Random dungeon finder

IMHO: They should just add RDF already. There’s no real reason to NOT implement it right now. There sure was a sense of community in the classic re-release. But it didn’t survive beyond late TBC. It certainly doesn’t seem to work for the majority of the servers.


I think I haven’t even seen that in early TBC either. And I joined with its prepatch in '21 summer.

I did have a warrior in Classic, but I only got him to like lvl26 or so. The mob grinding put me off.

Back there however, it seemed way more lively than it was in TBC. And I was playing on Hydraxian, the only RP realm (because it was the only non-full non-pvp realm).

I doubt there’s too much community. Those who bonded already won’t really be ripped apart if RDF is added, as they can que together. And raids weren’t queued till Cata (and even if they were, you do want to handpick people. Raids aren’t a walk in the park, unlike dungeons.)

I feel with the introduction of hc+, rdf is needed. Getting a normal/non hc+ group is pretty painful for fresh chars.

When gearing my prot pala it was a struggle to find groups, nobody reads the note either. It honestly made me abit toxic, getting constant invites when people cant read.

At this point i prob wont make another char, so im safe. But in order to keep fresh players, you gotta let them gear up and enjoy endgame. GDKP and hc+ does not help with that.


The problem they did was to not put HC+ in a seperate LFG tab.

Yes, a mistake that was/is foreseen to be a rookie one. I highly suspect this was to make people talk before invites, cuz of social pillar or whatever. Just proving yet again that this social pillar is just a dream.


RDF should definitely be brought back minus one feature…

Vote Kick.

Weve got the retail mentality here now with GS, give these people that power again and its just going to have a part in creating the same retail toxicity levels.

You get a group on RDF Classic, that’s it, you stay til end with the rogue with a shield or leave.

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Rogues can’t use them :smile: only pallies, shammies and warriors.

But seeing any enh with a shield would be bonkers. I remember leveling one many years ago. I was 30-something, and foolish enough to go around with 1h and shield… :rofl: I should have gone with a 2 hander.

Anyways… it’s always part of the package, even if you’re making groups manually. They can tell you anything about their gear for that daily hc+, and if you don’t check what they’ve really got, you’ll just end up facing in combat that this melee barely does 1k dps.

I should have known that would induce a whoosh,
That was a joke and it implies a class wearing the wrong gear.

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glares in TBC enha OT

Come to Mirage we have cake!

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I am uncertain how to respond to this. You dont believe i just got back, but you can easily see from my achievements that i dinged 80 not long ago?

Do you believe im talking to myself in this forum via proxys? That i made made dozens of accounts and leveld hundreds of alts?

And even if i feel that youre probably trolling me, im going to take the bait and ask. How does it hurt the open world?

Problem is that people like you struggle to find dungeon groups becouse you put 0 effort into actualy finding or creating those groups yourself. I level up priest and i am getting constant whispers from players asking if i want to heal this and that dungeon. You are not supostu just list yoursl self in lfg and then wait and do nothing.


How do you know what i do and what i dont do? Are you saying that its equally easy to find groups for normals/heroics now after hc+ was added, as it was before it was added?

Good for you i guess.
When i leveled up my pala i got constant whispers from people who wanted to do hc+, the problem is that when im fresh 80 my tanking gear is whack. Tried one dungeon and got 1shot by some random trash mob.

As a tank i need gear, its crucial.

If you honestly think i just sat in LFG all day, waiting for others to take the initiative. Then you are quite delusional.

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:man_facepalming: will this emote be enough ?

Well. I stopped playing but my wife decided to try.

So she made it to level 35-ish before she stopped. Zero dungeons done. She met a few players while in the Barrens but after that it has been a singel player experience for her.

The vast majority of wow content is sitting untouched and since you must traverse this content to get to the endgame, where all the players are, it becomes a very lonely experience. I believe people who plays Mmo’s are somewhat social. So in my mind its strange to ask people to play for weeks of solitude before you can join the community. Wouldn’t it be better to alow instant groups and even crossrealm to help break of the solo playstyle?


I decided to try as well, but I stopped at level 10. I just can’t play anything that is not a panda. BLIZZARD GIVE US PANDAS NOW! Stay true to Wrath with real Pandaren!


And i also feel it would help the slowly dying servers, atleast alittle bit. Spending hours to find people for a normal dungeon is just not good game-design.

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If you want rdf, why dont you just play retail?
That sounds like it has more of the features arw you after.

Personally I liked the idea of no RDF. However I think with the addition of HC+ it’s now necessary.

Near impossible to find HC groups on alts now and people running HC+ asking for absurd gearscore. Despite that fact that HC+ can be cleared by a group of fresh dinged lvl 80s.

We wont see random dungeon finder in classic.
If you want an easy time, maybe retail is the better version of the game for you.

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