Raid or DIE again

Sponsored by the lead team designer who only cares for raids (even hates mplus people, not to mention PvP). What a time to be a raider. This is what happens when someone gets his dream job and caters the entire game to himself.

This reminds me of the old warcraft3 editor where you would make a custom map for you and your friends only to stash a few op items or resources in some boxes so you could cheat if things went south.


Mythic+ loot (max) will be capped to 3 item levels below Nathria HC gear which means that farming mythic plus will be useless compared to raiding.

/clap /clap /clap


Nothing new here.

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Actually that IS new. It was either equal to heroic or above heroic gear in previous seasons.


who cares about 3 ilvl?
It’s mostly to prevent split runs

you’ll be fine.

classic, tbc, wotlk, cata and mop were raid or die. It’s been fine since legion


Yes but heroic gear was, is and always be superior.
tada? xD

Welp I guess all that crying did help out :smiley:

So much for ‘Alternative to raiding’ hah!

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kind of makes sense.

m+ is infinitely repeatable, so technically had no cap on gear progression

and why shouldn’t the hardest content reward the highest gear?


You get a mythic ilvl in weekly cache that has choice options. What you wont be able to do is farm M+ to then trade HC gear in split runs. +15 end of dungeon gear will still be good, ilvl isn’t everything.

heroic raids… harder than +15s? xD


oh I meant mythic… my bad, i’ve only just woken up :grin:

Absolutely yes, you disagree?

I don’t imagine the hardest content being standing still through 2-3 phases and whacking an overgrown loot piniata with a stick for 5 minutes.

I don’t particularly care about this change if PvP gear gets their own stat. I won’t enter a raid instance all expansion long. But I don’t trust Blizzard and mplus was always a pvpers backup plan if PvP gearing was rubbish.


Nyalotha is far easier on heroic than doing a +15, lol.


That’s factiually not true as if you log in right now you would see that the loot for a mplus 15 is 465 while hc gear is 460 ilevel.

With your guild, other than that nzoth or xanesh take more time than a FH 15.
Get real.

Its not only the ilvl, it was always the trinkets the azerite gear and now in NyA the corrupted weapons.

Radens HC wep for you as example is probably better from a 475 M+ wep, not 100% sure but i think so.

Keystone Level End of Dungeon Weekly Great Vault
Mythic 2 187 200
Mythic 3 190 203
Mythic 4 194 207
Mythic 5 194 210
Mythic 6 197 210
Mythic 7 200 213
Mythic 8 200 216
Mythic 9 200 216
Mythic 10 204 220
Mythic 11 204 220
Mythic 12 207 223
Mythic 13 207 223
Mythic 14 207 226
Mythic 15 210 226
Difficulty First 8 Bosses Item Level Last 2 Bosses Item Level
LFR 187 194
Normal 200 207
Heroic 213 220
Mythic 226 233
Season End of Dungeon Base Reward Heroic Raid Level
BFA Season 1 (Uldir) 370* 370*
BFA Season 2 (Battle of Dazar’alor) 400* 400*
BFA Season 3 (Eternal Palace) 430* 430*
BFA Season 4 (Ny’alotha) 465 460
SL Season 1 (Castle Nathria) 210 213

Looks reasonable to me. +15’s can be done multiple times per day, HC raids can only be done once a week. And the weekly chest is the equivalent to Mythic iLvL.


+14 and +15 is mythic ilvl in chest

Not happy with this, keys are gonn be pointless very quick.

Would you rather do a 2 hour raid (when it’s on farm) for higher ilvl sfuff in raid, and weekly box. Or 10x 15 keys (5 hoursish) for less ilvl stuff all round. Times that by 3 alts you’re saving 9 hours a week and getting better rewards from ignoring m+ lol. After a month when ya fully decked in heroic/mythic raid items then what?

Good look pugging keys as well, a raiders gonna be higher ilvl and be far more desireable to pick.

A M+ is considered a single encounter. You should compare it to a single Raid boss, not the whole raid instance.

Man, but I don’t raid :confused: