R1 Blood Death Knight wintrading solo shuffle with his rdruid friend

You will never have proof of wintrading unless it is communicated within the game. This dk you accuse has achieved high ratings years ago so idk man many games have win traders but you cannot be 100% unless those players have communicated about it within the game and even if they did. you will need to be a blizzard employeee to view those logs :slight_smile:

Im good at my game, and it will continue on for years to come, according to plan :slight_smile:
I will hold R1 range with 1-5 chars in all TWW seasons, just as I did throughout DF.
Reason I have been able to do that, is the gameplay consistency and time I put into it, I have over 1000 rounds played spread among my characters every season.
I will try to do the same for Solo RBG.

Being at the top doesn’t have to mean wintrade, but sadly im thrown into that category since this 1 guy started CTRL + V the same wintrade spam into big streamers chat for no reason to firebrand me. ( I guess he has some personal issues with me )

It’s in my nature to defend myself for my justice, eventho my friends have told me to ignore the propaganda/fake news :slight_smile:

Ye man if they read what i posted about your stats this season they can clearly see theres no win trading lol. How can they say you win trade in SS when you win 100% of games and 1 lose as blood lol. That 1 lose was 1000000% a win trade for shure lmao

Not sure how you pulled these solo shuffle stats - I can confirm that the data is incorrect xD Nobody ever has had 100% winrate, it’s next to impossible.

curious :rofl:

Scroll down and click on your solo shuffle and thats where i pulled the stats :rofl: so acording to blizz you do have 100% win rates in ss for dps specs lol

You don’t know how it works. Blizzard calculates winrate in a weird way in shuffle. I am not sure whether they count the entire shuffle as a win as long as you win at least one, or as long as you gain rating, but the winrate they display is not your actual round winrate.

For example looking at rounds Rahbekius-Kazzak has a 74-67 record as Blood (52% winrate), 277-259 as Unholy (52% winrate), and 80-63 as Frost (56% winrate). Yet on the Armory you’ll see the numbers you wrote, and are totally wrong because Blizzard looks at games (so, a set of 6 rounds) and not rounds and for some reason considers a game a win not at or above 3 rounds won, but with some other weird rule.


Well mate, your at the wrong here.

You cannot even obtain Rank 1 without having won 50 matches, and you cannot obtain Legend without having won 100 Rounds above 2400 which I also did, so wrong stats.

You can find them on check-pvp fr on Rahbekius

Thats okay blizzard should clean that up then

Ty Ty so he is pretty much the same as most pvpers then lol why do they think he win trades just becasue hes playing at high mmr xD maybe they are just jelly

Just fixed that for you, so people don’t get confused.

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People have a tendency to be jealous yes. However, as a player who also got the title several times, played at shuffle r1 elo all 4 seasons and record my games to review I can guarantee you there is a lot of wintrade going on the last few days. I know for a fact that there were a few solid reports with multiple video proofs sent along that Blizzard completely disregarded so people allow themselves to do it because there are very few consequences.

I am not saying it is the case here, I don’t know and I don’t care, but I’d say every spec has either a wintraded title or at least a few people who came really, really close and still got beaten at the end. It was just too obvious in some games.

The issue is that there is no penalty if you don’t enter. If you don’t enter a 2v2 or 3v3 you lose the rating. In shuffle I don’t think they should do that due to queues being long, but if you don’t enter you shouldn’t be able to instantly re q, then people can’t decline to get each other. And it wouldn’t hurt people who really missed q because well they weren’t here anyway so some of the time penalty will have elapsed by the time they are back. Something such as if you don’t enter you cannot q for 10 mins.


aye i think ppls need to chill anyway its only SS xD

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It has the value people decide to give it.

Probably one of the more irritating things.
People fight for R1 and a wintrader comes along and just takes it, so even with proof they dont even get punished for it. Its even in their ToS. Its a joke.
Then a wintrader comes and starts bragging about it aswell on the forum knowing they wont get punished for it either. :face_exhaling:
Not only are they giving the middle finger to every other player, but they also laugh in blizzards face. I have no idea how they can allow it.

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Cheating is cheating and ruins the game regardless of how much of a clownfiesta a bracket/gamemode is.

the problem is not that, the problem is that at 2600 you can very easily wintrade
wintrade for r1 in dps or in heal you have to know the right people

if you refer to me, well im not lol, get over it

If its nearly 100% win rate, its most likely wintrading, player dont wintrade to gain loses :d

So you got offended about me talking about how I feel wintrading is ruining the game?
I made a general statement how I feel wintrading is ruining the game which blizz dont even punish while it is in their ToS.

So how you got offended by something which was not a reply to you, not a quote of you, is beyond me. Stop being an idiot. The world is not about you.

I mean a large portion of this thread has been directed at that DK so i can understand his reaction. Assuming this DK thinks the world is about him is a defeatist and childish way to attempt to 1 up him lol