and the new player experience?

I understand that some players are frustrated by the RaiderIO Mythic+ score but in reality, it’s not first system of that kind. Previously there’s been gearscore and you needed a certain score to even join a group. That became item level, a core part of the game and not just an addon, but the problem didn’t go away. Then Ahead of the Curve came along and the same thing happened.

The reality of the modern day WoW is the reliance on a simple system to get a quick measurement of a player. It’s not entirely accurate to the individual situation of every person playing the game but that’s not possible. Outside of joining a guild and potentially going through an application and interview process, which some players hate as it makes WoW a “job”, the current system is probably as good as it’ll get.

Allow me to ask everyone this, would you rather have a Mythic+ score or a world of private communities using Discord (or whatever else) to make groups and filter players out?

I am in no way a rio-hater, but I do think it needs some adjustment for progressing. Like 1 second out of timer is not -10 points. And 2 chesting should be closer to the in time score of the +1 level of the dungeon.

Also, because of the total score, you are expected to do every dungeon. You are not allowed to just ignore a couple. Or even just trying to push 1 (or 2) dungeons as high as you can. While I have no idea why a Shrine score is important for running a Temple, for example.

The dungeonscores and total scores just keep players from progressing.

Its really easier to find your own community, I dislike using it but find if I am to ever pug one player you need it and even then its a struggle. Its just alot of people who play wow dont realise that people want to push for progression and it can be really infuriating when some players come expecting to mooch/leech gear.

But yeah power to you if you keep playing =) try and find a guild or pre-made group for M+ if you want to narrow down and push more comfortably for progression.

Hey mate, i’m far from a top players but me as a healer and my friend who tanks are mostly going up to +10 if we can, you can add me if you want, i dont mind showing you some stuff and taking you with me.

First thing I’d like to advice is changing spec. You complain that

join your keys but still play as dps?

Good suggestions and nice people in the thread so far… mostly.

Just an observation on your situation that you may have already realised. Your character is on probably the most populated EU Realm for Horde. Draenor is renowned as a hub for Horde pros and such. Because of this you might have a harder time finding a chill, casual guild, because there’s a lot more full timers on your server, pushing for high-end progress in M+, raid etc. Basically they’re less willing to give of their valuable time to help the people in their guild still catching up.
I’m sure you’ll find something though. I’d offer to help your situation but have no horde toons unfortunately. :man_shrugging:

Say you make a group to fill in the last slot in your party and two people sign up, one ilvl 370 and one ilvl 385 both the same class/spec. You are doing content that drops 385, which do you invite?

If you didn’t pick the 385 without using damage meter or rating info, then you are lying.

So if you consider that the answer is always that, why not assure success by just waiting for people of that level? Sure if people didn’t actually join those runs they’d collapse, but they oh so clearly are actually being joined and ran, there is very much a market for those m+ and raid runs.

But instead of saying it, it is clear you already did try making your groups, except you made it pretty clear you heavily prioritised signing up for groups with tanks in them since you raised lack of tanks as major reason making your group wasn’t worth it. What do you expect when signing up for the group type everyone wishes to join and you are the least proven of the bunch.

Here is what I do not get, you pushed past m0 already, you got a key up to +8 and are at the doorstep m+ ready to step in, but that is when you turn around and play a game where the rules force people to blindly invite people and cannot check their performance and remove them from the group if they are holding the group back.

If the wait times are such a problem then I dunno, do herbalism while waiting for a tank, there is literally no reason not to do anything that doesn’t require joining a group while getting a tank. Unless you place the fact people can establish groups however they like and that there is a very much a market for outgeared groups higher than your time issue, which I have already outlined as ludicrous.

Never had problems with IO tbh. And my score is low since im a altoholic.

Continue with ffxiv… Trust me! You will fall in love with that game. The 2 expansions of ffxiv are heavensward and stromblood, they are the killer expansions of the game. Its that good…

And the latest expansion shadowbringers is going to be awesome.

Also, the transmog or glamour system becomes more attractive, once you collect them from raid etc

The only downside is pvp
I suggest you spend your time in ffxiv than in wow ( because wow is dying… It used to be better but now its just an empty husk)


The circle of life can be cruel.

You’d better not wait anything good from pugs. It’s been always like that.

As for RIO, start with +2-3 to get some starting points. Nobody will ever invite you to +10 with 0 RIO unless it’s a guild.

RIO ruins not only new players experience, it ruins the game for many players.
But we don’t have anything else now. So you just have to accept this stupid addon.

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Except the story, it’s cringe af and boring.

I thought this games story in modern wow was crap, but play ffxiv and oh boy…

You haven’t seen nothing yet til you play that game.

You missed the most important thing (tho glamour is ofc important)… Interesting class design ^^

Came to try some WoW after playing XIV since beta and yeah I kinda have to agree that it’s far more worth anyone time out the two as things are at the moment. Also in it’s favor it really is just pick up and go, there are no extras like DBM other than ADC (for deepz but even that is not officially allowed).

This is ofc my opinion.

Depends which part tbh. ARR starts slow (coz learning process) but then picks up towards the end.

HW was just phenomenal imo like no joke that entire thing gave me goosebumps at multiple moments.

SB is ok, would describe it as lukewarm but I would also argue a story about fricking dragons is difficult to follow xD

And it’s far better than “wait… hmm… when did this happen?.. Oh wait… no… hmm… what timezone am I in now?.. you know what forget about it” Which sums ups WoW storytelling. Hell even player responses to this are “just forget about the story” :smiley:

While I agree the novice network and general community in FFXIV is a lot friendlier, it’s not exactly easy to get into groups there either imo. Finding a static is hard and people follow the ‘optimal meta setup’ argueable even more so than in WoW.

Most pug groups I’ve seen use the setting that only people who have killed the boss can sign up.

I think that is over-exaggerating. Yes some groups follow the meta but it’s very rare for classes to be flat out declined for not being “meta”. So DRG and NIN are the meta melee duo atm, but still MNK and SAM are far above them in terms are raw dps. So they may not be meta, but wow their deepz is insane when played well xD

I personally have ran with 4 different statics in my time and in each of them there would be one or two that would be considered none meta and no-one cared. My recent one is MCH+NIN+MNK+BLM+DRK+PLD… far from meta and still pulling in the 90’s for group performance on our kills. The PF is very rarely locked to classes, only to role types so say two melee, one phys ranged and one caster and no double classes (for faster limit breaks).

Yes some pug groups are duty complete only for farms but there are progression groups, also statics generally are easier to find on the dedicated raiding discords for it. That is where most are advertised.

The whole meta thing is rarely because classes are broken, its just down to “oh what jobs boost my own dps the most?”. Yeah it’s selfish but alot of people know it for what it is, every class is perfectly viable and competent.

Yeah their dps is high, they are ‘selfish dps’ but they don’t contribute anything to overall raid dps, I guess mnk adds some physical dmg but you get the point :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess our experiences differ with the duty finder, it took me a long time to get into groups.

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gating of other players using ratings or damage meters is banned .

Yeah well… And how exactly they achieve this goal of banning people who won’t invite someone who plays poorly? If in Final everyone knows they can’t say “your damage sucks, won’t inv you to my party”, they just won’t say that. They will not say anything or use some excuse.

You could find a nice guild, connect with some people, get friends and they would go with you to m+ even if you have no experience.

They don’t care. The only way of doing non-supercasual content in this game (as a dps at least) is through finding a guild and befriending people.

Echoing this there’s a horde opposite as below. Can leave your bnet on the thread or whisper me to join

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