Raid or DIE again

that is not always the case and depends on classes… I still remember players desperately running after a weapon named getiku or something like that… (I think it was from kings rest???

if I had gotten Ineffable Truth II on my 475 G3T-00T (I got that one today, and IT II is already gone) I would probably prefer that one over Il’gynoth’s eyestalk also 475


that is not fair and THAT MAKES ME TO QUIT GAME

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I did remember right, though I couldn’t spell it

can I have your gold

So I can do a +14 for the weekly chest and switch to an alt. Seems the exp is really alt friendly.

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so literaly if u want to push high key on m+ u will need to farm raid to be able to push high key on m+ it is stupid decision


Stop making drama.

now season 4 gives 5 ilvl more than Ny’alotha hc

BFA Season 4 (Ny’alotha) Dungeon end reward: 465 Ny’alotha HC 460

None of your guys’ opinions matter as long as this guy can play his favorite game the way he wants to play it.

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Oh, lol, there is much less reason do something than raid? What a shame. They just forced to do it.

Not really, but still bosses like nzoth or ghun for sure where harder from a whole FH 15

That is 1 case out of 100’s of loots, still that wep is bad now compared to nzoths beacause of the ilvl.

You realize that both weps are crit mastery and IT 2 right?
But you would prefer the mace i guess for mog reasons? lol

what a cheap excuse, he is game director, when you fail in the office can you blame your HR?

the G3T-00T has no IT2… mine got Infinite stars I today and IT II is gone already… was there last week

Blizzard considers a M+ a single encounter. They explicitly stated so.

I agree that some HC bosses are harder than a +15, but many are not and you can still get loot from them without having to kill the harder ones.

It’s not an excuse. He is the game director therefore he is fully 100% responsible for the way the game is designed. And by the way he is not even the game director, let me correct you on that, he is the lead designer.


This was the case even with BFA though. Most of the high key pushers were also the individuals who raid mythic.

simply what is point of mythic + if u will need gear from raid and probably only gear from raid to push it on high levels

Well I guess the harder ones are the last 2, and they reward ilvl 220

What guild? There’s only me and one other player active in the guild I’m in, pretty much all the characters in it are mine or his.

I’ve only ever pugged nyalotha.

Not in my experience.

stop with this clickbait titles

Great Vault (weekly chest) will contain ilvl 226 loot which equals to Mythic raid (8 out of 10 bosses of it). And you only need a +14, not 15. And you can get multiple choices for the week instead of one shot. It’s better in literally every way over BFA system.

The part that DOES get a nerf is farming dungeons for the end-of-dungeon chest. This was very over-rewarding for a long time and it’s about time they nerf this. M+ dungeons can be spammed without any end (unlike even plain mythic 0 which has a WEEKLY lockout!). They’re hellishly abused for boosting and make raiding unrewarding, as 465 is above heroic and very, VERY few people do mythic (at least past the first three). Since there is no tier sets the only reason to go raiding were bunch of trinkets and BiS azerite pieces. 4 items in total, including the situational PVP-oriented trink from Drest. I never experienced a raid loot table this unappealing. That’s because mythic + throws heaps of loot at me. Loot that is better than HC Nya.