The mistake they made (intentionally) is that unranked pvp conquest gear is locked at 200 ilvl and not upgradable. It makes no sense unless you want to artificially force arena participation (because let’s be honest, if it was not for gear that would be less popular than pet battles…)
Gear should matter even in PvP. Some1 who put more effort into developing 1 character shouldnt be on same lvl that someone who made 8 alts in same time. And i dont get it why someone without rat would be able to upgrade conquest gear. Its locked at rat and its a good thing
I just sont get it, its same in PvE and PvP, ppl just want stuff for free without any effort or time put into it, m15 gear from vendor without KSM, xonquest gear max upgraded without any rat etc. Just play the game, put some effort, get gear, git gud.
Random bgs don’t have any rating so this doesn’t change anything for the fact that you will still face fully geared people there on your low geared alt
I was levelling in a BG last night (55 currently) and the opposition were 50% level 60’s (scaled to 59 like the rest of us) but I assume legendaries and conduits etc still work because it is great being one shot by a hunter, then a mage and the chopped down by a warrior in a gcd.
I then joined a group where half of my team was 60’s, that went differently.
Hell yeah I do. It’s one of the best feelings there is in PvP – being a God among men.
It’s this:
And that is the fantasy most people have when queueing for a Random Battleground. To show everyone who’s boss.
And gear inequality provides you with a path that allows you to go from zero to hero, because there’s a payoff to each item upgrade you acquire. You get closer to the fantasy.
Well you don’t show them anything, just that you are a loser who can only kick lower geared players.
Sad life, when someone’s fantasy to pray on the weaker.
Point of random bgs is to stomp low geared nooobs and teabag them. And it’s great. Please Blizzard, do not make any more solo queue content than you already have.
Going to like this as a gearing player I agree 100%.
I see no reason I should be on equal footing with a player who’s dedicated a lot of time playing. This isn’t a moba or cod.
What I dislike is how virulent boosting is atm. So mr chuckles on his warrior playing like a fool can still threaten me with insane damage even though he makes glaring mistakes.
Gear advantage is one thing.
Being able to totally dominate in a casual setting is another.
Its awful to play, and not exactly welcoming to new players, or people who are new to the pvp scene. It makes me personally not want to bother with my alts, whereas in previous expansions I’d quite happily sit and grind on various characters to try them out because the gear gap was nowhere near as bad as it is now and I could actually contribute to the team instead of just being bait.
You can queue up the minute you hit 60, its not gated by ilvl like some pve content. With how bad it is, it probably should be tbh.
You can buy the full honor set the minute you ding if you played enough at low level, but the gear gap is that huge it makes little difference, you’re still gonna be a one shot.
I mean, you’re playing as part of a team. And in a Random Battleground it’s fair to assume that your team consists of players with different item level gear. As does the enemy team.
So you win by playing as a team and utilizing your resources the best way. If you’re a low-geared character, then you’re probably better off defending a base than kamikaze-diving into a huge brawl in the middle of the map.
And on the other hand, if you’re rocking an insane item level and are fully buffed up and got a pocket healer in your corner, then you’re absolutely primed to go into a frenzy and slaughter your way through every opponent you see.
If everyone’s the same, then it may provide more freedom for the individual to do whatever they hell they feel like, but you lose some of the dynamic of having your team’s power distributed unevenly.
As an example, then I did Ashran yesterday as a Holy Priest. What I love doing is to search for the Balance Druid on my team that has insane gear and is going completely Super Sayian. That Druid is the target for my Power Infusion and Ray of Hope and Guardian Spirit throughout the entire game.
If everyone is the same, then it wouldn’t really matter what Balance Druid I buffed with Power Infusion or kept a close eye on.
But because everyone’s different, then the individuality of each character matters.
And I personally like that.
If everyone’s the same, they have to play better to win. And not just hope that the enemy team drew the short straw on how many low geared alts/chars they have.
Well to be fair, it was the same in WoD (without PI). Gave the artifact to some ranged dynamo and kept him buffed. And it’d still matter to some extent. Quick PvP check, what talents they were using, even them just saying “hey, use this on me and I’ll make it rain Alliance corpses for days!”
We’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this one!
Yeah, but then my Random Battleground experience really isn’t any different from my Rated Battleground experience where everyone has to be item level 200+ and have 25%+ Versatility in order to join the team.
And I like that there’s a difference between a Random Battleground and a Rated Battleground.
Naturally. The discussion about gear or no gear in PvP goes as far back as PvP itself. It’s all personal preference at the end of the day.
no it isnt. and if it is, the problem is the fact PvE Gears relevant in PvP to begin with.
we’re talking a 20 ilevel increase from World base content from the campaign story and mythic raid gear. again what are u talking about.
This existed in vanilla, BiS geared players utterly destroyed Newbies and stuff… ALOT of old streamers were talking about it throughout fighting against the Gear irrelevency in PvP Prior this.
Since the birth of WoW there has been a giant difference between BiS Geared players and Base Queue content heroes.
watch the video Jito linked thats Old pvP… Watch that tauren 1v20 and Win… thats the OLD Power v Noob Ratios… i’d argue their less prevelent today then they were during the times of that video.
Imaginew posting that rubbish in a thread another player has 100% Proved was happening before “4 difficulty metrics”.
the issue is:
this game holds multiple types of players, players who will forever main 1 char and just invest all their progression into 1 char and others who make 8. u cant equalise the gear rate between those 2 factors without one side of them just massively losing out.
so u end up in a metric, where someone in catagory A Can just randomly decide to go on a noobstomping spree.
just for Context
a 180 v 226… is basically a Fresh level 60 Against a BiS Geared Raider in Vanilla. 180 is like beginner level fresh 60, 226 is basically ur hardest raid geared. the issue is ur not susposed to be competing against them… but they’ve climbed their rating and their premades most likely not online… so what else do they do?