I’m pretty sure that Silvermoon was barely used by anyone because of the clunky navigation and no flight mode. Imo, one of the biggest waste of resources and time by Blizzard in the game to date.
That was back when they still made cities for races. It’s a shame Dracthyr and Pandaren got nothing.
Good rankings. Agreed.
Great list, I agree fully.
Only wish that Blizz could update Orgrimmar with each race having a corner to represent the diversity if the Horde.
It’s been 14 years since Cata, update the d*mn capitals!
Walkability is a hallmark of a good city. Silvermoon being spaghetti tunnel with no streets and intersections is not walk friendly at all.
A city is defined by solid buildings, walls, places of major attention, and a gathering where the leader sits. Thunder Bluff has none of these things.
Can’t go more solid than geological feature. (mesa)
Pff, walls shmolls
Like great elevators? Cable bridges?
Central mesa and The Elder Rise for other important figures.
Suramar would of course take first place if it was an actual Horde hub. Not only the city itself is stunning, the Nighborne achievement was the best questline I’ve ever done in this game. The race itself deserves way more love and attention as it was one of the greatest additions to the Horde roster.
As far as real Horde cities go, Undercity remains my favorite spot of all times. I find it super easy to navigate, with it’s geometric layout and simple design. The Forsaken culture is my favorite among the Horde races.
I am also up for a Gothic style city on top of Lordaeron if they go that route, something similar to Brill but on a large scale.
I think Orgrimmar is cool, the new design has the steel fortress vibe and I like it overall. It beats Stormwind on every aspect in my opinion. But then again, it’s two completely different concepts so perhaps a comparison would not be fair.
The rest are meh at best. Silvermoon used to be cool when it came out but it lacks in so many ways it never became a place where I’d like to spend more time than necessary.
Honorary mention to Zuldazar, as it has a unique and authentic design which I appreciate even though it was annoying to navigate in BFA. I think the Zandalari have so much potential with their rich culture and I loved all Zandalari themed stuff.
The rest don’t really impress me honestly.
Silvermoon revamp will be great I can feel it. We just have to be patient.
Silvermoon and Thunderbluff S tier
Og orgrimmar A tier.
So sad that Silvermoon is so unused.
I’m very curious yeah. I hope it’ll breathe some life again into AD’s belf rp scene, Silvermoon used to be so lively.
Personally id swap Silvermoon and Suramar, other than that i think thats a good list.
I thought about it alot but I think it fits. if Suramar wasn’t baptized in purple I would rank it at no 1.
Honestly its a close one, id even be fine with it being a tie.
In the end I stand by it because most cities are old and dated at this point. Blizzard stopped making hubs for new races like they did back in TBC.
And you call yourself the biggest horde fan.
Tauren suck and are merley a sidekick. The only reason Blizzard made them was to give the Orcs a reason to travel to Kalimdor. Ogres were much better support warriors.
We’re not affiliated with him. We don’t know this guy.
I am one of the only folks in the story forum actually supporting the Horde.
No you’re not, Mr Horde Bias.