Raid ID multi generation

The boe’s will be there when it’s fixed though, should be safe before you’re sorry for now :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to raid on your parade Zodi, but i didnt enter even once between our guild last attempt and just now, and it just happened to me.
we were entering, people already had gotten in ahead of me, i was running to MC with another guildie, the moment we enter - we are alone.


Got a reply from blizz live chat and the basically said that even though they recived a lot complaints about this issue they won’t (because they can) reset my ID lockout because they are still looking into the prolem and deciding if its a mechanic of the game or a BUG even tho its clearly not how its supposed to work.

So i lost my raid group this week, thanks Blizzard!

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Amazing quality assurance departments tbh.
Are we getting a second free lock-out this week to compensate then?


I doubt it knowing how they operate, probably gonna fix it in a stealth patch and pretend this didn’t ever happen.
Just got a word from one of the players in my raid group too and not only i coulnd’t accumulate my DKP for this week they dropped the freaking Hunter quest item for the epic bow at majordomo… Things couldn’t have gone worse.

they know how to instantly fix things like 6 people getting more XP or when a mechanic is helping players (hunters) out and then nerf it quickly.

But they can’t fix bugs that are actually in the game and ruin everyone’s experience.

are the devs complete idiots or something?

There has been NO communication at all from Blizzard’s side


True not only my class has some major issue with core mechanics like FD+Trap that havent been fixed yet i can’t even raid with the group i choose to.

By the way this happened to me on Flamelash server the same day they patched to remove the last layers so i really think they fuked up somewere.

This must be fixed. Happend me and 4 guildies last night during a pvp event we got ported into MC and generated 4 diffrent raid IDs and could not join this week raiding.

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Dukken - Shazzrah - EU

Same problem happenned to my Raid last night.
I wasnt locked, players entered as I was filling up the Raid, because invites started early, and the game generated 3 different ID.
We didnt clear any Trash. As soon as a players enter MC they get ID saved, with not a single mob killed.

Ofc we ended not raiding.
Still waiting for reply from a GM.

Thank you Blizzard for running a Raid, a night, and the hope for a good week loot. :frowning:


Please let me know if and what they reply to you, i just got a big middle finger from them as a response and i dont even see a post by them warning people of the BUG.

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Same thing happened to us is ony this week


Same thing happened to my and my guild mates yesterday. Some people did a trash run and were locked to a raid ID without having killed any bosses, which made it so that nearly half of our raid team couldn’t join the same raid.

I already submitted a bug report but I really hope Blizzard fixes this problem soon. It’s game-breaking and unfair that we lose our weekly raid due to a bug. I can’t even join a pug this week to try and get some loot because i’m saved to a raid ID just by entering molten core :/.


This week, we discovered a bug that came along with our holiday. The bug caused this misbehavior where players got locked to raid instances on entry.

We fixed the bug yesterday afternoon, and a few minutes ago, we reset raid locks for affected players.

Anyone who enters a raid instance should now experience the expected behavior with their Raid ID.

Thank you for your patience on this!


Good news, thank you for fixing this. It was a major bug.

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I´m still locked btw. Raid id: 9236960

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Yeah, still locked. Raid ID: 9236960


Try relogging. My raid id disappeared after I did that.

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So… not only i log back in to check if its fixed and it is NOT, i find that the Ony lockout time that was about to run out refreshed instead somehow with the same ID as the previous lockout… im amazed.

I have screenshots but i can’t post them here apparently

So tell me now if im gonna skip onyxia too this week so i can unsubscribe for good.

Of you have screenshots, post them via block-quotes and someone with proper trust level can also post the image links for easier view based on that if need be.

I relogged but I still see the ID. So am I locked or not? :confused: What server are u on? Im Gehennas EU.

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