Raid or DIE again

simply warforging need to be in game otherwise there will be no point of doing m+ , doing +15 is far more trouble than doing hc raid


who cares. dungeon loot is useful for a very short time and then only weekly chest of disappointment matters.

You said:

Where did stars appear now to your argument?
Also why on earth you would use stars as a holy priest lol

Then NyA is like 10x harder for you compared to a FH 15 xD

No, it’s easier.

WoW should be about raiding in the endgame, not run a stupid dungeon to kill a pirate for the 500th time. Good change!


Ok, Gurgthock. Hope you get fired.

You think boosters wont kill same heroic bosses many more times now?
It’s just gonna be a different route but same result

what is fun in that just doing 15 for weekly , i want play dungeons on daily basis and push and have small chance for same loot as mythic raid from end of dungeon

Cant imagine what groups you get into…
Honestly i rather do a 20 FH right now than pug NyA HC

But you are nelf druid, always special opinions from them xD

maybe I worded that wrong… I got the 475 G3T-00T from the chest today and it procced stars… nothing I can do about that…
but IT2 is gone, it was sold last week, so I can 't put it on G3T-00T

lol good one xD
Maybe +20 and higher keys could award mythic loot but +15s? come on :clown_face:

You what? I’m mainly playing a belf paladin and troll shaman and belf hunter.

Which means, raiding weapon is better.
Allthough IT meta is gone, full crit meta for holy now btw.

great, next disgusting cancer system that rewards brain dead heroic raiding :DD

At least make 20s drop a higher ilvl.

They will, but loot for heroic is still capped to a single run a week, plus coins if you saved them up for a particular boss.

Not like raiders enjoy this. Forced personal loot is bad enough, now we can’t trade heroic loot early on in the tier anymore.

Weekly chest for a +14 is the same as mythic gear…

M+ is repeatable, Mythic raiding is not. What’s the point of doing mythic raids if you can just run ten +15’s in a row and outgear the raid :clown_face:

Umm do you do know who made Mythic +

It was Ion’s idea the whole project he made your mythic + in Legion, it wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for him.

Very good decision from blizzard. It was about time for them to start making gearing take longer.

Making an infinitely repeatable content drop lower gear than a once per boss per week chance for a drop, is something that should have happened a long time ago.


Yeah it’s repeatable, but absolutely no point to repeat it now for loot rewards. And mythic raids always given higher then m+15, and mythic raid end of week will destory 10x key end of week. What a stupid reply :clown_face:.

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