Raid Adjustments Discussion

well it’s not extra/better, it’s just the normal loot, the normal aka nerfed version will just provide less since it’s easier and to appeal to people that cannot normally get any loot entirely

Why does it need to provide less? Again, if you’re doing it just for the competition, you don’t need any extra reward.



because it’s nerfed, this is why it has to give less, giving same loot gives no incentives to people clearing the harder content, plus, the “normal way” is the current one which people cannot clear, so if you want a version that you can clear, obv less work, less loot, that’s how the reward systems work all around the world, u work more, you get more, choose to work less, u get less, that’s the normal way, easier content is less appealing to clear and that’s been seen with nerfed nightbane which is a joke right now and no excitement during the fight to play the fight the right way instead of facerolling, facerolling never did any good to people.
Another option would be: easier content and no loot at all since people just want to clear the content, they dont care for loot, they want to experience the fight and kill so no loot for nerfed version works aswell. Right? same logic you applied but on the other end so this should be fine too.

I thought people liked to be competitive, for logs etc? Oh wait most of them don’t, you just want to force more ppl to be like that with other kinds of incentives instead of accepting that most ppl don’t rly care about that aspect of the game.

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Well, the thing is that you don’t need attunements for SwP. Maybe I’m imagining things but it felt like the driving factor for these nerfs is trying to give “casuals” time to fix their BT/MH attunements so that they’re ready to enter them on release. Obviously the biggest reason, though, is sub numbers but… yeah

If p3 releases within 1-3 resets it won’t be that big of a deal. And I still don’t like it at all ofc.

Funny how out of all the arguments offered you only cherry picked out of context the one that can fit ur narrative only if read out of context. I don’t want people to raid more, I want a challenging content which I have to get better at to clear it. It’s human nature to be competitive, being different means you’re different, not that most ppl don’t care. Most people are unable to clear it and embrace the “I don’t rely care” attitude. Because they actually have to get better at their game to clear it and they cannot do it, they choose to be bitter against other people and try to force blizz to make the game worse for others. Nerfing is doing just that, making the game less enjoyable for everyone.

It will cut the phase several weeks (1-3 resets, not more, hopefully?) too short for people interested in speed runs/boss kill times/personal parses, and introduce a weird, sh1tty limbo period that is the remainder of p2 in its nerfed state where logs are being seen as wtf what even…

We were promised “pre-nerf” versions of raids for the duration of the phases they were going to be released in, then nerfs in the phases that follow. We got that p1->p2. Why go back on the promise now?

The problem with that is that people are much more likely to leave the game because they can’t beat the content than they are because the content feels too easy, and that’s been very apparent even throughout the history of Classic even if Classic itself is not technically new content. You might not care about people leaving, but Blizzard cares, and so do the people who happen to play in the same guilds as those people leaving.

Being able to raid more than 2 nights a week doesn’t make you a better player.
Being able to start raiding at 7 or 8 PM instead of 8:30 or 9 (which gives you much more choice in terms of guilds) doesn’t make you a better player.
Playing a spec or class that has an easier time finding a spot on raids doesn’t make you a better player.
Playing on a bigger server, with a larger choice of guilds, doesn’t make you a better player.
Being spared from real life events that can cripple your guild, like your guild leader or raid leader having to resign, doesn’t make you a better player.

However, any of these things (most likely a combination of them) can significantly affect your chances of clearing the content. So please spare me your elitist attitude here, most players who currently clear 10/10 aren’t individually better than others, they just either have more time to play or have been blessed with situational advantages that allowed them to do so.

Who are you to decide what’s enjoyable for me, exactly?

Why is your kill time/personal parse more important than other players’ ability to attune or collect certain items? The game doesn’t begin and end with you. It does begin and end with sub counts and participation numbers. And guess which of the two groups is more unlikely to permanently unsub? Spoiler alert: It’s not yours.

I don’t think it’s worth replying to this, or posting under this thread anymore tbh. What’s done is done…

My only hope is that they won’t do sh1t like this again in p3 cuz then you’ll see how many of “us” permanently unsub from this joke of a game. If only you knew how many “competitive players” quit because of how sh1t p1 was lol

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P1 was a different beast, what with the roster issues caused by Kara 10m vs Gruul/Mag 25m and the backlash from Naxx 40m downsizing.

Also, as I said before, they won’t nerf T6 because T6 is already significantly easier and more reasonably tuned than prenerf T5, and didn’t see any nerfs back then until 3.0, which were nerfs that hit ALL raids and not just T6.

I personally have yet to see hardcore guilds collapse because the content is too easy and their members leave or get poached by weaker guilds, but I’ve seen the opposite happening quite a lot. And 3 months is enough for anybody who rly wanted to clear the content prenerf to actually do so - in fact, it’s more time, much more time, that ppl got back in 2006-07

Oh well … at least t6 will maybe drop in January.

One can only hope that they don’t start with random nerfs in t6 … when less skilled people that didn’t manage to finish t5 now will hit a block again at ROS and Archimonde for those with potato reaction times.

Or worse … sunwell nerfs before wrath prepatch.

With your logic we should never change anything because it can hurt parslaves feelings. People don’t check old logs anyway, only current ones.

I’ll never support idea of designing anything around competition - people already ignore mechanics for stupid parses which often causes wipes, too often. I switched from retail to TBC cause it supposed to be easy right (tbc hard eks dee)? And then you have bosses when your only concern as dps should be “don’t pull aggro” - and people manage to ignore even that cause pArSeSSSSSSSS. Most, like I call them - ‘parseuses’ - think they’re S tier players when in fact they’re just average B. Competition can be good, but if you look how players overall act, they go for extreme which is bad.

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Here’s what I see

People: do not nerf

Blizzard: we appreciate your feedback. We nerf on 14th september.

Many guild are so close to a 10/10 progress: why would you take away the satisfaction to kill last two bosses in their original state? At least wait to nerf until P3 is out.

I’m happy you appreciate our feedback, but it also seems you enjoy ignoring it.

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I hope you realize that:

  1. The nerfs that Blizz proposed for T5 are not only in line with what happened to T5 between 2.1 and 2.3 but also much less substantial than the full extent of nerfs that hit T5 content before 3.0. For example, Solarian is not going to be changed to her “Baron Geddon-esque” post-nerf self yet, nor are HP values being reduced yet (Post-nerf Solarian had around 3.5 million HP or something, not over 5 million). On the other hand, T6 was never significantly nerfed before 3.0, and definitely not when it came to HP values, so your fears are wholly unwarranted

  2. T6 is much, much easier than T5. The fact that you would assume that (1) people not beating Kael and especially Vashj is simply due to “potato reaction times” and that the same people are equally likely to wipe to T6 bosses (except maybe Archimonde himself, who STILL has less than 4 million HP when you factor the fact the fight ends at 10%), just show how ignorant you are.

  3. Sunwell did experience nerfs before WotLK pre-patch (most notably to M’uru), so this case is yet again a different business from T6 and, given M’uru’s insane original tuning (especially if pushback during phase 1 is a thing) would definitely justify an early nerf after several weeks if there is a negative impact on subs etc.

Maybe you should worry about having a potato brain before calling out other people’s potato reflexes.

Not everyone on this thread was against the nerf, and this thread is not necessarily a full picture of players’ feedback to Blizzard. Ofc Blizzard can’t say this since it’d be bad PR, but it only takes two braincells to realize as such. But I guess those are already taken by speedrunning effort so none are left for commonsense.exe? At least this is the impression one gets from some of the posts on this thread.

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Imagine if they released P3 7th of december now just to troll people

T6 is as easy as T4, not sure what you could nerf there, talking about hyjal and bt…

What bullsh*t.
I didn’t come on Classic to “hurry”. We have retail for the ADD-afflicted people who are in constant need for their hamster wheel.

Hahaha… these “LFR” Blizzard’s developers making much effort to ruin Classic.
Ion & Co, are you really sure about nerfs, you already nerfed T5 raids with giving us upgraded pre-Black Temple epics, that upgrade was in patch 2.1 you know that well.

And you now want to additional nerf SSC / TK, and to remove us motivation to kill those bosses.
Just to mention, nerfs which you want to give are not from 2.1 patch but they came later, maybe even in Sunwell patch…

Shame of you Blizzard, you really want to make entire Classic trivial faceroll joke.