Raiding Progression - Argent Dawn

Considering Legebril is ending his maintenance on the raiding progression thread, I thought I'd continue to do it. I will also continue to work with the old format because it's a nice format. If your guild isn't in yet, please do give a shout by mentioning your progress on this thread!

Old link with tiers prior to Legion:

Battle for Azeroth

Uldir (8 bosses)





Tier 21 - Antorus, the Burning Throne (11 bosses)


1. Safety Dance (H) - 11/11
2. Helios (A) - 11/11
3. Blessing of Wisdom (A) - 11/11
4. Sephuzs Secret (A) - 10/11
5. Crux (A) - 10/11
6. Triggered (A) - 10/11
7. Epoch (A) - 10/11
8. The Lethal Party (A) - 10/11
9. Splendour (H) - 9/11
10. Menethil Yacht Club (A) - 9/11


The Undecided (H) - 8/11
The Precariat (A) - 5/11
Braindead (H) - 2/11



The Precariat - 11/11N - 11/11HC
Erandium - 11/11HC
Ad Fortior - 11/11N - 11/11HC



Splendour - 11/11N - 11/11HC
Salvation - 11/11N - 6/11HC
Arclight - 11/11N - 6/11HC

Tier 20 - Tomb of Sargeras (9 bosses)


1. Helios (A) - 9/9
2. Detox (H) - 9/9
3. Blessing of Wisdom (A) - 9/9
4. Sephuzs Secret (A) - 9/9
5. Technical Issues (A) - 7/9
6. The Undecided (H) - 7/9
7. Nøcturnal (A) - 7/9
8. Shadow (A) - 7/9
9. Triggered (A) - 7/9
10. Menethil Yacht Club (A) - 7/9

The Precariat (A) - 5/9
Salvation (H) - 5/9
Reincarnation (A) - 3/9
Medicated (A) - 3/9
Arclight (H) - 2/9



The Precariat - 9/9N - 9/9HC
Erandium - 9/9N - 9/9HC
Reincarnation - 9/9HC
Bloodrune - 9/9N - 9/9HC
Mighty Pintos - 9/9HC
Crux - 9/9N - 5/9HC
Crystalline Dream - 9/9N - 3/9 HC
Facepunch - 8/9N - 3/9HC



Lethal - 9/9N - 8/9HC
Night Witches - 9/9N - 9/9HC
Arclight - 9/9N - 9/9HC
Defect - 8/9HC
Salvation - 9/9HC

Tier 19

The Nighthold - 10 bosses


1. Safety Dance (10/10M)
2. Helios (10/10M)
3. Epoch (10/10M)
4. Oakcrest/BankofStone (10/10M)
Sephuzs Secret (10/10M)
House of the Fallen (8/10M)
Triggered (5/10M)
The Precariat (10/10N) (10/10HC) (3/10M)
Gestalt (2/10M)
Mythic (10/10HC) (1/10M)
Erandium (10/10N) (10/10HC)
Crimson Dawn (10/10HC)
Innovation (10/10HC)
Bloodrune (10/10N) (10/10HC)
Prismatic Society (6/10HC)

Titans of War (4/10HC)
Crystalline Dream (4/10HC)
Lionheart Vanguard (7/10N)


Lethal (10/10N) (10/10HC) (4/10M)
Night Witches (10/10HC) (3/10M)
Steelsong (10/10N) (10/10HC)
Insurgence (10/10HC)

Trial of Valor - 3 bosses


1. Safety Dance (3/3M)
Oakcrest/BankofStone (3/3M)
Erandium (3/3N) (3/3HC)
The Precariat (3/3N) (3/3HC)
Mythic (3/3HC)
Lysis (3/3HC)
Crimson Dawn (3/3HC)
House of the Fallen (2/3M)
Epoch (3/3M)
Innovation (3/3HC)
Gestalt (3/3HC)
Triggered (2/3M)
Sephuzs Secret (3/3M)
Bloodrune (3/3HC)


Steelsong (3/3N) (3/3HC)
Lethal (3/3N) (3/3HC) (2/3M)

The Emerald Nightmare - 7 Bosses


Erandium (7/7N) (7/7HC)
The Precariat (7/7N)(7/7HC) (1/7M)
Bloodrune (7/7N) (7/7HC)
Inceptum (7/7HC)
Immortalis (7/7N) (2/7HC)
RP raiding group RaidPlay (7/7N)
Lionheart Vanguard (7/7N)
Shadow (7/7N) (7/7HC)
Square One (7/7N) (1/7HC)
Katla (7/7N) (7/7HC) (1/7M)
The Pioneers (7/7N) (7/7HC) (1/7M)
Oakcrest/BankofStone (7/7N) (7/7HC) (7/7M)
The Silver Charge (7/7N)
Mythic (5/7M)
Lysis (7/7HC)
Crimson Dawn (3/7M)
House of the Fallen (7/7M)
Epoch (7/7M)
Innovation (7/7HC)
Gestalt (2/7M)
Triggered (7/7M)
Sephuzs Secret (7/7M)


Safety Dance (7/7HC) (7/7M)
Lethal (7/7N) (7/7HC) (7/7M)
Oathsworn (7/7N) (7/7HC) (1/7M)
The Rotgarde (7/7N)
Legalise Peacebloom (6/7HC)
Night Witches (7/7N) (7/7HC)
Mythic (7/7N) (7/7HC)
Mistfall (7/7N) (7/7HC)
The Wyld Hunt (7/7N) (7/7HC)
Steelsong (7/7N) (7/7HC)
The Eclipsion Blade (7/7N) (7/7HC)
SSRCG (7/7N) (1/7H)
Splendour (7/7N) (1/7H)
The Crimson Clover (7/7N)
BankofStone is 8/10
House of The Fallen
7/7 EN Mythic
2/3 ToV mythic
7/10 NH Mythic
23/04/2017 22:18Posted by Yvaleth
BankofStone is 8/10

BankofStone isn't 8/10M
You should remove Bankofstone from the list since they arent 8/10 2/3 or 7/7 mythic....
24/04/2017 18:49Posted by Haruh
23/04/2017 22:18Posted by Yvaleth
BankofStone is 8/10

BankofStone isn't 8/10M

25/04/2017 10:43Posted by Telonis
You should remove Bankofstone from the list since they arent 8/10 2/3 or 7/7 mythic....

I actually decided to check that and will remove the guild from the list. This is a raiding progression thread for guilds, not 2-3 individuals within a guild.
Epoch 7/7M 3/3M 8/10M

7/7H, 3/3H, 10/10H.
Added! Also updated Safety Dance's progress because it was thrown in my face last night.

GZ on 10/10 Mythic, Safety Dance!
25/04/2017 15:17Posted by Brutus
<span class="truncated">...</span>
BankofStone isn't 8/10M

25/04/2017 10:43Posted by Telonis
You should remove Bankofstone from the list since they arent 8/10 2/3 or 7/7 mythic....

I actually decided to check that and will remove the guild from the list. This is a raiding progression thread for guilds, not 2-3 individuals within a guild.

Precariat seems to have less 2 8/10 mythic raiders than Bankofstone has.
Weird, maybe it should be removed?
Hello, Raid Progress Comittee

I'd like to file a complaint about the decision to exclude Bank of Stone from the list. They have a higher percentage of average raiders (66% of their members are actively raiding) than most guilds and probably have more boss kills than many of the other guilds on the list. This feels like the old 25m vs. 10m elitism where the "real" progress trackers didn't consider 10man guilds to be as good as 25man ones. Furthermore, you have the RP raid alliance on the progression list, which is also not a guild but is in fact just a collection of individuals.

As such, I formally request that Bank of Stone be properly recognized for their achievements in the Argent Dawn PVE progression scene by being included in the official progress list. Blizzard's choice to sticky the thread carries with it great responsibility, and the organizers should show they take this seriously by being unbiased in their recognition of raiding achievements.


Oakcrest still killed Gul'dan first.
Make Bank of Stone great again.
Confirmed 8/10 mythic.
Ey !@#$ters, there is: you know.

Also, <Helios>, the crispiest raiding guild on AD is 9/10M(+ 3/3 & 7/7).

P.S we're recruiting SwedishUnderstandingPeople -!Ad4R5ALVRD

[edit: I'm censored... now I'm <Triggered>]
Hello dear friends. As a long established and possibly the most well respected member of the Argent Dawn forum community, I'm sure you'll all respect my reassurance that yes, BankofStone is a 8/10 mythic guild, and we are full. Yvaleth is in fact my alt, and I can say that Stonethunder and I have been working very hard at shaping the guild in a positive direction in light of recent financial woes, and I am delighted to say we have succeeded in every way.

Going into Tomb of Sargeras we are set to compete for server rank once more - look out Safety Dance, we're coming for #1! It is however disheartening to see us removed from the progress list - this will only serve to alienate more recruits from accepting our 8 year trial period. If you would be so kind as to fix things, we'd be very happy to forget this whole silly mess :)
BankOfStone is also known as saviour in Greece's Bank Crisis situation. They single handedly paid Greece's debts. Can't say that any other guild on this server has saved a Country.
Yall got Oakcrest triggered.
Crystalline Dream 4/10HC
Oakcrest & BankofStone Premier Raiding Consortium are now 9/10. So are Epoch