Raids are getting ridiculously complex

There is. Heroic is there for average people.

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raid ez pug not for pug


(This BS don’t deserve more than that but I have to put at least 20 inputs)

Yeah, pretty much, but I still wouldn’t call it easier. HC Jaina didn’t have such nasty overlaps like getting switched with a Volatile Charge about to expire. Sure, it’s relatively rare, but Jaina simply didn’t have any of that nonsense. Maybe that can be written off as questionable RNG raid design tho.

everting ez as long ever 1 same page know wat to do

this is true for some bosses not all, but yes, lets take mechatorgue for example, whit 10 people due to mechanics, you can have up to 6 dps not dpsing boss, due to the mechanics, where a 20+ group always will have someone on boss, same can be said for conclave, where a bigger group makes thing far easier, well actualy most bosses become easier the more you are, due to more dps on boss even if boss have more healt, considering the dmg from boss does not go up almost at all, if it even becomes higher.

also at same time if one does a mistake, and dies on a 10 man group you are close to an wipe, where on a 20 man group 3 dps dying doesnt need to meen you will wipe. there is a problem here, but how to make it work so it would be fair for all group sizes I do not know.

I think we’ve had that happen like 5 times, out of 100 pulls or how long it took my guild to get Opulence down. And that can usually be solved by some good defensive use and life grips. The only difference really between HC and Mythic is that swap, and the dance being quicker. And this just goes to show that your guild, nor mine, really had the HC mechanics down before moving into Mythic. But HC is just so forgiving. So maybe that should be buffed, but then we’ll have so many people cry because it’ll become to hard to pug.

This. And also that you can semi-influence the swap timings depending on how fast/slow you are pushing the rooms. I’d argue you don’t really need defensives though, considering that as long as you don’t move, you have 6 seconds of 100% reduced damage taken and done right after a swap. Good communication between the swapped players is golden though. A simple “Getting swapped in flames, don’t move.” can and will save lives, same as “Getting swapped with Charge.”

the biggest problem whit more complex boss fights is that they tend to become over tuned or under tuned.

for Example Un´at is on heroic horribly overtuned for smaler groups, where a bigger group has way easier time, combine this whit lots of things to do at same time, and it can be close to unplayable due this, but whit a huge group the boss can again be seen as undertuned to some extent, unát no so much but some other bosses are.

Conclave for example, again was realy hard for smal groups, almost impossible, where a big group just came in and well did it, whit no problems, so this boss was agian overtuned for smaler groups, and totaly undertuned for big groups.

this is due to flex raids, what in a way is good to have, but unfortunately impossible to tune to any extent right.

so complex fights become even more complex due to it,

There is normal and lfr difficulties which are fairly easy. Only last 3 bosses on heroic BoD are challenging. As for mythic BoD/Uldir i have to say first 3 bosses are not that hard!

Sorry the game is quite difficult bro. There are other games you can play that are much easier or you can do LFG later on and you won’t have to think or try at all. Goodluck noob!

raid complex haha dont make me laugh back day hard uldaur fun this just silly

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