Range hunter in P4 pvp perspective

It seems like this class was just forgotten in SOD. Here is why:

  • Lack of gap creator. A bunch of classes got a gap closer in SOD, skills that were not available in vanilla, rogues got shadowstep, warriors got mea hook, shamans got decoy totem etc. I was almost sure hunters will get something to counter balance it in phase 4 like disengage leap or masters call or something. This doesn’t make any sense to be honest as in other versions of the game the hunter got those skills to be able to counteract the new melee gap closers.

  • Low dps from the premier range dps. If the class is supposed to be a range glass cannon that once you get a jump on he should be gimped then why do hunters have subpar range damage in pvp?
    Did a lot of duels on the PTR and the funny thing is that in vanilla this class would output the best pressure at range but as soon as you get in melee the damage goes down by a lot.
    In sod some range classes don’t need to come to the hunters dead zone, they can easily outburst him from range just sitting still and doing damage. How can a hybrid class that can heal out damages a range MM hunter from range not even trying to get close. Try it out, elemental shamans, warlocks, shadow priests do double the range damage output than a MM hunter.
    The only good damage output an MM hunter has now is trap and wait 5 seconds without moving and do a double instant aim shot, its funny when some classes can do the same damage without any setup and without clunky mechanics like being forced to sit still for 5 sec in pvp (how fun). If you use chimera instead the damage is laughable in comparison. And of course when we get a pvp trinket on the PTR realm the hunters wont be able to even do that.

  • There are zero new interesting runes for pvp to look forward to. I was excited about the Kill Shot rune and then I found out its a pants rune and you loose sniper training (no double aim shots to do decent damage) Meaning its useless for pvp as I would much rather take sniper training for 1v1, the damage on it is very lackluster.
    The cloak rune with cooldown reduction on traps is ok I guess for bgs but I’m not hyped about it at all.

All in all I had really high hopes for p4 pvp and getting back to sod but as of now it looks like the hunter class will continue to be forgotten by the sod team.

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10 second cd on traps isnt enought to create space???
Put on top of that entrapment root, or wing clip root and counterattack???

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ranged hunters definately got a buff this patch for pvp.

Hunter pvp problems and solutions.

You have no idea how difficult it is to trap a constantly moving enemy when you are moving too . if you want to trap the enemy %100 , this is only possible with scatter shot and scatter shots cooldown is 30 seconds.
Blizz must remove resourcefulness and give hunters a defensive mobility rune .