Sponsored by the lead team designer who only cares for raids (even hates mplus people, not to mention PvP). What a time to be a raider. This is what happens when someone gets his dream job and caters the entire game to himself.
This reminds me of the old warcraft3 editor where you would make a custom map for you and your friends only to stash a few op items or resources in some boxes so you could cheat if things went south.
Mythic+ loot (max) will be capped to 3 item levels below Nathria HC gear which means that farming mythic plus will be useless compared to raiding.
You get a mythic ilvl in weekly cache that has choice options. What you wont be able to do is farm M+ to then trade HC gear in split runs. +15 end of dungeon gear will still be good, ilvl isn’t everything.
I don’t imagine the hardest content being standing still through 2-3 phases and whacking an overgrown loot piniata with a stick for 5 minutes.
I don’t particularly care about this change if PvP gear gets their own stat. I won’t enter a raid instance all expansion long. But I don’t trust Blizzard and mplus was always a pvpers backup plan if PvP gearing was rubbish.
Looks reasonable to me. +15’s can be done multiple times per day, HC raids can only be done once a week. And the weekly chest is the equivalent to Mythic iLvL.
Not happy with this, keys are gonn be pointless very quick.
Would you rather do a 2 hour raid (when it’s on farm) for higher ilvl sfuff in raid, and weekly box. Or 10x 15 keys (5 hoursish) for less ilvl stuff all round. Times that by 3 alts you’re saving 9 hours a week and getting better rewards from ignoring m+ lol. After a month when ya fully decked in heroic/mythic raid items then what?
Good look pugging keys as well, a raiders gonna be higher ilvl and be far more desireable to pick.