Raider IO and scores why they should not be in WoW

I just ignore rio cause i play with freinds and guildies. Can recommend it. Played like that since TBC and never had any issues with it.

i just think scores in mmo games should not exist for pve that destroy always game and make community toxic i always enjoyed doing dungeons to gear up but after Rio did come in that fun did gone ppl did become toxic and i started meet lot of rage quiters

I dont care one way or the other since rio or the new blizzard score wont affect me at all. The option to ignore such scoring systems are there with friends, guilds and communities. I stopped all pugging back in TBC after experiencing some really toxic pugs when i was new to the game and not experienced. So its nothing new.


i actualy dont play so much wow like before too many toxic people now in wow i miss old times when it was diffrent

now i spend more time on single player games or mmo than dont make you need to gear up that good to enjoy game

It’s what u get when blizz trying to turn this game into an esport game, timer and score is just there for mdi.

scores are ok for pvp there they matter but in pve they should never show they destroy fun and blizard lose ppl coz pve players dont realy enjoy fight for score and it only angry everyone that they need have good score to enjoy doing dungeons

now i more enjoy Fallout 76 and ESO 0 scores or they dont affect pve if go for ESO no one kick you from group for that you dont have enought points in some dumb addon and no one realy want any addon like that in this games

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Especially MDI runs would give a very low amount of rio points and the timer is useless since if it was about beating the M+ timer they would upgrade all keys with 3 on every run. If something M+ is not relatable to then it is MDI.

Nothing ‘makes’ people act the way they do. People who are going to act that way will act that way regardless. You’re just looking for something external to blame for their behaviour when it’s really just the way they are.

That said, this is looking a whole lot like another one of those ‘I haven’t got KSM yet and it’s someone else’s fault’ posts.

actualy i cant agree with you coz i could say same that you try find something just to say i’m not right but many games with scores or rankings show that people act other way are more toxic coz they want climb in score when there is nothing to climb in there is no point for people to complain

yes there always will be people who will find way to be toxic thats true but you are not fully right coz humanity is race that want to be better than others moust time you can see it in real life and score is something that give them this chance they want climb they want be better what make them agressive when they dont get what they want, when they try to do something but dont have luck.

so no score means no stress or reason to fight hard for dumb numbers wich make less toxic society coz less stress

and that you or ppl like me are not toxic coz of it dont mean rest is same we need be honest bigest group of players overact coz of want get better or get deppresed coz of that game should not be job but something to chill in so scores should stay in pvp and not pve where there is difrent ppl that want difrent things

People use rio for grouping up with people who have experience. On your level they want to get KSM, not rio score. Rio is a tool to see if people got experience. If your remove rio people still want to get KSM and will search for other ways to find ‘proof of experience’.

On my level i don’t give a damn about the score. I care about my highest dungeons timed progression, but i have no clue what my score is since it has no value. I also don’t have the addon installed anymore since s2 bfa.

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Dont join groups that require a “higher” rio then… Play with equal minded players…

Oh, those all quit.

Because there’s no other reason to push further, there is 0 incentive to do anything beyound your 14-15’s.

Scores dont make people toxic.
Toxic people use score as an excuse.

In your limited experience maybe.
My experience on the other hand, if we get new people joining the guild, we immidietly bring them into some 15-18’s to get to know them. Doesn’t matter if we time the key.

Statistics disagree with you here.
SL Season 1 has the most completed runs ever! It has exceeded the 33.500.000 runs of the 38 week long season 4 of BFA. which was ~3 times as many runs as any season before that.

Nice claim, can you back this up with any proof? Because again, this is not my experience, if i am on a new alt that’s not linked to my main, or any of my alts that are linked, i still get plenty of people signing up. This is also on off meta specs.

Just like they can’t dictate who you invite to your group, you can’t dictate who they invite to theirs. Personally if i see a group requiring higher IO than you can get by completing all dungeons at the level they’re doing, i dont even sign up, because they just want a free boost. If someone so obviously just wants a boost, they can bloody well pay for it in gold.

Again a disagre, i dont think score or w/e makes people toxic. Some people are just toxic because that’s what they are, if anything, i think much of the toxic atmosphere is often because of people who feel entitled to join any group they want, and they’re just mad at the world for getting declined.

You forget why the addon even excists, all the bad blood that was created when people with super high ILvl joined groups, yet didn’t know HC mechanics.

There are hundreds of videos of people on off meta spec pugging their way to high scores without any help, their are countless examples on the forums. It is really not as hard as you make it out to be, you just need to be good at the game, it’s really that simple.


sorry but i see people acting in 2 lol where random runs and ranked runs show difrent people showing proof that when people want to climb in score they start get more agressive wont say everyone coz that not ture but people acting start change

also i say so coz i played wow from beginig and saw how community coz of changes get worst first mistake of wow was achivments then scores honest this 2 should be only for private see not for others

and realy i did enjoy legion but after score did show up all did change and many of my old friends did notice it and leave wow and dont want come back

also about that more done dungeons its not coz of they are more enjoyable but because blizard did change weekly reward and ppl do more mythic plus to get better chance for item they want wich not mean its fun to look for group 10 times to do it

so from 2 bad things more easy is to gear in mythic + than in raids espesly you get better item lvl for less pain

other thing raids take few hours to finish all bosses coz ppl long wait to prepear group then long wait to get ready to fight boss and many times wipe on simple mechanics

while dungeon is faster coz take around 20-40 min to finish and give better rewards than raid moust time espesly loot system is garbage after legion and i dont joke coz i did feel huge decrasse of drop chance in BFA and SL sometimes you can do whole raid and get nothing and when you get it its something you dont need so where is point of doing raid while dungeons take shorter and you got already 100% weekly reward for complete just one

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The issue is that most people who swear by RIO do so because they saw a lot of dungeons they joined fail without it

First they checked the colour of your gear
Then they checked the source of your gear
Then we got arbitrary number added to gear (gearscore)
Gearscore was turned into avg ilvl
Game progressed to a situation where getting heroic raid gear was possible by doing a bunch of world quests for a week: result; ilvl no longer a good indicator of Skill
RIO introduced to supplement the collapsed ilvl stat as an indicator of Skill.

It’s the same phenomenon as people using the /inspect on you before inviting you in the older days.

Yeah you can say that all this stuff isn’t in Classic, but in general the game has severely progressed in difficulty, if classic content was as hard as modern content, you’d need a skill indicator other then gear

All this thread smacks of is a bad player that doesn’t want to be measured against others.

Literally every point has been shot down with facts.


I to played from the beginning, from my experience, the toxicity started when the game got more accessible for everyone, you had people starting to join you that didn’t know what interrupt was, or where dungeon entrance was (wrath when the LFD was added). And the people who actually put in the minimum effort preferred to play with people who had also done the bare minimum effort. But the new people felt cheated because they feel like it’s their right to join those groups.

In your experience maybe, again, from my point of view it started when you had people starting and expecting to get into any group/guild they desired, and this was born from, or brought to light by the LFD

No, It’s because pink unicorn are possing Former president Trump and making people do more M+

See, I to can claim things without backing it up with anything.

Funny… since right now M+ is the worst source of gear, pvp is the best, and raid in the middle.

Sorta this…
before the io-whatsit, and similarly every expansion had its onw scoring system, and that always got slagged off.
Should we go back to single servers and people being known as ‘rubbish’ or should a mod/system do it for us. and where do the points for the score go? To someone (lets say a tank, dropped into a premade group) who leaves because they had/have a bad group, or to someone carried by a good team that finishes, despite the back seat driver of a mage who only just scrapes the bottom of the dps pile?

And a quick google brought this up…

Dark Legacy comics…

it is to privent casual players to be avable to join m+s by adding raider IO to base game why not add Total roleplay aswell to base game for the lols so all players can see RP profiles

RIO does not prevent anyone from doing anything… players do.

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