Random BGs have stopped being fun in BFA

Random bgs are there so that you can st0mp n00bz with your shiny new axe. Definitely better now than in legion or bfa with templates and scaling and other weird stuff.

No1 is immortal, especialy not tanks as you take 50% more dmg in pvp instances. There is a reason tanks need to kite and need to be supported by Hpala atleast when they carry flag. Dmg is just too insane, go against 226 rogue, ret,fire mage, boomy and you die in few sec.

To the people that complain about this: Ever played BGs from Classic up to Legion, BfA and Shadowlands when you freshly hit max level?

Because it was zero different than it was from now.

The only expansion where this wasnt massively an issue was Legion. And that was terrible too because you were all forced into the same stats with no way to build your character the way you want it.

Yes. You could get decent gear very quickly, and there was no major ilvl gap.
Everyone was on a somewhat even playing field.

WotLK? No gear gap? Okay.

Good thing I didn’t mention WOTLK.

This was true in Cataclysm (maybe not the end with legendaries, I only played the first half of it), MoP, WoD and Legion.
It’s only with BFA that they started removing the fun from casual PvP again.

Wrong to be competitive in top tier m+ , raiding and PVP most top players have 3 to 5 chars geared and equal there is no lore saying they are not supposed to be only your’e view.

My only issue with templates was that I couldn’t decide for myself where I’d put my stats. Maybe I wanted to stack mastery for w/e reason, it’s a choice I should be allowed to make instead of having Blizzard make it for me.

Right now random PvP isn’t that fun indeed, templates could fix some of it.

Templates made me quit pvping seriously in WoW. Removing the sense of progression was stupid. Why would I play it? I couldn’t get any rewards from it. I played to like 1900ish rating I think in Legion and then just “What’s the point? I don’t get anything from it”.

Had you played enough to get just 100 more rating, you would have a unique elite set. Too bad.
The rewards were there.

Why would I want those ugly looking sets?

Your class does tend to have rubbish looking sets for sure. That’s not true for every class though.
I really wish I had this one for example:

druid is like a god class now and should be nerfed into the ground for PVP. druids that just won’t die is really killing BGS. i understand you are very happy with beeing freaking OP. but alot of players beg Blizzard to nerf them and they just don’t listen. and Blizzards keeps wondering why people leave, DUH

What you expect that a tank lose 1v1? All times?

A tank is suppose be hard to kill and do 0 damage not die faster than a random dps.

Yup, i totally agree and it’s why i stopped pvping after Legion.
The vocal PvP’ers said they had fun exploiting and blizz said ok.
Without templates 1 shots are all over. Why subject myself to the frustration?
PvP players are not interested in fair play.

Templates were an extreme. No controll, no freedom no customization. Ppl didnt like it…so they replaced it with…drum roll…

Yet another extreme in bfa. Where pvp scaling was bs, pve gear was everything and rng on gear was unbarable. Ppl didnt like…so they replaced it with …drum roll…

Another extreme in sl. No scaling, no pvp stats, 1528 levels of power, infinite grind for gear…

We dont want extremes. We dont wannt reinvented wheel every expansion. Dont change whats working for the sake of making change. Wod and prior was fine…thats what we wannt.

Its not that “ppl dont know what they wannt” …its the devs giving us what seemingly looks like something we wanted but its always with an horrible catch…every single time there some change.

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Depends on your definition of competitive. If competitive means “being in the top 1%” then yes, absolutely.

If it means to get KSM, clear Mythic CN or get Gladiator then no.

I think most players understand competitive as “being able to compete with the majority of other players”.

Most high level PvPers are playing for the sake of getting better and climbing the ladder. They play for the fun of improving and competing, not the gear.

Other games like LoL, DotA2, Fortnite, Valorant, Overwatch, etc are also hugely successful without having much sense of “progression” other than cosmetic rewards, if even that.

Yeah, I know, WoW is an MMORPG, not a Moba/shooter and people play MMORPGs for progression.
Well, I didn’t when I used to PvP much and many people I’ve played with didn’t care about gear either. They’d been fine with just completely removing gear from PvP at all.

I do get that probably the vast majority of WoWs player base wants, need and likes the character progression in PvP though. So Blizzard probably will keep it in some way.

I guess when it happens once in a blue moon, it’s a nice feeling. But I got to the point where if I join random bgs on my main or my two played alts, 9 out of 10 games I outright carry the win. And believe me, it gets old real fast and there is no fun to be had stomping flies. In a sense, both you and Landrien are right - you when you say that being the hero of the bg is fun when it happens rarely, and Landrien when she says that it stops being funny after 10 games.

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You might be able to find some in web.archive.org