Racials need turning into a talent

Im kind of bored of pretending any more that NE as a rogue doesn’t hold a significant advantage compared to every other racial.
Having to make NEs because meld is an extra offensive cd when they have repeatedly over multiple expansions turned abilities from stealth to be significant is a pain and unfun.
Meld shouldn’t be this powerful. Even more since dance was removed and yet again most of assas damage is from stealth empowered garrotes.


As a tauron druid I agree with this.
Night elf is so powerful compared to the rest of the druid class it’s insane.

Problem is nearly all Alliance racials who were fitting for PvP have been nerfed with two exceptions gnome and NE. While horde racials are not even touched in the favour of pve only exception in BE racial which has been gutted.


orc hardiness? undead racial shared cd?


Also troll has been changed multiple times


They should just away with racials that impact the gameplay tbh.

Have buffs around professions or like the pandaren, longer food buffs…

At the very least, if the racials impact actual gameplay then it should be disabled in all forms of pvp.
Warmode/random bg included

since wotlk 3.2 i think

would be strange to not nerf it as all 3 of RMP classes can play orc nowadays kek

Tera online had good solution Turning them into 30min to 1 hour CD.
Right now for pve human is best for 0.25% on all secondary stats.

Who cares?
They are part of what makes the game unique, jesus.
You won’t all rest until all chars look the same, no gender, no race, all with the same gear and abilities.


Actually thats how things are rn. Prolly everyone who can is nelf even mages, locks


I would prefer if they reworked racials into “heritage traits” where we pick whichever one we want like talents or simply remove them all together. I think undead is cool for example but i feel forced to play orc because its the only really good horde racial.

human is better for lock than nelf because offense>defense
defense means nothing if people W at u
melding 1 cast wont stop people from running at u
meanwhile also having less dam kek

Sure you might be right however that doesnt change the fact 70% of locks are nelfs.

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ctrl c ctrl v
try asking at least several of them why did they make their choice
the answer will be WELL “insert name” DID IT SO I DO IT AS WELL
like here is an example of a damage diff in the same lobby
the guy went 1-5

like the guy obviously isnt bad its just his race is defensive and my is offensive and thats it

The best and only solution is to disable racials in pvp.

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So you’re telling me human racial did 12% dmg difference? Idk about your gear but he’s very undergeared, Are you sure youre not simply outgearing him?

I’m a belf, velf, worgen, mechagnome, draenei, lf draenei, maghar, human, and lastly nelf, I play either of them cuz who cares unless you’re pushing R1, and R1s don’t care about visuals cuz they all run T3 + TCG tabards with engi goggles anyway. You really don’t need a specific race to achieve anything outside of R1 significantly more easily. Although one could argue that hunters will need to start running nelves more this season because of solo BGs because we’ll be sitting bases afk, and I really don’t like the premise of playing that dog racial, I want my teleport.

Tbh I feel half the people in this thread have missed my point.

Imagine the majority of your damage is from one spell and to make the most of that spell, you either have to use an ability on a long CD OR a racial. Literally the majority of Assa’s damage requires stealth and now dance is gone, the only way to realistically do it are to restealth, use vanish or be a NE. The whole concept of stealth being required for your main damage, is dumb.

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it was 2700(or 2800?) mmr lobby everyone’s gear is equal there
yes its the human racial because not only i have more stats passively(5% more haste is a huge difference when being spam cced with tongues up) i also happen to have a burst every minute meanwhile he does not

Pretty sure void elfe is better for all caster because of anti push back effect, but tbh races aren’t nt that big of a deal.

Except nelf for rogue/feral (that is insane) you can play whatever and still get glad/r1.

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