I am not sure as I see a lot of people running with the heroic version in the top bracket too.
Stat stacking is busted in 8.3, and Geti just doesn’t have em stats.
I am not sure as I see a lot of people running with the heroic version in the top bracket too.
Stat stacking is busted in 8.3, and Geti just doesn’t have em stats.
I am?
Wasn’t this a discussion?
I love how this thread has 450 replies but everyone knows 460 gear in s3 bfa has been outdated for months and noone cares about end dungeon loot
discussion implies more than two people just talking to each other.
But whatever also i see people run 475 Geti being used in the top.
I am not sure if you are trolling me or being serious?
I am not talking about gear that is almost as good
I am talking about BIS gear for a specefic class and spec in this case a fury warrior
Try and look at the trinkets at
Bloodmallet homepage
Then try and look at Azerite gear and the 2H swords on
Furt warrior guide in Icy Veins homepage
The reason for this is the strong AOE this bring when playing max crit/haste/verse build with 12% strikethrough as I did when pushing keys
Optimizing my gear for BIS items made the difference of 15.000 overall dps making me able to compete in 20 keys as a nom-meta melee class brining me over 100k overall dps in a run which I would never have been able to without those
Raid items
So my point remains the same, make
Different gear items for M+ And raiding if M+ gear is a problem for WF race or whatever, but let the large M+ community play and optimize to BIS gear within that content
I dont understand how that can offend, upset or bother raiders that much
We promise we will let your raids alone then
Ps Gethiku is a single target raid weapon and or to be used for Tyranical weeks as it has 0 and 0 in stats but a bleed effect that ticks over long time
As most M+ is large aoe pulls that often is melted away fast a long time bleed with RNG procs (could be when pack is 5% hp left) is not BIS for Fury in M+
I hope this clears it up
If you give me back som BS answer not
Based on facts, statistics or guides I will not reply again
Have a good evening
Yes he was
this game would be much healthier if raiding died like 10 years ago and devs invested resources into making rest of game fun instead trying again and again force playerbase into raiding which playerbase dont want to do.
they are efectively killing mythic + to force people into raids - because they know people dont want to raid.
Thats not true, you don’t have to do it but please dont dictate what you think the playerbase finds fun or not.
Good, but I don’t see them with a gun to your heads forcing you to do it.
I have no clue what you are talking about
my current gear on my armory is not the spec I played M+ in its a fun TWD spec before pre patch fun it iis not the crit/haste strikethrough Spec i used to have in which my comments are based
All the other post you made in that long reply doenst make any sense so I would not even know how to reply to it other than say
Look at bloodmallet
Look at icy veins
Look at raidbots and sim the items
If you still believe that you know best about what is BIS for a fury warrior
Well I dont see any point in keep repeating the same
That was savage.
just will say one things is making balance with m+ but making what ever you do in m+ that u cant over gear full mythic raider is unfair
and i dont demand that to be on +15 , even getting for +20 or 25 to be max m+ loot it is fine for me
Maybe an unpopular opinion but… i’m actually okay with this.
M+ was a pain. It’s just so grindy… Do the same dungeon over and over and over and over again till you get the item you need. Now i don’t have to, past Heroic raids anyway.
it really isnt. in heroic raid half raid can afk while 3-4 powerhorses carry through. in +15 you can’t have 50% underperforming and time it. sometimes even do it. like td+15 tyranical xd
exactly this is the reason why raiding in 2020 is just not great.
Why force people with a life to quit the game
great move blizzard, great move.
But weekly chest is still higher than HC gear even from a +7 so I am fine with that.
That is not happening in the first 2-3 weeks that all the whining is about, because all HC and M+ loot is useless after 2-3 weeks. So, irrelevant example.
Another irrelevant example because no content can be completed when its under progression with people not doing their jobs.
You completed a 15 and several 14’s. If heroic is that easy why you are still 4/12HC? You will complete 15 right now, but the chance on killing Xanesh HC on pugs is really low for you my friend.
Right now all content is ez pz, talking about it… Guess its easyer than doing it
Oh forgot, you are 4/12 HC because these EVIL hordies with their EVIL overpowered racials stole off all your guilds hm?
I’ve been carried in +15s by a single tank topping both the healing and dps meters quite a few times actually
LOL. Plz gtfo with your misinformation that pugs clear an entire heroic raid in 2 hours assuming they don’t overgear the content. I want to see a video of these mythical pugs clearing each HC Ny’alotha boss in 10 min all the way through, including trash.
Facepalm. Are you seriously ad hom on my forum alt?