Random BG : You will face people with 224 ilevel - Reward : 197 ilevel max

I don’t see the point.

I geared and still gear my 7 alts on Random battlegrounds to get 197 ilevel.

But nowaday i face people with 224 ilevel when i am 180 ilevel.

PvP gearing was denounced as being the fastest in the start of the extension, since you could choose the piece of gear that was missing.

Today it’s merely impossible for a alt to face equally a opponent.

I took back my main to try arena, and what i found was demoralizing : i got 35k health with 215 ilevel and i already face people with 39k health in the bracket of 1600.
You know the result, you struggle to survive since your opponent is overgear. To end losing.

Also nowaday the PvP is filled with booster, sincce you can choose your piece of gear and you can bump people to 2K1 to get 226, instead of PvE where your piece is RNG and with valore point in the future you wil upgrade it to 220 ilevel.

It’s clearly not fun for PvP player , Alt PvP and PvE player to face that issue.
Because a reward should not be only by gearing.
When i play a alt in random PvP , my reward is gearing but also learning and killing people by PvP knowledge.
Today right now you are 180 ilevel, your team spit on you because you are no 220 ilevel and spamming random battleground.

Why we got people with 224 ilevel in random battlegrounds ?
Because they like PvP but mostly for 1 thing :


The Premade Group stop people from playing RBG easely like they play Random Battlegrounds.
If There is a Soloqueue systems already for RBG, it will be easier for alt to gear from the start, knowing that if people with 220 ilevel win , they go out from the lower bracket and so PvP alt can finally gear between each other.
And for PvE Player doing Battlegrounds, will already start for them to get a Rating in RBG directly instead of stampeding random battlegrounds and killing low ilevel player.

Soloqueue System is now require for PvP at least, it’s way too much important nowaday to implement it for the future of World of Warcraft.

Support Soloqueue !

To read more :

Edit : I add that videos made by WoW Professional Player about Soloqueue. A full explaination why the community want it :



Small reminder. This problem is created by game having multiple difficulty and insane power creep. It has nothing to do with gearing, gear drops, or w/e you come up with. As long as game will have 4 raid difficulty levels with inflated itemlvl you will have giant differences between players.


Well they cant really give you heroic itemlvl gear while doing nothing but random bgs lol.


That why soloqueue will solve the issue :

The highter ilevel will go up in rating RBG
The lower ilevel can play like he want knowing that he will not meet up the player with 226 ilevel again due to rating.


SoloQ will never work in game like WoW. It barely works in actual compettive games.


it will be a success in WoW, clearly and all player need it.

And it’s an addition, if you want to know why it will be a total success i already written all of it here :

And here from Proffesionnal Player PvP about Soloqueue :

Remember = Adding Soloque will not Block Premade Group

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i realy woulnt mind solo queue for 2vs2 and Rbgs.
i wanna do pvp but my friends only do PvE and i aint gonna spend 3h looking for groups so i can do a 45sec arena


For Random Battlegrounds I like the fact that gear matters.

It really instills the sense that I can personally affect the outcome in a very dramatic way if I really squeeze my performance to the limit, because the value of my gear amplifies it further. Those hard-earned items have a tangible value. They make it easier for me to sit high on the scoreboard and help my team win.

I love the fact that no encounter with an enemy player is the same. I remember when WoW had scaling and templates and all that stuff. It was so boring. Every Warrior was the same Warrior. Every Druid was the same Druid. Everyone had the same balanced performance and every fight felt like the same exchange of abilities, dealing the same amount of damage, needing the same amount of healing, and so on.

I like the fact that I can be in Arathi Basin and spot a lone defender at the Farm, and if he has really amazing gear then I wait for backup before I engage, but if he doesn’t have very good gear, then there’s an opportunity to score a quick kill and snatch an easy base.
That kind of dynamic is awesome and I would be sad to see it gone.

I find it fun to be the lesser-geared player as well. You sort of have to change your approach to a Battleground a bit. Be more of a defender and shot-caller and otherwise try to go for the low-hanging fruit as opposed to recklessly jumping into the fray all the time.

Gear makes Random Battlegrounds dynamic and different and rewarding to play. For me having gear in Random Battlegrounds is the difference between playing them regularly and not really playing them at all.


Well of course not… But did I say that? lol
They could make Unranked gear 203 baseline, or even 207
Also, it’s not like Random bg players are swimming in conquest points either, it takes quite a while to grind it.

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No they couldnt. PvP honor gearing and covenants alredy invalidated everything below heroic raiding no they cant give it to you higer itemlvl.

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I think they are working on implementing a PvP gear system similar to WoD… or did I dream this?

That is, if you have full ilvl 197 PvP gear you will still have the ilvl equivalance of e.g. a PVEr that is a Heroic raider.


They could use the same system as in Heroes of the storm. Solo que and ban.

I remember when they first added rated BGs.
I was so disappointing it turned out to be just a larger scale arena… aka premade only.
I had dreamed of rated BGs being just BGs where people are motivated to do their best instead of what they often do in unrated


So you like dominating lower geared/lower skilled people. This is why we don’t have real pvp gear. We had that, but like minded people ruined it, cos they couldn’t “shine” in random bg.


226 ? peoples already rocking 230 …

This is how it was in BfA. The ilvl of unrated Conquest gear started at 445 and progressed to 460 in Season 4. Heroic raid drops began at 460. In SL, equivalent unrated Conquest would reward 207 and then 213 later into the season.

I don’t understand why they changed it. During BfA we saw many complaints about TF, about RNG bonus effects on Benthic gear drops, about Corruption gear RNG and about weekly chest RNG. The ilvl of unrated Conquest gear has only had complaints in SL - because it is too low.

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It is similar to TBC and Wotlk gearing, where you had to wear an entire season behind if you did not do rated content.

I think you know my stance on the subject, Destra.

Gear should be completely irrelevant in pvp.