- Thunderbluff
1782341243523. Everything else cause Horde cities are ugly.
How can an elf fan say that Thunder Bluff looks good. Get real.
<sneaks in again> Because it does! <sneaks out again>
No it does not. A city is a city. Thunder Bluff is a camp/village. Because most of their existence Tauren have been nomads just like Vulpera before the Orcs saved them.
Horde cities is hole, disgusting
Finally someone agrees. Welcome here.
Silvermoon over Suramar surprises me a little : p It’s got newer graphics and sparkles and everything. And its really huge. I think Suramar is the most city like city we have in the game tbf
maybe it is my own bias but I am allergic to the extreme of purple color palette of the city. It is an amazing city sure but not the best.
Probably an unpopular take, but I personally despise SIlvermoon, I find it disorienting and the fact that I can´t just fly over building X to get to where I want to go annoys TF out of me. One would think that with that many thousands of years of experience at least one of us would have figured how to lay out an efficient floorplan…
If Thunder Bluff had a portal room, I´d consider it my “home base”, but Orgrimmar is a close enough second place. Undercity is IMO just bad, interesting concept, but horribly executed, even makes Silvermoon seem clearly laid out and intuitive
But Suramar, yes, I can agree that that potentially outranks all of them for visual appeal… But, is that officially a Horde capitol per se in lore? Because I think it´s still semi-neutral, not just in game…
as of the latest Exploring Azeroth volume for the Islands Suramar is fully pledged to the Horde now yes. But they have a connection with the survivors of the moonguard in their stronghold and send a token force to protect the Arcandor from harm.
It’s so refreshing to see you make other threads and talk about other stuff than killing alliance all the time Erevien xD you have changed.
Being with the Horde was a toxic relationship and it took me some time to realise Blizzard will never repair the damage they did to it. Sadly. But now I play the winning side and I havebig doubts we gonna suffer any major losses any time soon. Cuz since vanilla pretty much nothing has changed on their side greatfully.
Well, they did lose Teldrassil completely during Smores-fest 33 (33ADP being the year BfA started, for those not that well versed in the timeline), while Undercity “only” got flooded with too much Forsaken-energy drink that will eventually run off into the sewers… Though I´m not sure I want to see what kind of gigachads that turned the sewer rats into once Lilian and Calia are done mopping up…
The Alliance tend to loose every battle. But win the final war in the end. The Alliance has suffered great losses too. Like loosing almost every kalimdor zone to the horde. Hillsbrad Lordaeron. Theramore. Feathermoon. Stonetalon… Ashenvale invasion. Etc
But Horde looses the war in the end. And usually their lore favorite leaders.
Alliance loose their lands and territories but always are the heroes that wins the war in the end.
While the horde wins and conquers but have to sacrifice their lore characters.
Anyway I dont want to derail your thread.
All is good. I spend time in all cities and was able to write down what I noticed. And I really hope Blizzard will see that especially Orgrimmar is in dire need of a full makeover.
My favorite horde cities are… Suramar ontop. Its just outright gorgeous. and makes you feel like your in a proper city when your there…
Then we have Silvermoon. It looks pretty and nice and all. But it is very spacious and filled with very little NPC… I think the city needs an update from the tbc era…
Orgrimmar follows suit there after. But I really wanna see where the Orcs take their architecture in the future. Beyond just barracks and mud huts xD
Then we have the undercity finally… I think the lore of Lordaeron and the undercity would alone place it next to suramar on the top. Its a really important lore city to the game. I love how you can hear Arthas and teranas in the throne room whispering the events of warcraft 3. And I love all the lore the undercity and lordaeron has got.
Zuldazar ends up lower in the list as well. All I see is just two giant pyramids but little city structure to speak off. It’s got allot of NPC’s though that makes it feel like a city still with people living their lives.
hmmm… Not gonna lie… I just do not care about thunderbluff xD there is just nothing intriguing or very interesting about this city.
Swap 1 and 9 and gg
Silvermoon can be actually good if they seriously rework it and upgrade it in midnight exp. The zone and location of the city is superb, but the city itself is nothing special.
No. Orgrimmar sucks. No amount of vanilla nostalgia can change that.
And besides that nit completely, the walls are just paper/ facade, do bit wallsjumping and see hiw unfinished it is.
Because Blizzard screws up and the cuty is very unfinished if you do a bit research.
Surama is the biggest city ingame, surpass WoD shattratt.
Surama is way bettwe, because uts full modelled aund silvermoon is unfinished, it hatd many emor areas where you can fall of the map.
Tbh, even OG is better in my opinion since it git with Cata a overhaul and more Hd texture while Silvermoon stuck in bc wuth its 2005 graphics
That is why we all wait for Midnight now