I have been thinking for a while about the way raids and dungeons work and the way they teach the new players, LFR, normal dungeons and even HC dungeons teach nothing.
Most of the dungeons have no mechanics or they change a lot between difficulties.
For example Grand Proctor Beryllia where on hc you need to run to a shield and on mythic you need to collect some balls to reduce damage, that is completely different.
Wouldn’t it be better and more useful if all dungeons and raids had the same mechanics all the time but more forgiving depending on difficulty, like more time to dodge, a bit less damage or boss hp, instead just cut the spells and change the fight?
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People struggle with the neutered mechanics in LFR, and you want it to have all of it!!?
Honestly think it’s neat where Mythic offers an extra phase or unique mechanic, freshens the progression from HC.
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People go to HC and Normal knowing the LFR tactic and get a slap on the face.
How many people I see on mythic plus who only know HC tatics…
Mythic can be a new level but normal, lfr, hc should be the same.
I think higher difficulties should have additional mechanics but not have the previous ones changed except damage wise perhaps. Just the way it almost always is, but some bosses indeed have those stupid spell changes. I once died in a heroic dungeon because I had never seen the mechanic there because I had only done it on mythic and m+ and was looking to do the mythic mechanic 
Can’t remember the dungeon but I think it was DoS.
Edit: yeah it was the DoS last boss. I got very confused because the portal I usually take didn’t spawn 
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Some of the mechanics are the same across difficulties and scale with level. Doesn’t work so good, because they are normally ignored on normal/hc/low key levels
I think LFR is a very good simplified version of the actual raid, gives lots of flavour but omits the harder mechanics. Some things can still cause some issues of course and it varies from group to group.
Yes, happened to me yesterday too.
Don’t pretend guides or the journal don’t exist. If people are too lazy to do a simple check up on the fight that’s on them.
And you think people read it?
After 4 years of wow I reached a conclusion, that is people don’t read it and I was the stupid one reading it. I was the main tank from my last guild. I needed to read all the tactics before progress to not wipe and mess the raid, you know how many people have read the tactics before the progress? Me, the other tank and raid leader and the raid leader said clearly to everyone to read it and be prepared.
If not even guildmates do, you think random pugs will?
The last LFRs have omitted all and are just hitting on a dummy who does nothing.
LFR isn’t meant to be a training ground surely?
It’s for people who don’t want to raid.
Don’t raid with a group of people whose methods are completely different to yours then?
Complaining about a slack guild is no reason to shut down LFR.
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Reading it doesn’t always help on the first several pulls. It’s a lot easier to learn it from wipes(at least to me)
I disagree, they have simpler mechanics but they still have mechanics. If they were just training dummies they wouldn’t wipe.
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Yes, essentially it gives casual players a way to see the raids, which have a considerable amount of development put into them.
I think it’s a fabulous concept.
Don’t want to or can’t for whatever reason.
If I wasn’t so lazy I would try to fathom the reason it gets attacked so much - there is a correlation there somewhere between the people who claim it’s the worst thing ever and their own perception of what being ‘good’ is.
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Can we just let the topic die now?, thanks.
At this stage of the season when LFR is seriously overgeared as long as not everyone is ignoring the mechanics it is pretty easy to do. When it first came out, much easier to wipe if mechanics were ignored. Same with any content, when it is over geared it becomes trivial.
I’ve never quite understood it myself.
It’s because some people need validation, the thought of someone seeing the “same” content as them for “less effort” is horrible as it makes them feel less special.
This is my theory anyway 
The only reason I do LFR is to get legendaries I require that are not available from other sources. I don’t find it a challenge and not bothered about missing the content. There was a time I raided (vanilla/cataclysm), but never really enjoyed it. I’m fine with other people enjoying it and it should stay for that reason, but I wouldn’t miss it.
I did this week 2 LFR wings on my new 175 ilvl char. Killed 6 heroic bosses on my main. Last week i cleared normal on an alt with my guild. I use all the difficulties and have fun. Not sure what the issue is.