Raid or DIE again

Armory claims youre missing curve, so you didnt kill nzoth or the armory is controlled by evil hordies that created a conspiracy around you and hidden your progress? ^^

Nah…Some people never pugged my friend, they think pugs work like their guilds and they 1shot all HC ez pz.

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Great, now loot sources are balanced. Creating conflicting ecosystems in the game is what you Diablo 3 people destroyed it with, now good to see you out

It’s 3 item levels. Let me repeat the last bit:




Who cares? I ran around on alts in ilvl 440 and had a better time than on my 475 main.

Hey Mythic+ folks. Welcome to what it feels like to be a PvP player for the last two expansions.

I don’t see a problem.

another :clown_face: to my permanent ignore :wave:

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if “who cares” then why do it in first place.

nobody asked for it.

nobody is happy about it.

its a change to make the top 1 % stop whining about convenants.

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BFA was do m+ or die. To anyone saying heroic raid is easy, go try pugging Xanesh or Il’gynoth and let me know how it goes. Then go do a +11 Freehold to compare.


It is all anecdotal evidence. :smile:
I got curves here and i never timed a 15.

So you’re saying arena should reward the highest gear?
Tbh i agree!

The evil horde spies did it.
I tell you.

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