Random BG : You will face people with 224 ilevel - Reward : 197 ilevel max

So wait, your solution to people’s gear being out of whack in a BG is to introduce the solo queue?

Solo queue has its own merits in all sorts of ways, but this isn’t really a good solution to imbalanced PvP gearing. In fact I don’t really like it at all, but that’s off-topic here.

What is a solution to imbalanced PvP gearing is to just not make such a big span in the rewards being given and to make it give more honor to kill an overgeared character than an undergeared one, then try to matchmake so everyone has around the same gear if possible.

I hope nobody in here thinks that solo queue will get you 2.1k gear, or that you won’t face diabolically bad mythic geared players at 1.4k in solo queue? Surely none of you believe that?

I said this would happen…and suggested that without some form of ilvl bands, once PVP-only players were fully geared, it would become a ghetto, with Boosters as gate keepers…and here we are.

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Those 226ilvl players that still sit in normal BGs have really low self esteem and need to BOOST their ego by killing low ilvl players.
As soon as I get max ilvl out of bgs, I stop and move to next tier, or the rated mode.

In pvp we should not have gear at all, and everything should be templated. You earn gear for other ingame activities, but it should have an even ground and we should just see skill differences.

The elitists that say “well you can have ilvl 226 but a skilled guy with ilvl 180 can kill the 226 guy” can drop dead in a bg.
In the last month, trying to gear an 170ilvl alt in BGs has been pure cringe frustration fest.

I really hope blizzard can see that, even if this is an MMORPG, even if the RPG part implies gear, it should either template the PVP mode for equal chances or at least make a damn proper smart Matchmaking system that accounts for ilvl, alt MMR, past MMR and so on.

Even tough, at ilvl 173 on my Warrior, my winrate in BGs has been like 26 wins out of 41 games in the past 3 days, I cannot enjoy playing battlegrounds when the ilvl disparity is so damn high and either I’m getting carried by ilvl 226s when winning, or we are being crushed/deleted when the 226s are balancing more on the othe team.

The best WoW PvP BG experience we can have atm is only in the leveling zone, pre 60, or at the other extreme in RBGs meta full 226 ilvl. Since both zones have equal ground and ilvl between all players. The low bracket with x9 level scalling and ilvl gear scalling, and the high end bracked for beeing max ilvl geared.

It is pure idiocracy to let the avarage play zone suffer and not have an equal matchmaking, either by templating or by searching for the right teams.

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Solo queue isn’t the ultimate solution. But it would allow casual players to at least get in, get experience and start getting better gear. It would also dilute the elitist environment which it has currently with it being pre-made only. Because there would be lots of casual temporary pairings forming - allowing for chances of more fair match ups.

PVP needs a lot of fixing in general, but solo queue for rated is one of those valid fixes.

Or they just want to play some pvp and random bgs are simply more efficient getting into pvp enviroment?

I just can’t believe this. I’m 221 on my druid and thats pretty decently geared. The amount of people with more gear must be tiny % wise. People that well geared are by far the exception, not the rule.

That might also be it, since we’re trowing constructing ideeas.
But I’ve never seen topics of unhappy full gear people asking blizzard for a way to play an even match :wink: Saying something like this: "blizzard I"m sick of just exploding low lvl enemies in BGs, please make something so us, geared ppl could have a competitive even ground.

But, at least blizzard can see all the posibilities and make something that could solve more problems at once. Either Templated pvp or more ilvl brackets, or, as someone stated, give more honor for killing a more geared player, and less honor for killing a less geared player.

today seeing people at 224 ilevel running random battleground is so recurrent.
So recurrent that you are under fire by those guys asking to you to do PvE to then do random BG instead of gearing full in PvP

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10 character

It is totally beyond me why you don’t just get set gear levels for PvP.

BG’s x ilvl
Arena x ilvl.

The higher rating you get:
Unique weapons & Weapon effects.

Etc etc etc

Sure this won’t cure all problems and the ilvls would need to be fairly specific. But you get rewarded for your efforts still.

But it would stop PvP gearing for PvE and hopefully make PvP at the very least a tad more skill orientated no?

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