but even though the idea is tempting she managed to keep her promise to herself until now.
What is their favorite mount?
Her Dreamrunner which was rescued during an event. She cleansed the corruption from the creature and now they have an on/off relationship. She doesn’t claim to have ownership of the creature, but her requests for aid have never been denied until now.
Weapon of choice?
Light. Or magic, overall. She has a staff enchanted to help focus and instant shield/abjuration spellcasting, but she wouldn’t bash a skull with that. If she has to pick a physical weapon, she would probably go with a dagger. Anything that sharp enough to stab, even fork would do the work.
Who is their best friend and how did they meet them?
He is a Demon Hunter named Danarien. They used to work for the same organization during the last Legion invasion and counter-invasion to their home planet. Friends that slays demons together, stays together.
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