R1 Blood Death Knight wintrading solo shuffle with his rdruid friend

I understand you want to try to undermine my comments at this point so its just funny to me but its quite interesting at the same time.
My statement were about the general things surrounding wintrading and how it affects, maybe not ppl like you, but ppl like me who believes wintrading, cheating etc ruins the feel of the game.
If theres no evidence of him wintrading, just maybe stop being offended all the time when ppl talk about wintrading in general?

You say you understand that i want to undermine your comments simply because your in the wrong? thats some big kid brain you got there. :slight_smile:

To think im offended by anything anyone says on an online forum just tells me that your so woke you never gunna sleep again LMAO

Again, you make assumptions about me with no evidence further compounding the mentality you’ve got. 100% your the type of guy where if the whole world was saying your just wrong you would still say but no though im right and everyone else is wrong.

If you speak in general on a forum maybe just dont get so upset when people put you in your place? Im sorry you feel like people are undermining you but thats kind of what happens when you make a :clown_face: of yourself on the interwebs

Have a great day boo hope you feel better soon

So you are going to ignore the “defeatist and childish” comment. Lulw.

Almost all replys to me by you you ignore 95% of the conversation and insert your own assumptions

I am still waiting on you to give me examples but you continue to ignore that :slight_smile:

So this comment you made, calling me a defeatist and childish is not trying to undermine my comment? Alright.

You trying to call me woke for what reason? You think I get easily offended by ppl like you? :person_shrugging:

So you tell me I got assumptions about you without evidence (which I explained why in the other topic) and then you do the exact same thing but with absolutely no evidence. :+1:
Ive been wrong several times which I have accepted.
But do I accept random things from ppl without anything backing them up? Mostly no. Depends what its about and how much “common sense” and “logic” is behind it if it has no proof.

Are you trying to tell me that ppl are putting me in place because I dislike wintraders?
It feels like you are going somewhere else on this part.

Says the guy who didnt even know how the armory works with PvP statistics trying to prove him being a wintrader through it.

Goodluck kid. :+1:

You said according to me MMR and inflation has nothing to do with how easy it is to climb and thats not true simple as :slight_smile: I point out to you that i never said that and its not true and you accused me of being ofended and mad lmao

And then when you get put in your place you resort to mimicing other peoples replies and trying but failing to troll on your alt toon.

Continuesly refering to me as being mad and offended will not actualy make me mad or offended just so you are aware thats not how trolling usually works but i appreciate your effort lol

You genuinely dont read things properly do you lol

Can you read? I was defending him TOPKEK further proof that you just dont read what people are actually saying :clown_face: your only interested in attempting to make people Mad and or offended which is comical, Literally enough said when you just said that. The fact that you think im the one accusing him literally tells me you cannot read. I was literally saying the opposite. :man_facepalming:

Im telling you when you try to tell other people what theyve said when they havent said it they will put you in your place :smiley:

Thats exactly the point im making i even explicitly told you that due to you communicating in that manner then i too shall communicate like that :smiley:

I mean your the first person in the entire thread to bring up people being offended lmao

It is. And as i explained thats what will happen when you put words in other peoples mouths :smiley: The amount of my comments you seemingly ignore or dont read properly is outstanding

Godspeed son :heart:

You called what I said about it BS.

I mean, you are quite comical for sure.
Your comments stating he had 100% win rate and 1 lose as blood sounded ironic.

So me calling wintrading bad, and you trying to “put me in place” is what? :rofl:

Your point is pretty bad.
My assumption was based on you calling my MMR comment BS.
Your assumption is based on…?

Then you must be blind.

Ive read and pretty much answered to everything youve tried to say. But you still say I dont read or ignore. :thinking:

So im the son and you are the kid. :thinking:

Bro thinks im still reading his responses when he hasn’t got the decency to read mine :smiley:

Only because i can see it right now i will acknowledge the below

Now your with it lad.

I mean you proved me right as soon as you said im accusing the DK of wintrading lol. Thats not what i was doing i was defending him… which you would know if you have been reading

At a quick glance at the rest of your reply I cna clearly see your confused about this entire situation. Go ahead and respond but your talking complete nonsense. Why do you think im accusing the DK of wintrading?

So basically you prove you make things up.

Ah yes. I shouldnt have said the “wintrader” part since the rest of it were true. :person_shrugging:

Just doing what you do lad. So far youve claimed i beleive that MMR and inflation has nothing to do with how easy it is to climb which i dont :slight_smile: And youve accused me of accusing the DK of win trading which i was doing the opposite of :smiley: yet you continue to insist that you know what your talking about even when you dont read everything (evident by the claims you make against me) and then you jsut call people mad and offended.

Your level of trolling is shockingly poor. especially considering that youve got 3k posts… I expected more.

And I explained why which you have ignored several times now.

And I did say I shouldnt have said the wintrader part so I agreed with that part. But you still seem to believe thats what I keep saying still.

Man, at this point you are just sad x)

I mean ive explained everything to you in detail :slight_smile:

Its just a prime example of you misunderstanding things… notice a pattern here? - I know, i know you still dont see it you will mature over time and you’ll recognize the flaws of your logic

I mean when people start saying things that ive said or believe im going to respond if people dont like the response that aint my problem :slight_smile: - Notice how youve stopped claiming im mad/offended? and instead simply calling me sad :slight_smile:

I true sign of when somebody has been intellectually dismantled is when the opposing side begins to just straight up insult/belittle the other side - this is due to the opposing argument running out of debatable factual information and rather than take an L with grace they will go down the road of “they are just sad” “hes just mad” “dont be so offended”

I wish you a fantastic weekend hun

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Sure you did.

You really try hard dont you?

You mean the assumption I made based on you saying the comment about MMR was BS? :person_shrugging:

I really cant stop laughing, this really strikes me as a full force woke LOL.
Goodluck with your life :+1:
I wont fall down to your level anymore :rofl:

Glad to see you’ve realized you mis understood the situation and that you mis read a couple of things :slight_smile: Have a fabulous day in your woke bubble. :slight_smile:

BTT: As i already stated somewhere else, my guess would be that there are SO MANY Win trading/Cheating or whatever, that it would cost them to much to get it in check. Since Blizz is all about Cost reduction they simply ignore it. Or at least i believe so.

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