Raider. io is making me unsubscribe

Since I’m not a raider, most of my gearing and fun used to from doing dungeons. But the accursed raider. io addon is sucking the joy out of that. I’m no longer playing for fun and loot, but to raise my “score”. I’m playing to be allowed into higher groups. I need a high score to get into dungeons, and I need dungeons to get a high score. It’s difficult to raise my score because not many will even invite me. Even with an itemlevel 374 I struggle to get invited to +8 and +9 groups.

“Just use your own key”. No that doesn’t work either. My +8 key turned into a +5 after 3 downgrades. I made sure to pick people who were “experienced” and with “high gear” but they still failed miserably. The addon is supposed to measure skill and experience but it really does not do that. The addon has lead to a whole new level of elitism, frustration, and toxicity.

I tolerate BFA’s class changes, the Azerite system, island expeditions, warfronts, but the raider. io is the one that will likely make me unsubscribe if this continues. I don’t want to pay to play and only end up frustrated. I know it’s a long time from now, but if raider. io is exists next expansion, that might be the first expansion I won’t buy.


There is a community called Calm Keystones. They don’t care about Raider io scores. They have been a huge success.

I personally don’t care about my score but I don’t pug often. I tend to do most keys with friends and guildies. We know we’ll stick with it no matter what and we always get our +10 done every week.


I don’t care about .io score either friend…

But be prepared to have your thread flooded with elitists pointing out how “bad you are” and that your score would improve if you didn’t “suck” etc…


I hope they will, because that will help proving my point.


If it makes you feel any better (or at least just makes you laugh a bit) your score can never be as bad as mine which is probably a nice fat 0 :rofl:


Let me get this straight.

You depleted your key to a level you no longer wanna play, so now you wanna deplete other people’s key as well? Those pesky elitists…

You know what is an easy way to raise your score? Time the dungeon.

But nah! Making a thread that has been discussed a million times is gonna solve your problem. No sympathy from me on this one, sorry.


I am completely pugging my keys for a few weeks, started from @400ish score, getting close to the magical 1k that most 10 groups seem to require. I am in that zone where I need +10s to increase my score, but few groups will invite me without 1k score - which basically means I should have all dungeons done on +10 in time. Other than the occasional lucky invite to a 10, I resorted to using my own key. The difference when inviting medium to high score people compared to low score is noticeable. I never look at ilev anymore, it’s meaningless. Class and score are more important - and out of the two, I’d say class imbalance is a bigger problem. I would say my experiences were over 50% in the good side, and I actually added (and spoke again) some people on bnet.

I think at this point, with ilev being irrelevant, the score system is the only thing that helps me not waste my time 80% in failed runs. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t consider a failed run necessarily wasted time. I like helping people, but most of the failed runs are about people overestimating their abilities and trying to be more “pro” than they really are. Overconfidence and the gogogo mentality is cause for most wipes.

  1. Nonsense like Rio existed in WoW for really long time, member GS ?
  2. Even without rio you can still have bad players.
  3. Tell me you can recognize bad player based on their IL or inspect …
  4. Go get a friends, this is mmo game, half of its gameplay comes from online interaction of players. Of course you will meet bad players in pugs, thats why you have guilds and friends where you can cooperate together.

Its a really hit and miss thing. I’ve had mythic geared players overalling 13k DPS on aoe weeks where you can easily peek 16k at the very least given how much HP mobs get.

Raider IO is really poorly to go off on the most part unless you really dig deep and check, the players as acquiring gear is a joke with titanforging carrying some people.

Raider IO would be possible to use but boosting and or being boosted is always a thing which means its not the tracker’s fault, its the players. who are just simply bad and have been carried/leeched/mooched off better players for the EXP to get into higher groups when clearly their not eligible due to gear/skill or simply just don’t care about it being a race to finish and will clear it like a normal mythic.

I sympathize for you as I haven’t got a full pre-made so occasionally have to pug a DPS or tank and boy you get some special people let me tell you.

Sounds like you blaming a tool because you blindly use it.


If raider io wouldnt exist, you would still have problems joining m+, as people who want to time their key would be checking ur logs, which would put players in ur category at a worse posisition (harder to get carried there, than in m+). :slight_smile:

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I am not fan of it either. But I am not trying to push my rating so I really don’t care.
Why I think it’s not good?
Well, because it does not mean much as people said above. You can see now people with 1500+ rating how they did 15 on time. They pushed on easiest week to grind that rating while top players pushed for 20 that week.
Then you get week that is much harder and they struggle at lower keys.
It does not say much about player unless you really go deep into analyst and see which dungeon, how high key it was and which affixes…

Also as usual people asking it above threshold that they actually need.
For example 1k for 10 is a bit too much because in order to have 1k you need to have almost all 10’s done. Which makes a lot harder to get into groups.

But it’s not that bad if you really want to go and do 10 and even push a bit.
You can always make group and try or even better find some guild and do with them.

there are communities to do M+ or you can join a decent guild with nice people that do keys together, i don’t even know what my r io score is.
there is no way to estimate the skill of a player exactly, ilvl is pointless, as you can get to 360 without ever stepping in a M+ or raid, at least r io tells you if the player has done anything at all, sure boosting inflates the number, but if you want to pug M+s i can’t think of any solution other than NOT pugging: making some friends or joining a community where you know people ( may it be a guild or an actual community)

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If keys didn’t deplete, if the only thing that could be wasted was the time the dungeon had taken like normal and heroic dungeons, none of this would be a problem. Raider. io is a symptom of the disease that is depleting keystones.

Seriously, I can’t post the addon’s name on these forums because I don’t post often enough? FU, Blizzard.


This is probably why other people don’t want to invite randoms with average ilvl and no experience, because it ruins their keys. This has always been the case with everything, but since mythic+ is a new system so is raider io.

Listen, when I make a mythic+ group, I get 20 guys like you, no experience, same ilvl, etc etc, and then I get like 2-3 guys who have +380 and +1k score. Why wouldn’t I pick those people instead? This is just general pug mentality, and raider io is just another tool to decide who you’ll invite to your groups. Now some actual tips for you:

  1. Grind your way up (considering that you’re complaining about that now, I don’t think you’ll do it, but maybe you should).

  2. Make friends or join a guild and play with them (or join a community that doesn’t look at people’s scores and instead you’ll learn together slowly but surely).

  3. Run your own keys. It’s still a bit silly that you can’t see the actual problem if you’ve tried this already. The problem is that there is no 100% way to verify someone’s skill level in a pug environment, so the second best option is to use certain metrics in order to get better players on average. And most random people you invite without checking anything are pretty bad, so you don’t want to do it (applies to you as well).


rio is nothing but a raw data. you cant blame information for anything lol

I just wish we’d somehow knew how many keys people have left and i think that’d be the best tool.


OP, I understand the concerns, but surely if you’ve made it to 374 item level then things can’t be THAT bad?

374 is reasonably good. In my own experience as I’ve hidden my main and alts on that site and it hasn’t had a big effect on me joining raid groups or dungeon groups - at the end of the day, the people who want to use it are basically free to do so, but there are numerous weekly chest runs that are quite chill and just want you to know what to do and have a good item level.

If you are looking for groups with experience then yes, you are sure to run into problems because people want to know what you’ve done and I guess it’s only right they do - they want their key to be successful and don’t want people who will leave at the first sign of a wipe, or better still, they want no wipes at all.

Search for groups just looking for chill weekly runs. You get them even at +10.

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For lower key 5-9+, the addon is actually not very helpful. I tried to invite people who have the appropriate score for a +6 but the problem is that in +6 people still can get carried all the time.
So I had tons of bad people who had 20+ runs in time and it will just get more because those are always getting carried.
Maybe the addon works better for 10+ but anyways the whole problem with m+ is that you have to play the right class and started to push early in bfa and were lucky with gear to inflate your ilvl fast.
If you missed out in one of these, well is got directly 10 times harder for you to go up.
I have a +9 key in my bag but I don’t dare to do it with my tank on ilvl 360… i just have no drop luck recently lol

Eh, I sort of know what you mean, though I’m not as far as unsubscribing. I just avoid the Mythic+ content now, can’t be bothered grinding an imaginary score to please people using the tool.

Not much point anymore anyway - guild’s dead, friends have all quit.

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The only drawback with is that it’s limited by the leaderboards. It’s a shame that not all runs are released. Those of us on busy servers do get penalised by it. Don’t get me wrong I like the site and I use the addon, I just wish it could give a full picture.

Stuff like left incomplete keys would be great data to have. It might even deter the quitters who leave after the slightest hiccup.