Raidfinder too easy!

oh look another LFR thread its the weekend again .


You know lfr is not for people who can do m+?


Lfr is silly mode that needs to be removed in all honesty in its current form
 it removes peoples motivation to start raiding and is extremely anti-social
 people are so dumb in lfr it amazes me. Some of the stories i hear from my guildies about LFR is just so ridiculous.

This amazing raid is just ruined honestly
 it shouldn’t be a face roll. It should have at least some challenge to it. Same with all content. it shouldn’t be so easy to get epics.

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That IS the point of raidfinder. Don’t like it; do a higher difficulty.
If someone thinks LFR is too easy; it’s not for them. It’s as simple as that.


I do lfr for the mog sets.


Totally legitimate reason and also; I don’t see you asking for its removal. :kissing_heart:


It’s like a person jumping to do charity work

and then going “This is STUPID, why are we volunteering to help the community?! Everyone should have it crazy hard, clears out the population, BAH Humbug!”


It designed for casual players whom have real life.


When I kill Sylvanas last raid, I be LFR Hero.

It’s designed to be that way. If you don’t like it, then don’t do LFR?


Raid finder and group finder is created because dumb idiots during wotlk demanded requirement that were absurd.

They remind me currently to the same Raider iO hogging morons.


You are over 10 ilvl higher than the place that rewards give.
You’ve been to normal.
You are part of guild.
Of course its easier you twix. Thats the goddam point of LFR, its meant to be easy for those who want to see the story and experience the raid.
“Oh boohoo waawaaa its not fair that they can get gear too!”
“Oh waaaawaaaa sob sob sob! I am part of guild and we take it serisously!”
And thats why LFR gives poor rewards. Its not meant for YOU. its meant for us noobs


Me too although not so much in this expansion so far. :laughing:

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With TF existing, the fact that you can obtain items higher than normal or heroic raids is not poor rewards. Relative to the difficulty that is too generous.

Yeah but you forget to mention that LFR and this is fact has a lower chance to WF/TF then mythic does and its very rare it happens go read the Q and A pre BFA launch.

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Let LFR be as it is, it’s just so people that don’t have time to raid 2-3 hours (or more
) over 2 days to see the story and that’s just fine. I jump into LFR on my alts for t-mog or just for some gear upgrade on a alt that might need it :woman_shrugging:


I’ve really struggled to endure Uldir for the mog set.

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It may have a lower chance, but the fact that there is a chance is too generous.

its just a game people take it far to serious sigh its the weekend

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I actually quite like the Uldir cloth set but I can’t quite convince myself to go in Uldir and get it. Random group content causes me anxiety. :joy:

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