Radiant Echoes Improvements Are Now Live

I don’t understand these comments.

Every event takes ages and the final boss takes 10+ minutes to kill and they nerf the drop rate of the recruit gear you can’t buy from the vendors.

How is this an improvement?
I hate how I didn’t farm much harder yesterday before these awful changes.

Please let us change the gear we get into tier sets for mogging purposes, now they are very much useless deadweight

Still unplayable due to massive lag. I was able to type this faster than I could cast Moonfire. Boss takes 10 minutes to kill because nobody can actually hit it. And its not even prime time.

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I can’t find this event!! whenever i go there it’s all dead! what to do?

oh sweet butt trumping christ!!!

It is honestly quite embarrasing with this massive lag… An MMO game that can’t handle MMO-content? Honestly, make this make sense.


One zone is active, it cycles through the whole time that zone is active.

When you go to the zone, you should find a bar in the middle top of your screen, you have to do the memory events on the map to bring that bar down to 0%. Then the boss will spawn.

The active zone swaps hourly. You can tell which zone is active by the extra effect on that portal in Dalaran. It should also have a timer on it saying how long is left.

The lag is worst on the first cycle of in my experience so far. Everyone is waiting to swap zone, so the largest group of players enters the zone.

The first kill in Dragonblight was so laggy compared to the last kill I did in Dustwallow Marsh.

No one got loot from the boss because we were all too lagged out. LK didn’t move the entire time he spawned.

I do love the player bases sense of humour about it though:-

When it swaps to Searing Gorge I’m going to wait to not be in the first wave.

Thank you for doing this. This is MUCH better!

Well the way I see it is that if they made the effort to understand the playerbase these issues would be fewer and less significant.

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Yes and no.
Part of the playerbase sometimes wants stuff that isn’t in the greater interest of the game. I get that they just want to have an experience that fun for them; but that isn’t always the healthiest thing.

Now in this case the initial mechanic of the event was just ill conceived.
It doesn’t really have anything to do with the playerbase even; the devs themselves, as gamers, should have understood from the get-go that having an event where you have an active 5ish minutes and then have basically nothing for 90 minutes is not fun for the majority of people who weren’t able to make it on time for those first 5 minutes. That’s just basic logic, I’d say.

Then couple that with the insane prices in comparison to the droprate of the currency and you have an all-round bad event.

Their fixes are nice. Basically now the only issue we have is lag (which for me personally hasn’t been that bad since the start, honestly).


Thanks for the changes. It really helped me finish the event completely and do some thing else in wow. Lul

Still 20 seconds lags on boss fights… Honestly, this is the state of Pre-Patch that is being released live, and then you have a nerve to encourage people to purchase Deluxe Edition The War Within Expansion!!! Sorry, but this just paint the picture of how next expansion will be for new players… Ridiculous, unplayable event…


Guess they count on less and less people doing the event and that then the lag issue will solve itself :roll_eyes:

For the last few hours I keep getting put in dead shards with no or less than 5 players around, making it impossible to get anything done. I truly, truly hate the changes they made!

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It’s still scuffed in many ways.

I’ve killed Onyxia twice now and it’s not giving any drops: no memories, no echoes currency, no gear or gear tokens.

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The “improvement” here is that the vocal ones can now farm currency on end. That’s it. They want what could have been done on and off over the month in a matter of hours.

I keep writing and deleting paragraph after paragraph but in the end it’s all just a sad sad testament to the state of the industry (which isn’t much better or worse than any other, but we’re here so that’s that).

Understanding the playerbase, yeah right. This is giving in to the demands of the loudest ones, that’s what it is. Just like the communication praises. Which is only ever praised if they have gotten the results they wanted. They’d be trashing Blizz for literally any other result.

Which genius at blizz decided that the bosses need MORE hp, in a mode that lags everyone to 1fps? that 15 min boss fight at 1fps is just peak, FUN


Hmm, interesting. Quick response to the years old problem of gathering players at the exact same time, game cannot handle it. Every patch the same thing.

Just had a lag free experience with what on my screen appeared to be 40 players. Probably NOT <edit xD gonna enter at the top of the hour though judging by the comments to reduce likelihood of a laggy experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because I mean you need not so you know I mean of course you should be able to enter exactly at the top of the hour but when you know the game cannot handle that why do it?

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